CCesiumGltfReader::AccessorReader | Reads Accessor instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AccessorSparseIndicesReader | Reads AccessorSparseIndices instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AccessorSparseReader | Reads AccessorSparse instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AccessorSparseValuesReader | Reads AccessorSparseValues instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes | Contains types that may optionally be used with AccessorView for various Accessor::componentType values |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorView< T > | A view on the data of one accessor of a glTF asset |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorView< ElementType > | |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorWriter< T > | Provides write access to an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltf::Material::AlphaMode | Known values for The alpha rendering mode of the material |
CCesiumGltfReader::AnimationChannelReader | Reads AnimationChannel instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AnimationChannelTargetReader | Reads AnimationChannelTarget instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AnimationReader | Reads Animation instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AnimationSamplerReader | Reads AnimationSampler instances from JSON |
CCesiumIonClient::ApplicationData | Data retrieved from the Cesium ion server via an "appData" request from Cesium ion. This actually represents information about the server itself |
CCesium3DTiles::PropertyTableProperty::ArrayOffsetType | Known values for The type of values in arrayOffsets |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTableProperty::ArrayOffsetType | Known values for The type of values in arrayOffsets |
CCesiumIonClient::Asset | A Cesium ion Asset, such as a 3D Tiles tileset or an imagery layer |
CCesium3DTilesContent::AssetFetcher | |
CCesium3DTilesContent::AssetFetcherResult | The result of an AssetFetcher::get call |
CCesium3DTilesReader::AssetReader | Reads Asset instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::AssetReader | Reads Asset instances from JSON |
CCesiumIonClient::Assets | A page of assets obtained from the Cesium ion v1/assets endpoint, including a link to obtain the next page, if one exists |
CCesiumAsync::AsyncSystem | A system for managing asynchronous requests and tasks |
CCesiumUtility::AttributeCompression | Functions to handle compressed attributes in different formats |
CCesiumGeometry::AvailabilityAccessor | Accessor for use with AvailabilityView in order to safely obtain the contents of the view |
CCesiumGeometry::AvailabilityNode | Availability nodes wrap AvailabilitySubtree objects and link them together to form a downwardly traversable availability tree |
CCesium3DTilesReader::AvailabilityReader | Reads Availability instances from JSON |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::AvailabilityRectangleReader | Reads AvailabilityRectangle instances from JSON |
CCesiumGeometry::AvailabilitySubtree | The subtree data for an AvailabilityNode, containing information on tile, content, and subtree availability |
CCesiumGeometry::AvailabilityTree | A downwardly-traversable tree of AvailabilityNode objects |
CCesiumGeometry::AxisAlignedBox | An Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), where the axes of the box are aligned with the axes of the coordinate system |
CCesium3DTilesContent::B3dmToGltfConverter | Converts a b3dm (Batched 3D Model) file to a glTF |
CCesium3DTilesContent::BinaryToGltfConverter | Converts a binary glTF model (glb) to a CesiumGltf::Model |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::BingMapsStyle | Styles of Bing Maps overlays |
CCesiumGeometry::BoundingCylinderRegion | A bounding volume defined as a region following the surface of a cylinder between two radius values. Used for creating bounding volumes from 3DTILES_bounding_volume_cylinder |
CCesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion | A bounding volume specified as a longitude/latitude bounding box and a minimum and maximum height |
CCesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegionBuilder | Helper class for creating a BoundingRegion or GlobeRectangle from a set of points |
CCesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegionWithLooseFittingHeights | A BoundingRegion whose heights might be very inaccurate and so distances should be estimated conservatively for level-of-detail computations |
CCesiumGeometry::BoundingSphere | A bounding sphere with a center and a radius |
CCesium3DTilesReader::BoundingVolumeReader | Reads BoundingVolume instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::BoxReader | Reads Box instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTiles::BufferCesium | Holds Buffer properties that are specific to the 3D Tiles loader rather than part of the 3D Tiles spec |
CCesiumGltf::BufferCesium | Holds Buffer properties that are specific to the glTF loader rather than part of the glTF spec |
CCesium3DTilesReader::BufferReader | Reads Buffer instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::BufferReader | Reads Buffer instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::BufferViewReader | Reads BufferView instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::BufferViewReader | Reads BufferView instances from JSON |
CCesiumAsync::CacheItem | Cache item retrieved from the cache database |
CCesiumAsync::CacheRequest | Cache request retrieved from the cache database |
CCesiumAsync::CacheResponse | Cache response retrieved from the cache database |
CCesiumGltfReader::CameraOrthographicReader | Reads CameraOrthographic instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::CameraPerspectiveReader | Reads CameraPerspective instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::CameraReader | Reads Camera instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< T > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized |
CCesiumGltfReader::CapsuleReader | Reads Capsule instances from JSON |
CCesiumGeospatial::Cartographic | A position defined by longitude, latitude, and height |
CCesiumGeospatial::CartographicPolygon | A 2D polygon expressed as a list of longitude/latitude coordinates in radians |
CCesiumAsync::CaseInsensitiveCompare | A case-insensitive less-then string comparison |
CCesium3DTilesReader::ClassPropertyReader | Reads ClassProperty instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ClassPropertyReader | Reads ClassProperty instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::ClassReader | Reads Class instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ClassReader | Reads Class instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::ClassStatisticsReader | Reads ClassStatistics instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesContent::CmptToGltfConverter | Converts a cmpt (Composite) file into a glTF model |
CCesium3DTiles::ClassProperty::ComponentType | Known values for The datatype of the element's components. Required for SCALAR , VECN , and MATN types, and disallowed for other types |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorSparseIndices::ComponentType | Known values for The indices data type |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorSpec::ComponentType | Known values for The datatype of the accessor's components |
CCesiumGltf::ClassProperty::ComponentType | Known values for The datatype of the element's components. Only applicable to SCALAR , VECN , and MATN types |
CCesiumIonClient::Connection | A connection to Cesium ion that can be used to interact with it via its REST API |
CCesium3DTiles::Availability::Constant | Known values for Integer indicating whether all of the elements are available (1) or all are unavailable (0) |
CCesiumGeometry::ConstantAvailability | An availability value that is a constant boolean value |
CCesium3DTilesReader::ContentReader | Reads Content instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::CountFromAccessor | Visitor that retrieves the count of elements in the given accessor type as an int64_t |
CCesiumUtility::Credit | Represents an HTML string that should be shown on screen to attribute third parties for used data, imagery, etc. Acts as a handle into a CreditSystem object that actually holds the credit string |
CCesiumUtility::CreditSystem | Creates and manages Credit objects. Avoids repetitions and tracks which credits should be shown and which credits should be removed this frame |
CCesiumGeometry::CullingVolume | A culling volume, defined by four planes |
CCesiumGltfReader::CylinderReader | Reads Cylinder instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::DebugTileStateDatabase | Helps debug the tile selection algorithm by recording the state of tiles each frame to a SQLite database |
CCesiumIonClient::DefaultAssets | The default assets |
CCesiumIonClient::Defaults | The data returned by Cesium ion's v1/defaults service. It includes information about default imagery, terrain and building assets along with quick add assets that can be useful to use within other applications |
CCesiumAsync::DeleteSqliteConnection | A deleter that can be used with std::unique_ptr to properly destroy a SQLite connection when it is no longer needed |
CCesiumAsync::DeleteSqliteStatement | A deleter that can be used with std::unique_ptr to properly destroy a SQLite prepared statement when it is no longer needed |
CCesiumUtility::DoublyLinkedListAdvanced< T, TPointerBase, Pointers > | A doubly-linked list |
CCesiumUtility::DoublyLinkedListAdvanced< AssetEntry, &AssetEntry::deletionListPointers > | |
CCesiumUtility::DoublyLinkedListAdvanced< Tile, &Tile::_loadedTilesLinks > | |
CCesiumUtility::DoublyLinkedListPointers< T > | Contains the previous and next pointers for an element in a DoublyLinkedList |
CCesiumUtility::DoublyLinkedListPointers< AssetEntry > | |
CCesiumUtility::DoublyLinkedListPointers< Cesium3DTilesSelection::Tile > | |
CCesiumGeospatial::EarthGravitationalModel1996Grid | Loads and queries heights from an Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96) grid |
CCesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid | A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates |
CCesiumGeospatial::EllipsoidTangentPlane | A plane tangent to an Ellipsoid at a certain origin position |
CCesium3DTilesReader::EnumReader | Reads Enum instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::EnumReader | Reads Enum instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::EnumValueReader | Reads EnumValue instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::EnumValueReader | Reads EnumValue instances from JSON |
CCesiumUtility::ErrorList | The container to store the error and warning list when loading a tile or glTF content |
►CCesiumUtility::ExtensibleObject | The base class for objects that have extensions and extras |
►CCesiumUtility::SharedAsset< ImageAsset > | |
CCesiumGltf::ImageAsset | A 2D image asset, including its pixel data. The image may have mipmaps, and it may be encoded in a GPU compression format |
►CCesiumUtility::SharedAsset< Schema > | |
CCesiumGltf::Schema | An object defining classes and enums |
CCesiumUtility::SharedAsset< LoadedQuadtreeImage > | |
CCesium3DTiles::Asset | Metadata about the entire tileset |
CCesium3DTiles::Availability | An object describing the availability of a set of elements |
CCesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume | A bounding volume that encloses a tile or its content. At least one bounding volume property is required. Bounding volumes include box , region , or sphere |
►CCesium3DTiles::BufferSpec | A buffer is a binary blob. It is either the binary chunk of the subtree file, or an external buffer referenced by a URI |
CCesium3DTiles::Buffer | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Buffer instead. |
CCesium3DTiles::BufferView | A contiguous subset of a buffer |
CCesium3DTiles::Class | A class containing a set of properties |
CCesium3DTiles::ClassProperty | A single property of a metadata class |
CCesium3DTiles::ClassStatistics | Statistics about entities that conform to a class that was defined in a metadata schema |
CCesium3DTiles::Content | Metadata about the tile's content and a link to the content |
CCesium3DTiles::Enum | An object defining the values of an enum |
CCesium3DTiles::EnumValue | An enum value |
CCesium3DTiles::Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeCylinder | 3D Tiles extension for cylinder region bounding volumes |
CCesium3DTiles::Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeS2 | 3D Tiles extension for S2 bounding volumes |
CCesium3DTiles::Extension3dTilesEllipsoid | 3DTILES_ellipsoid extension data to define the referenced ellipsoid |
CCesium3DTiles::ExtensionContent3dTilesContentVoxels | Voxel content type |
CCesium3DTiles::ImplicitTiling | This object allows a tile to be implicitly subdivided. Tile and content availability and metadata is stored in subtrees which are referenced externally |
►CCesium3DTiles::MetadataEntity | An object containing a reference to a class from a metadata schema, and property values that conform to the properties of that class |
CCesium3DTiles::GroupMetadata | An object containing metadata about a group |
CCesium3DTiles::Padding | The padding property specifies how many rows of attribute data in each dimension come from neighboring grids |
CCesium3DTiles::Properties | A dictionary object of metadata about per-feature properties |
CCesium3DTiles::PropertyStatistics | Statistics about property values |
CCesium3DTiles::PropertyTable | Properties conforming to a class, organized as property values stored in binary columnar arrays |
CCesium3DTiles::PropertyTableProperty | An array of binary property values. This represents one column of a property table, and contains one value of a certain property for each metadata entity |
CCesium3DTiles::Schema | An object defining classes and enums |
CCesium3DTiles::Statistics | Statistics about entities |
CCesium3DTiles::Subtree | An object describing the availability of tiles and content in a subtree, as well as availability of children subtrees. May also store metadata for available tiles and content |
CCesium3DTiles::Subtrees | An object describing the location of subtree files |
CCesium3DTiles::Tile | A tile in a 3D Tiles tileset |
►CCesium3DTiles::TilesetSpec | A 3D Tiles tileset |
CCesium3DTiles::Tileset | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Tileset instead. |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorSparse | Sparse storage of accessor values that deviate from their initialization value |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorSparseIndices | An object pointing to a buffer view containing the indices of deviating accessor values. The number of indices is equal to accessor.sparse.count . Indices MUST strictly increase |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorSparseValues | An object pointing to a buffer view containing the deviating accessor values. The number of elements is equal to accessor.sparse.count times number of components. The elements have the same component type as the base accessor. The elements are tightly packed. Data MUST be aligned following the same rules as the base accessor |
CCesiumGltf::AnimationChannel | An animation channel combines an animation sampler with a target property being animated |
CCesiumGltf::AnimationChannelTarget | The descriptor of the animated property |
CCesiumGltf::AnimationSampler | An animation sampler combines timestamps with a sequence of output values and defines an interpolation algorithm |
CCesiumGltf::Asset | Metadata about the glTF asset |
CCesiumGltf::Box | Parameters describing a box shape |
CCesiumGltf::CameraOrthographic | An orthographic camera containing properties to create an orthographic projection matrix |
CCesiumGltf::CameraPerspective | A perspective camera containing properties to create a perspective projection matrix |
CCesiumGltf::Capsule | Parameters describing a capsule shape |
CCesiumGltf::Class | A class containing a set of properties |
CCesiumGltf::ClassProperty | A class property |
CCesiumGltf::Cylinder | Parameters describing a cylinder shape |
►CCesiumGltf::EnumSpec | An object defining the values of an enum |
CCesiumGltf::Enum | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Enum instead. |
CCesiumGltf::EnumValue | An enum value |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionBufferExtMeshoptCompression | Compressed data for bufferView |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionBufferViewExtMeshoptCompression | Compressed data for bufferView |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionCesiumPrimitiveOutline | GlTF extension for indicating that some edges of a primitive's triangles should be outlined |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionCesiumRTC | GlTF CESIUM_RTC extension |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionCesiumTileEdges | CESIUM_tile_edges extension for a primitive in a glTF model |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtImplicitCylinderRegion | Extension of KHR_implicit_shapes.shape to represent an implicit cylinder region in a glTF model |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtImplicitEllipsoidRegion | Extension of KHR_implicit_shapes.shape to represent an implicit ellipsoid region in a glTF model |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtInstanceFeatures | An object describing per-instance feature IDs |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtInstanceFeaturesFeatureId | Feature IDs stored in a GPU mesh instancing attribute |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtMeshFeatures | An object describing feature IDs for a mesh primitive |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtMeshGpuInstancing | GlTF extension defines instance attributes for a node with a mesh |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtPrimitiveVoxels | EXT_primitive_voxels extension for a primitive in a glTF model to indicate voxel-based volumetric data |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionExtStructuralMetadata | Structural metadata about a glTF element |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionKhrDracoMeshCompression | KHR_draco_mesh_compression glTF Mesh Primitive Extension |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionKhrImplicitShapes | Top level implicit shapes |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionKhrMaterialsUnlit | GlTF extension that defines the unlit material model |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionKhrTextureBasisu | GlTF extension to specify textures using the KTX v2 images with Basis Universal supercompression |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionKhrTextureTransform | GlTF extension that enables shifting and scaling UV coordinates on a per-texture basis |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionMeshPrimitiveExtStructuralMetadata | Structural metadata about a glTF primitive |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariants | KHR_materials_variants glTF Mesh Primitive Extension |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariantsMappingsValue | ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariants Mappings Value |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionModelExtStructuralMetadata | GlTF extension that provides structural metadata about vertices, texels, and features in a glTF asset |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionModelKhrMaterialsVariants | GlTF extension that defines a material variations for mesh primitives |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionModelMaxarMeshVariants | GlTF extension that defines mesh variants for nodes |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariants | MAXAR_mesh_variants node extension |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariantsMappingsValue | ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariants Mappings Value |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionTextureWebp | GlTF extension to specify textures using the WebP image format |
CCesiumGltf::FeatureId | Feature IDs stored in an attribute or texture |
CCesiumGltf::MaterialPBRMetallicRoughness | A set of parameter values that are used to define the metallic-roughness material model from Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) methodology |
CCesiumGltf::MeshPrimitive | Geometry to be rendered with the given material |
►CCesiumGltf::ModelSpec | The root object for a glTF asset |
CCesiumGltf::Model | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Model instead. |
►CCesiumGltf::NamedObject | The base class for objects in a glTF that have a name |
►CCesiumGltf::AccessorSpec | A typed view into a buffer view that contains raw binary data |
CCesiumGltf::Accessor | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Accessor instead. |
CCesiumGltf::Animation | A keyframe animation |
►CCesiumGltf::BufferSpec | A buffer points to binary geometry, animation, or skins |
CCesiumGltf::Buffer | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Buffer instead. |
CCesiumGltf::BufferView | A view into a buffer generally representing a subset of the buffer |
CCesiumGltf::Camera | A camera's projection. A node MAY reference a camera to apply a transform to place the camera in the scene |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionModelKhrMaterialsVariantsValue | An object defining a valid material variant |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionModelMaxarMeshVariantsValue | An object defining a valid mesh variant |
►CCesiumGltf::ImageSpec | Image data used to create a texture. Image MAY be referenced by an URI (or IRI) or a buffer view index |
CCesiumGltf::Image | This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Image instead. |
CCesiumGltf::Material | The material appearance of a primitive |
CCesiumGltf::Mesh | A set of primitives to be rendered. Its global transform is defined by a node that references it |
CCesiumGltf::Node | A node in the node hierarchy. When the node contains skin , all mesh.primitives MUST contain JOINTS_0 and WEIGHTS_0 attributes. A node MAY have either a matrix or any combination of translation /rotation /scale (TRS) properties. TRS properties are converted to matrices and postmultiplied in the T * R * S order to compose the transformation matrix; first the scale is applied to the vertices, then the rotation, and then the translation. If none are provided, the transform is the identity. When a node is targeted for animation (referenced by an, matrix MUST NOT be present |
CCesiumGltf::Sampler | Texture sampler properties for filtering and wrapping modes |
CCesiumGltf::Scene | The root nodes of a scene |
CCesiumGltf::Shape | Parameters describing an implicit shape |
CCesiumGltf::Skin | Joints and matrices defining a skin |
CCesiumGltf::Texture | A texture and its sampler |
CCesiumGltf::Padding | The padding around a voxel grid. Specifies how many rows of attribute data come from neighboring grids in each dimension |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttribute | Properties conforming to a class, organized as property values stored in attributes |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttributeProperty | An attribute containing property values |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTable | Properties conforming to a class, organized as property values stored in binary columnar arrays |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTableProperty | An array of binary property values |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexture | Properties conforming to a class, organized as property values stored in textures |
CCesiumGltf::Sphere | Parameters describing a sphere shape |
►CCesiumGltf::TextureInfo | Reference to a texture |
CCesiumGltf::FeatureIdTexture | A texture containing feature IDs |
CCesiumGltf::MaterialNormalTextureInfo | Material Normal Texture Info |
CCesiumGltf::MaterialOcclusionTextureInfo | Material Occlusion Texture Info |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTextureProperty | A texture containing property values |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::AvailabilityRectangle | A rectangle of tile availability |
►CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::LayerSpec | A quantized-mesh terrain layer.json |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::Layer | A quantized-mesh terrain layer.json |
CCesiumUtility::SharedAsset< T > | An asset that is potentially shared between multiple objects, such as an image shared between multiple glTF models. This is intended to be the base class for such assets |
CCesium3DTilesReader::Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeCylinderReader | Reads Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeCylinder instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeS2Reader | Reads Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeS2 instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::Extension3dTilesEllipsoidReader | Reads Extension3dTilesEllipsoid instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionBufferExtMeshoptCompressionReader | Reads ExtensionBufferExtMeshoptCompression instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionBufferViewExtMeshoptCompressionReader | Reads ExtensionBufferViewExtMeshoptCompression instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionCesiumPrimitiveOutlineReader | Reads ExtensionCesiumPrimitiveOutline instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionCesiumRTCReader | Reads ExtensionCesiumRTC instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionCesiumTileEdgesReader | Reads ExtensionCesiumTileEdges instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::ExtensionContent3dTilesContentVoxelsReader | Reads ExtensionContent3dTilesContentVoxels instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtImplicitCylinderRegionReader | Reads ExtensionExtImplicitCylinderRegion instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtImplicitEllipsoidRegionReader | Reads ExtensionExtImplicitEllipsoidRegion instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtInstanceFeaturesFeatureIdReader | Reads ExtensionExtInstanceFeaturesFeatureId instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtInstanceFeaturesReader | Reads ExtensionExtInstanceFeatures instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtMeshFeaturesReader | Reads ExtensionExtMeshFeatures instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtMeshGpuInstancingReader | Reads ExtensionExtMeshGpuInstancing instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtPrimitiveVoxelsReader | Reads ExtensionExtPrimitiveVoxels instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionExtStructuralMetadataReader | Reads ExtensionExtStructuralMetadata instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionKhrDracoMeshCompressionReader | Reads ExtensionKhrDracoMeshCompression instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionKhrImplicitShapesReader | Reads ExtensionKhrImplicitShapes instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionKhrMaterialsUnlitReader | Reads ExtensionKhrMaterialsUnlit instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionKhrTextureBasisuReader | Reads ExtensionKhrTextureBasisu instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionKhrTextureTransformReader | Reads ExtensionKhrTextureTransform instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionMeshPrimitiveExtStructuralMetadataReader | Reads ExtensionMeshPrimitiveExtStructuralMetadata instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariantsMappingsValueReader | Reads ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariantsMappingsValue instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariantsReader | Reads ExtensionMeshPrimitiveKhrMaterialsVariants instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionModelExtStructuralMetadataReader | Reads ExtensionModelExtStructuralMetadata instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionModelKhrMaterialsVariantsReader | Reads ExtensionModelKhrMaterialsVariants instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionModelKhrMaterialsVariantsValueReader | Reads ExtensionModelKhrMaterialsVariantsValue instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionModelMaxarMeshVariantsReader | Reads ExtensionModelMaxarMeshVariants instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionModelMaxarMeshVariantsValueReader | Reads ExtensionModelMaxarMeshVariantsValue instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariantsMappingsValueReader | Reads ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariantsMappingsValue instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariantsReader | Reads ExtensionNodeMaxarMeshVariants instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ExtensionTextureWebpReader | Reads ExtensionTextureWebp instances from JSON |
CCesiumJsonWriter::ExtensionWriterContext | A context for writing extensions where known extensions and their handlers can be registered |
►Cstd::false_type | |
►CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< T > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< PropertyArrayView< T > > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< glm::mat< n, n, T, P > > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< glm::vec< n, T, P > > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataBoolean< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a boolean property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataBooleanArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of booleans property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataFloating< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a floating-point property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataMatN< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a matN type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataNumericArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of numeric elements property type. |
►CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataMatN< glm::mat< n, n, T, P > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a matN type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataVecN< glm::vec< n, T, P > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a vecN type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataString< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a string property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataStringArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of strings property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataVecN< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a vecN type. |
CCesiumGltf::FeatureIdFromAccessor | |
CCesiumGltfReader::FeatureIdReader | Reads FeatureId instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::FeatureIdTextureReader | Reads FeatureIdTexture instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionBufferViewExtMeshoptCompression::Filter | Known values for The compression filter |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::FogDensityAtHeight | Defines the fog density at a certain height |
CCesium3DTiles::FoundMetadataProperty | Holds the details of a found property in a MetadataEntity |
CCesiumAsync::Future< T > | A value that will be available in the future, as produced by AsyncSystem |
CCesiumIonClient::GeocoderAttribution | Attribution information for a query to a geocoder service |
CCesiumIonClient::GeocoderFeature | A single feature (a location or region) obtained from a geocoder service |
CCesiumIonClient::GeocoderResult | The result of making a request to a geocoder service |
CCesiumGeospatial::GeographicProjection | A map projection where longitude and latitude are mapped using an Ellipsoid |
CCesiumGeospatial::GlobeAnchor | Anchors an object to the globe by defining a transformation from the object's coordinate to the globe-fixed coordinate system (usually Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Coordinates (ECEF)) |
CCesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle | A two-dimensional, rectangular region on a globe, specified using longitude and latitude coordinates. The region is rectangular in terms of longitude-latitude coordinates, but may be far from rectangular on the actual globe surface |
CCesiumGeospatial::GlobeTransforms | Transforms between globe-related coordinate systems |
CCesium3DTilesContent::GltfConverterResult | The result of converting a binary content to gltf model |
CCesium3DTilesContent::GltfConverters | Creates GltfConverterResult objects from a a binary content |
CCesiumGltfReader::GltfReader | Reads glTF models and images |
CCesiumGltfReader::GltfReaderOptions | Options for how to read a glTF |
CCesiumGltfReader::GltfReaderResult | The result of reading a glTF model with GltfReader::readGltf |
CCesiumGltfContent::GltfUtilities | |
CCesiumGltfWriter::GltfWriter | Writes glTF |
CCesiumGltfWriter::GltfWriterOptions | Options for how to write a glTF |
CCesiumGltfWriter::GltfWriterResult | The result of writing a glTF with GltfWriter::writeGltf or GltfWriter::writeGlb |
CCesium3DTilesReader::GroupMetadataReader | Reads GroupMetadata instances from JSON |
CCesiumUtility::Hash | Contains functions for working with hashes |
Cstd::hash< CesiumAsync::NetworkAssetDescriptor > | Hash implementation for CesiumAsync::NetworkAssetDescriptor |
Cstd::hash< CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID > | A hash function for CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID objects |
Cstd::hash< CesiumGltfReader::NetworkImageAssetDescriptor > | Hash implementation for CesiumGltfReader::NetworkImageAssetDescriptor |
Cstd::hash< CesiumGltfReader::NetworkSchemaAssetDescriptor > | Hash implementation for CesiumGltfReader::NetworkSchemaAssetDescriptor |
CCesium3DTilesContent::I3dmToGltfConverter | Converts an i3dm (Instanced 3D Model) file to a glTF model |
►CCesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor | Provides asynchronous access to assets, usually files downloaded via HTTP |
CCesiumAsync::CachingAssetAccessor | A decorator for an IAssetAccessor that caches requests and responses in an ICacheDatabase |
CCesiumAsync::GunzipAssetAccessor | A decorator for an IAssetAccessor that automatically unzips gzipped asset responses from the underlying Asset Accessor |
CCesiumAsync::IAssetRequest | An asynchronous request for an asset, usually a file downloaded via HTTP |
CCesiumAsync::IAssetResponse | A completed response for a 3D Tiles asset |
►CCesiumAsync::ICacheDatabase | Provides database storage interface to cache completed request |
CCesiumAsync::SqliteCache | Cache storage using SQLITE to store completed response |
►CCesiumUtility::IDepotOwningAsset< TAssetType > | An interface representing the depot that owns a SharedAsset . This interface is an implementation detail of the shared asset system and should not be used directly |
CCesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot< TAssetType, TAssetKey > | A depot for CesiumUtility::SharedAsset instances, which are potentially shared between multiple objects |
CCesiumUtility::IDepotOwningAsset< ImageAsset > | |
►CCesiumUtility::IDepotOwningAsset< LoadedQuadtreeImage > | |
CCesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot< LoadedQuadtreeImage, CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID > | |
CCesiumUtility::IDepotOwningAsset< Schema > | |
CCesiumUtility::IDepotOwningAsset< T > | |
CCesiumJsonReader::IExtensionJsonHandler | An interface for JSON handlers that handle extensions on ExtensibleObject types |
►CCesiumJsonReader::IJsonHandler | Base interface for all JSON handlers. Types that need to be deserialized from JSON should implement IJsonHandler or a class that derives from it. As the JSON is parsed, the corresponding read... method to the token that was parsed will be called. These methods can return themselves or a different handler to handle the value |
CCesiumJsonReader::IgnoreValueJsonHandler | IJsonHandler that does nothing but ignore the next value |
►CCesiumJsonReader::JsonHandler | A dummy implementation of IJsonHandler that will report a warning and return its parent when any of its read... methods are called |
CCesiumJsonReader::ArrayJsonHandler< T, THandler > | IJsonHandler for reading a JSON array into an std::vector |
CCesiumJsonReader::ArrayJsonHandler< T, IntegerJsonHandler< T > > | Special case of ArrayJsonHandler for handling arrays of integer values. Attempting to read other values will cause a warning |
CCesiumJsonReader::ArrayJsonHandler< double, DoubleJsonHandler > | Special case of ArrayJsonHandler for handling arrays of double values. This will read every scalar value as a double, regardless of whether it's floating point or not. Attempting to read other values will cause a warning |
CCesiumJsonReader::ArrayJsonHandler< std::string, StringJsonHandler > | Special case of ArrayJsonHandler for reading arrays of string values. Attempting to read other values will cause a warning |
CCesiumJsonReader::ArrayJsonHandler< std::vector< T >, ArrayJsonHandler< T, THandler > > | Special case of ArrayJsonHandler for reading arrays of arrays. Attempting to read other values will cause a warning |
CCesiumJsonReader::BoolJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for reading bool values |
CCesiumJsonReader::DoubleJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for reading double values |
CCesiumJsonReader::IntegerJsonHandler< T > | IJsonHandler for reading integer values |
CCesiumJsonReader::JsonObjectJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for arbitrary CesiumUtility::JsonValue JsonValue objects |
►CCesiumJsonReader::ObjectJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for handling JSON objects |
CCesiumJsonReader::DictionaryJsonHandler< CesiumUtility::JsonValue, CesiumJsonReader::JsonObjectJsonHandler > | |
CCesiumJsonReader::DictionaryJsonHandler< T, THandler > | Reads the keys and values of a JSON object into a std::map<std::string, T> or an std::unordered_map<std::string, T> |
►CCesiumJsonReader::ExtensibleObjectJsonHandler | An IJsonHandler for reading ExtensibleObject types |
CCesiumJsonReader::SharedAssetJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for SharedAsset values |
CCesiumJsonReader::ExtensionsJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for reading extensions, such as those listed in an ExtensibleObject |
CCesiumJsonReader::StringJsonHandler | IJsonHandler for reading string values |
CCesiumGltf::ImageAssetMipPosition | The byte range within a buffer where this mip exists |
CCesiumGltfReader::ImageDecoder | Contains methods for reading and manipulating images |
CCesiumGltfContent::ImageManipulation | A collection of utility functions for image manipulation operations |
CCesiumGltfReader::ImageReader | Reads Image instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::ImageReaderResult | The result of reading an image with ImageDecoder::readImage |
CCesium3DTilesReader::ImplicitTilingReader | Reads ImplicitTiling instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesContent::ImplicitTilingUtilities | Helper functions for working with 3D Tiles implicit tiling |
CCesiumGltf::IndexFromAccessor | |
CCesiumGltf::IndicesForFaceFromAccessor | |
CCesiumGltf::InstanceAttributeSemantics | The standard glTF instance attribute semantics from EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing plus additional instance attribute semantics from extensions |
CCesiumGeometry::InterpolatedVertex | A structure describing a vertex that results from interpolating two other vertices |
CCesiumGltf::AnimationSampler::Interpolation | Known values for Interpolation algorithm |
CCesiumGeometry::IntersectionTests | Functions for computing the intersection between geometries such as rays, planes, triangles, and ellipsoids |
CCesiumGltfContent::GltfUtilities::IntersectResult | Hit result data for intersectRayGltfModel |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< T > | A smart pointer that calls addReference and releaseReference on the controlled object |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< AssetEntry > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetSharedAssetSystem > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot< LoadedQuadtreeImage, CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID > > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot< TAssetType, TAssetKey > > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumGltf::ImageAsset > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumGltf::Schema > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumGltfReader::GltfSharedAssetSystem > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlay > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayTile > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayTileProvider > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< const CesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< const CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterizedPolygonsOverlay > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< ImageDepot > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< OverlayList > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< SchemaDepot > | |
CCesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< TilesetContentManager > | |
►CCesiumRasterOverlays::IPrepareRasterOverlayRendererResources | An interface between Cesium Native and the application using it, allowing Cesium Native to pass loaded raster overlay data to the implementing application in order for the application to prepare it to be used in its renderer of choice. This could involve creating a texture asset, uploading the texture data to the GPU, or any other similar tasks required |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::IPrepareRendererResources | When implemented for a rendering engine, allows renderer resources to be created and destroyed under the control of a Tileset |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataBoolean< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a boolean property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataBooleanArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of booleans property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataFloating< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a floating-point property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataMatN< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a matN type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataNumeric< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a numeric property, i.e. a scalar / vecN / matN type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataNumeric< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a numeric property, i.e. a scalar / vecN / matN type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataNumericArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of numeric elements property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataNumericArray< PropertyArrayCopy< T > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of numeric elements property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataNumericArray< PropertyArrayView< T > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of numeric elements property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataString< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a string property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataStringArray< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of strings property type |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataVecN< T > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a vecN type |
CCesiumAsync::ITaskProcessor | When implemented by a rendering engine, allows tasks to be asynchronously executed in background threads |
CCesium3DTilesContent::OctreeChildren::iterator | An STL-compatible iterator over the children of an octree tile |
CCesium3DTilesContent::QuadtreeChildren::iterator | An STL-compatible iterator over the children of a quadtree tile |
►CCesium3DTilesSelection::ITileExcluder | An interface that allows tiles to be excluded from loading and rendering when provided in TilesetOptions::excluders |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::RasterizedPolygonsTileExcluder | When provided to TilesetOptions::excluders , uses the polygons owned by a CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterizedPolygonsOverlay to exclude tiles that are entirely inside any of the polygon from loading. This is useful when the polygons will be used for clipping |
►CCesium3DTilesSelection::ITilesetHeightSampler | An interface to query heights from a tileset that can do so efficiently without necessarily downloading individual tiles |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::EllipsoidTilesetLoader | A loader that will generate a tileset by tesselating the surface of an ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without any terrain features |
CCesiumUtility::JsonHelpers | A collection of helper functions to make reading JSON simpler |
CCesiumJsonReader::JsonReader | Reads JSON |
CCesiumJsonReader::JsonReaderOptions | Holds options for reading statically-typed data structures from JSON |
CCesiumUtility::JsonValue | A generic implementation of a value in a JSON structure |
►CCesiumJsonWriter::JsonWriter | Wrapper around rapidjson::Writer for writing objects to JSON |
CCesiumJsonWriter::PrettyJsonWriter | Implementation of JsonWriter that "pretty-prints" JSON to the output, formatted with new lines and indentation |
CCesiumGltf::KhrTextureTransform | A utility class that parses KHR_texture_transform parameters and transforms input texture coordinates |
CCesiumGltf::Ktx2TranscodeTargets | For each possible input transmission format, this struct names the ideal target gpu-compressed pixel format to transcode to |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::LayerReader | Reads Layer instances from JSON |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::LayerWriter | Writes layer.json |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::LayerWriterOptions | Options for how to write a layer.json |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::LayerWriterResult | The result of writing a layer.json with LayerWriter::write |
CCesiumIonClient::ListTokensOptions | Options to be passed to Connection::tokens |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::LoadedRasterOverlayImage | Summarizes the result of loading an image of a RasterOverlay |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::LoadTileImageFromUrlOptions | Options for RasterOverlayTileProvider::loadTileImageFromUrl |
CCesiumGeospatial::LocalHorizontalCoordinateSystem | A coordinate system created from a local horizontal plane at a particular origin point on the globe |
CCesiumGltf::Sampler::MagFilter | Known values for Magnification filter |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::MAT2< T > | A 2x2 matrix element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::MAT3< T > | A 3x3 matrix element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::MAT4< T > | A 4x4 matrix element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltfReader::MaterialNormalTextureInfoReader | Reads MaterialNormalTextureInfo instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::MaterialOcclusionTextureInfoReader | Reads MaterialOcclusionTextureInfo instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::MaterialPBRMetallicRoughnessReader | Reads MaterialPBRMetallicRoughness instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::MaterialReader | Reads Material instances from JSON |
CCesiumUtility::Math | Mathematical constants and functions |
CCesiumGltfReader::MeshPrimitiveReader | Reads MeshPrimitive instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::MeshReader | Reads Mesh instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataArrayType< T > | Retrieve the component type of a metadata array |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataArrayType< CesiumGltf::PropertyArrayCopy< T > > | Retrieve the component type of a metadata array. |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataArrayType< CesiumGltf::PropertyArrayView< T > > | Retrieve the component type of a metadata array. |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, Enable > | Default conversion between two types. No actual conversion is defined. This returns std::nullopt to indicate the conversion was not successful |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< bool, std::string > | Converts from std::string to a bool |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< bool, std::string_view > | Converts from std::string_view to a bool |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< bool, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from a scalar to a bool |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< double, bool > | Converts from a boolean to a double |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< double, float > | Converts from a float to a double |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< double, std::string > | Converts from std::string to a double |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< double, std::string_view > | Converts from std::string_view to a double |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< double, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from any integer type to a double |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< float, bool > | Converts from a boolean to a float |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< float, double > | Converts from a double to a float |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< float, std::string > | Converts from a std::string to a float |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< float, std::string_view > | Converts from a std::string_view to a float |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< float, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from an integer type to a float |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< std::string, bool > | Converts from a boolean to a string |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< std::string, std::string_view > | Converts from a std::string_view to a std::string |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< std::string, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< IsMetadataScalar< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from a scalar to a string |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< std::string, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< IsMetadataVecN< TFrom >::value||IsMetadataMatN< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from a glm::vecN or glm::matN to a string |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< T, T > | Trivially converts any type to itself |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, bool, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TTo >::value > > | Converts from a boolean to an integer type |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, bool, std::enable_if_t< IsMetadataMatN< TTo >::value > > | Converts from a boolean to a matN |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, bool, std::enable_if_t< IsMetadataVecN< TTo >::value > > | Converts from a boolean to a vecN |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, std::string, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TTo >::value &&!std::is_signed_v< TTo > > > | Converts from std::string to an unsigned integer |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, std::string, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TTo >::value &&std::is_signed_v< TTo > > > | Converts from std::string to a signed integer |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, std::string_view, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TTo >::value > > | Converts from std::string_view to an integer |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TTo >::value &&CesiumGltf::IsMetadataFloating< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from a floating-point type to an integer |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TTo >::value &&CesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< TFrom >::value &&!std::is_same_v< TTo, TFrom > > > | Converts from one integer type to another |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataMatN< TTo >::value &&CesiumGltf::IsMetadataMatN< TFrom >::value &&!std::is_same_v< TTo, TFrom > > > | Converts from a matN type to another matN type |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataMatN< TTo >::value &&CesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< TFrom >::value > > | |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataVecN< TTo >::value &&CesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< TFrom >::value > > | Converts from a scalar type to a vecN |
CCesiumGltf::MetadataConversions< TTo, TFrom, std::enable_if_t< CesiumGltf::IsMetadataVecN< TTo >::value &&CesiumGltf::IsMetadataVecN< TFrom >::value &&!std::is_same_v< TTo, TFrom > > > | Converts from a vecN type to another vecN type |
CCesium3DTilesReader::MetadataEntityReader | Reads MetadataEntity instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTiles::MetadataQuery | Convenience functions for querying MetadataEntity instances |
CCesiumGltf::ImageSpec::MimeType | Known values for The image's media type. This field MUST be defined when bufferView is defined |
CCesiumGltf::Sampler::MinFilter | Known values for Minification filter |
CCesiumGltf::ExtensionBufferViewExtMeshoptCompression::Mode | Known values for The compression mode |
CCesiumGltf::MeshPrimitive::Mode | Known values for The topology type of primitives to render |
CCesiumGltfReader::ModelReader | Reads Model instances from JSON |
►CCesiumAsync::NetworkAssetDescriptor | A description of an asset that can be loaded from the network using an IAssetAccessor . This includes a URL and any headers to be included in the request |
CCesiumGltfReader::NetworkImageAssetDescriptor | A description of an image asset that can be loaded from the network using an CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor . This includes a URL, any headers to be included in the request, and the set of supported GPU texture formats for KTX2 decoding |
CCesiumGltfReader::NetworkSchemaAssetDescriptor | A description of a schema asset that can be loaded from the network using an CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor . This includes a URL and any headers to be included in the request |
CCesiumGltfReader::NodeReader | Reads Node instances from JSON |
CCesiumIonClient::NoValue | A non-value, for use with a valueless Response |
CCesiumGeometry::OctreeAvailability | An availability tree for an octree, where availability can be stored and computed based on OctreeTileID |
CCesium3DTilesContent::OctreeChildren | A lightweight virtual container enumerating the octree IDs of the children of a given octree tile |
CCesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID | A structure serving as a unique identifier for a node in an octree |
CCesiumGeometry::OctreeTilingScheme | Defines how an AxisAlignedBox is divided into octree tiles |
CCesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox | A bounding volume defined as a closed and convex cuboid with any orientation |
CCesium3DTilesReader::PaddingReader | Reads Padding instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::PaddingReader | Reads Padding instances from JSON |
CCesiumAsync::CesiumImpl::ParameterizedTaskUnwrapper< R > | |
CCesiumGltf::AnimationChannelTarget::Path | Known values for The name of the node's TRS property to animate, or the "weights" of the Morph Targets it instantiates. For the "translation" property, the values that are provided by the sampler are the translation along the X, Y, and Z axes. For the "rotation" property, the values are a quaternion in the order (x, y, z, w), where w is the scalar. For the "scale" property, the values are the scaling factors along the X, Y, and Z axes |
CCesiumGltfContent::PixelRectangle | Specifies a rectangle of pixels in an image |
CCesiumGeometry::Plane | A plane in Hessian Normal Format |
CCesium3DTilesContent::PntsToGltfConverter | Converts a pnts (Point Cloud) file to a glTF model |
CCesiumIonClient::Profile | Contains of a Cesium ion user |
CCesiumIonClient::ProfileStorage | Information about the amount of storage available in a user's account |
CCesiumAsync::Promise< T > | A promise that can be resolved or rejected by an asynchronous task |
CCesiumAsync::Promise< void > | Specialization for promises that resolve to no value |
CCesium3DTilesReader::PropertiesReader | Reads Properties instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyArrayCopy< ElementType > | A copy of an array element of a PropertyTableProperty or PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyArrayView< ElementType > | A view on an array element of a PropertyTableProperty or PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyArrayView< bool > | A view on a bool array element of a PropertyTableProperty or PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyArrayView< std::string_view > | A view on a string array element of a PropertyTableProperty or PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltfReader::PropertyAttributePropertyReader | Reads PropertyAttributeProperty instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttributePropertyView< ElementType, Normalized > | A view of the data specified by a PropertyAttributeProperty |
CCesiumGltfReader::PropertyAttributeReader | Reads PropertyAttribute instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttributeView | A view on a PropertyAttribute |
CCesium3DTilesReader::PropertyStatisticsReader | Reads PropertyStatistics instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::PropertyTablePropertyReader | Reads PropertyTableProperty instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::PropertyTablePropertyReader | Reads PropertyTableProperty instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTablePropertyView< ElementType, Normalized > | A view on the data of the PropertyTableProperty that is created by a PropertyTableView |
CCesium3DTilesReader::PropertyTableReader | Reads PropertyTable instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::PropertyTableReader | Reads PropertyTable instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTableView | Utility to retrieve the data of PropertyTable |
CCesiumGltfReader::PropertyTexturePropertyReader | Reads PropertyTextureProperty instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexturePropertyView< ElementType, Normalized > | A view of the data specified by a PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltfReader::PropertyTextureReader | Reads PropertyTexture instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTextureView | A view on a PropertyTexture |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< ElementType, Normalized > | Represents a metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< bool > | Represents a boolean metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
►CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< ElementType, false > | Represents a non-normalized metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttributePropertyView< ElementType, false > | A view of the non-normalized data specified by a PropertyAttributeProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTablePropertyView< ElementType, false > | A view on the data of the PropertyTableProperty that is created by a PropertyTableView |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexturePropertyView< ElementType, false > | A view of the non-normalized data specified by a PropertyTextureProperty |
►CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< ElementType, true > | Represents a normalized metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttributePropertyView< ElementType, true > | A view of the normalized data specified by a PropertyAttributeProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTablePropertyView< ElementType, true > | A view on the normalized data of the PropertyTableProperty that is created by a PropertyTableView |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexturePropertyView< ElementType, true > | A view of the normalized data specified by a PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< PropertyArrayView< bool > > | Represents a boolean array metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< PropertyArrayView< ElementType >, false > | Represents a non-normalized array metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< PropertyArrayView< ElementType >, true > | Represents a normalized array metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< PropertyArrayView< std::string_view > > | Represents a string array metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyView< std::string_view > | Represents a string metadata property in EXT_structural_metadata |
►CCesiumGltf::PropertyViewStatus | Indicates the status of a property view |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyAttributePropertyViewStatus | Indicates the status of a property attribute property view |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTablePropertyViewStatus | Indicates the status of a property table property view |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexturePropertyViewStatus | Indicates the status of a property texture property view |
CCesiumGeometry::QuadtreeAvailability | An availability tree for a quadtree, where availability can be stored and computed based on QuadtreeTileID |
CCesium3DTilesContent::QuadtreeChildren | A lightweight virtual container enumerating the quadtree IDs of the children of a given quadtree tile |
CCesiumGeometry::QuadtreeRectangleAvailability | Manages information about the availability of tiles in a quadtree |
CCesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID | Uniquely identifies a node in a quadtree |
CCesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileRectangularRange | A rectangular range of tiles at a particular level of a quadtree |
CCesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTilingScheme | Defines how a rectangular region is divided into quadtree tiles |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::QuantizedMeshLoader | Loads quantized-mesh-1.0 terrain data |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::QuantizedMeshLoadResult | The results of a QuantizedMeshLoader::load operation, containing either the loaded model, an improved bounding region for the tile, and available quadtree tiles discovered, if the load succeeded - or the request made and the errors that were returned, if the load failed |
CCesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain::QuantizedMeshMetadataResult | The metadata of a Quantized Mesh tile, returned by QuantizedMeshLoader::loadMetadata |
CCesiumIonClient::QuickAddAsset | A quick add asset |
CCesiumIonClient::QuickAddRasterOverlay | A raster overlay available for use with a quick add asset |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::RasterMappedTo3DTile | The result of applying a CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayTile to geometry |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::RasterOverlayCollection | A collection of CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlay instances that are associated with a Tileset |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayDetails | Holds details of the Cesium3DTilesSelection::TileRenderContent that are useful for raster overlays |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayLoadFailureDetails | Details on a failure while attempting to load a raster overlay tile |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayOptions | Options for loading raster overlays |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayUtilities | A collection of utilities useful for operations involving raster overlay tiles |
CCesiumGeometry::Ray | A ray that extends infinitely from the provided origin in the provided direction |
CCesiumGltfContent::GltfUtilities::RayGltfHit | Data describing a hit from a ray / gltf intersection test |
CCesiumJsonReader::ReadJsonResult< T > | The result of JsonReader::readJson |
CCesiumGeometry::Rectangle | A 2D rectangle |
CCesium3DTiles::Tile::Refine | Known values for Specifies if additive or replacement refinement is used when traversing the tileset for rendering. This property is required for the root tile of a tileset; it is optional for all other tiles. The default is to inherit from the parent tile |
CCesiumIonClient::Response< T > | A response from Cesium ion |
CCesiumUtility::Result< T > | Holds the result of an operation. If the operation succeeds, it will provide a value. It may also provide errors and warnings |
CCesiumUtility::Result< CesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< T > > | Holds the result of an operation. If the operation succeeds, it will provide a value. It may also provide errors and warnings |
CCesiumGeospatial::S2CellBoundingVolume | |
CCesiumGeospatial::S2CellID | A 64-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a cell in the S2 cell decomposition |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::SampleHeightResult | The result of sampling heights with Tileset::sampleHeightMostDetailed |
CCesiumGltfReader::SamplerReader | Reads Sampler instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::SCALAR< T > | A scalar element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltfReader::SceneReader | Reads Scene instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::SchemaReader | Reads Schema instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::SchemaReader | Reads Schema instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::SchemaWriter | Writes schemas |
CCesiumGltfWriter::SchemaWriter | Writes schemas |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::SchemaWriterOptions | Options for how to write a schema |
CCesiumGltfWriter::SchemaWriterOptions | Options for how to write a schema |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::SchemaWriterResult | The result of writing a schema with SchemaWriter::writeSchema |
CCesiumGltfWriter::SchemaWriterResult | The result of writing a schema with SchemaWriter::writeSchema |
CCesiumUtility::ScopeGuard< ExitFunction > | A utility that will automatically call the lambda function when exiting a scope |
CCesiumGltfReader::ShapeReader | Reads Shape instances from JSON |
CCesiumAsync::SharedFuture< T > | A value that will be available in the future, as produced by AsyncSystem . Unlike Future , a SharedFuture allows multiple continuations to be attached, and allows SharedFuture::wait to be called multiple times |
CCesiumAsync::SharedFuture< void > | |
CCesiumGeospatial::SimplePlanarEllipsoidCurve | Produces points on an ellipse that lies on a plane that intersects the center of the earth and each of the input coordinates. The height above the surface at each point along the curve will be a linear interpolation between the source and destination heights |
CCesiumGltfReader::SkinReader | Reads Skin instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfContent::SkirtMeshMetadata | Metadata obtained from a glTF that describes the skirts present on the mesh |
CCesiumGltfReader::SphereReader | Reads Sphere instances from JSON |
CCesiumAsync::SqliteHelper | Helper functions for working with SQLite |
CCesium3DTilesReader::StatisticsReader | Reads Statistics instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltf::StatusFromAccessor | Visitor that retrieves the status from the given accessor. Returns an invalid status for a std::monostate (interpreted as a nonexistent accessor) |
CCesiumUtility::StringHelpers | Helper functions for working with strings |
CCesium3DTiles::PropertyTableProperty::StringOffsetType | Known values for The type of values in stringOffsets |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTableProperty::StringOffsetType | Known values for The type of values in stringOffsets |
CCesium3DTiles::ImplicitTiling::SubdivisionScheme | Known values for A string describing the subdivision scheme used within the tileset |
CCesium3DTilesContent::SubtreeAvailability | Supports querying and modifying the various types of availablity information included in a Cesium3DTiles::Subtree |
CCesiumGeometry::SubtreeBufferView | An availability value that needs to be obtained using an offset into a buffer |
CCesium3DTilesContent::SubtreeAvailability::SubtreeBufferViewAvailability | An AvailabilityView that accesses availability information from a bitstream |
CCesium3DTilesContent::SubtreeAvailability::SubtreeConstantAvailability | An AvailibilityView that indicates that either all tiles are available or all tiles are unavailable |
CCesium3DTilesReader::SubtreeFileReader | Reads 3D Tiles subtrees from a binary or JSON subtree file |
CCesium3DTilesReader::SubtreeReader | Reads Subtree instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesReader::SubtreesReader | Reads Subtrees instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::SubtreeWriter | Writes subtrees |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::SubtreeWriterOptions | Options for how to write a subtree |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::SubtreeWriterResult | The result of writing a subtree with SubtreeWriter::writeSubtree |
CCesiumGltf::SupportedGpuCompressedPixelFormats | Represents the status of support for all GpuCompressedPixelFormat s on a client platform |
CCesiumGltf::BufferView::Target | Known values for The hint representing the intended GPU buffer type to use with this buffer view |
CCesiumGltf::TexCoordFromAccessor | |
CCesiumGltfReader::TextureInfoReader | Reads TextureInfo instances from JSON |
CCesiumGltfReader::TextureReader | Reads Texture instances from JSON |
►CCesiumGltf::TextureView | A view into the texture data of a single texture from a Model |
CCesiumGltf::FeatureIdTextureView | A view on the image data of FeatureIdTexture |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexturePropertyView< ElementType, false > | A view of the non-normalized data specified by a PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltf::PropertyTexturePropertyView< ElementType, true > | A view of the normalized data specified by a PropertyTextureProperty |
CCesiumGltf::TextureViewOptions | Describes options for constructing a view on a glTF texture |
►CThreadIdHolder | |
►CCesiumUtility::ReferenceCounted< T, isThreadSafe > | A reference-counted base class, meant to be used with IntrusivePointer |
CCesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot< LoadedQuadtreeImage, CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID > | |
CCesiumAsync::SharedAssetDepot< TAssetType, TAssetKey > | A depot for CesiumUtility::SharedAsset instances, which are potentially shared between multiple objects |
►CCesiumGltfReader::GltfSharedAssetSystem | Contains assets that are potentially shared across multiple glTF models |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetSharedAssetSystem | Contains assets that are potentially shared across multiple Tilesets |
►CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlay | The base class for a rasterized image that can be draped over a Cesium3DTilesSelection::Tileset . The image may be very, very high resolution, so only small pieces of it are mapped to the Tileset at a time |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::BingMapsRasterOverlay | A RasterOverlay that uses Bing Maps as the source for the imagery data |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::DebugColorizeTilesRasterOverlay | A raster overlay that gives each tile to which it is attached a random color with 50% opacity. This is useful for debugging a tileset, to visualize how it is divided into tiles |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::IonRasterOverlay | A RasterOverlay that obtains imagery data from Cesium ion |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterizedPolygonsOverlay | A raster overlay made from rasterizing a set of CartographicPolygon objects. The resulting overlay is monochromatic - white where pixels are inside of the polygons, and black where they are not |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::TileMapServiceRasterOverlay | A RasterOverlay based on tile map service imagery |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::UrlTemplateRasterOverlay | A RasterOverlay accessing images from a templated URL |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::WebMapServiceRasterOverlay | A RasterOverlay accessing images from a Web Map Service (WMS) server |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::WebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay | A RasterOverlay accessing images from a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) server |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayTile | Raster image data for a tile in a quadtree |
►CCesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayTileProvider | Provides individual tiles for a RasterOverlay on demand |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::QuadtreeRasterOverlayTileProvider | A base class used for raster overlay providers that use a quadtree-based tiling scheme. This includes TileMapServiceRasterOverlay, BingMapsRasterOverlay, and WebMapServiceRasterOverlay |
CCesiumAsync::ThreadPool | A thread pool created by AsyncSystem::createThreadPool |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::Tile | A tile in a Tileset |
CCesium3DTilesContent::TileBoundingVolumes | Provides functions for extracting bounding volumes types from the vectors stored in Cesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileChildrenResult | Store the result of creating tile's children after invoking TilesetContentLoader::createTileChildren |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileContent | A tile content container that can store and query the content type that is currently being owned by the tile |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileEmptyContent | A content tag that indicates a tile has no content |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileExternalContent | A content tag that indicates a tile content points to an external tileset. When this tile is loaded, all the tiles in the external tileset will become children of this external content tile |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileIdUtilities | Utility functions related to TileID objects |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileLoadInput | Store the parameters that are needed to load a tile |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileLoadResult | Store the result of loading a tile content after invoking TilesetContentLoader::loadTileContent |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileLoadResultAndRenderResources | |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::TileMapServiceRasterOverlayOptions | Options for tile map service accesses |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileOcclusionRendererProxy | An interface for client renderers to use to represent tile bounding volumes that should be occlusion tested |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileOcclusionRendererProxyPool | A pool of TileOcclusionRendererProxy objects. Allows quick remapping of tiles to occlusion renderer proxies so new proxies do not have to be created for each new tile requesting occlusion results |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::TileProviderAndTile | Holds a tile and its corresponding tile provider. Used as the return value of RasterOverlayTileProvider::loadTile |
CCesium3DTilesReader::TileReader | Reads Tile instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileRenderContent | A content tag that indicates a tile has a glTF model content and render resources for the model |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileSelectionState | A description of the state of a Tile during the rendering process |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::Tileset | A 3D Tiles tileset, used for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets |
►CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentLoader | The loader interface to load the tile content |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::EllipsoidTilesetLoader | A loader that will generate a tileset by tesselating the surface of an ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without any terrain features |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentOptions | Options for configuring the parsing of a Tileset 's content and construction of Gltf models |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetExternals | External interfaces used by a Tileset |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetLoadFailureDetails | |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetMetadata | Holds the metadata associated with a Tileset or an external tileset |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions | Additional options for configuring a Tileset |
CCesium3DTilesReader::TilesetReader | Reads Tileset instances from JSON |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::TilesetWriter | Writes tilesets |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::TilesetWriterOptions | Options for how to write a tileset |
CCesium3DTilesWriter::TilesetWriterResult | The result of writing a tileset with TilesetWriter::writeTileset |
CCesium3DTilesContent::TileTransform | Convenience functions for getting and setting Cesium3DTiles::Tile::transform as a glm::dmat4 |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::TileUnknownContent | A content tag that indicates the TilesetContentLoader does not know if a tile's content will point to a mesh content or an external tileset. The content of the tile is only known when the loader loads the tile to inspect the content |
CCesiumIonClient::Token | A Cesium ion access token |
CCesiumIonClient::TokenList | A list of Cesium ion access tokens, as returned by the "List Tokens" service |
CCesiumGeometry::Transforms | Coordinate system matrix constructions helpers |
►Cstd::true_type | |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< int16_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< int32_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< int64_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< int8_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< uint16_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< uint32_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< uint64_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::CanBeNormalized< uint8_t > | Check if a C++ type can be normalized. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataArray< PropertyArrayCopy< T > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataArray< PropertyArrayView< T > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataBoolean< bool > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a boolean property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataBooleanArray< PropertyArrayView< bool > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of booleans property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataFloating< double > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a floating-point property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataFloating< float > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a floating-point property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< int16_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< int32_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< int64_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< int8_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< uint16_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< uint32_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< uint64_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataInteger< uint8_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an integer property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< double > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< float > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< int16_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< int32_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< int64_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< int8_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< uint16_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< uint32_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< uint64_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataScalar< uint8_t > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a scalar property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataString< std::string_view > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as a string property type. |
CCesiumGltf::IsMetadataStringArray< PropertyArrayView< std::string_view > > | Check if a C++ type can be represented as an array of strings property type. |
CCesium3DTiles::ClassProperty::Type | Known values for The element type |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorSpec::Type | Known values for Specifies if the accessor's elements are scalars, vectors, or matrices |
CCesiumGltf::Camera::Type | Known values for Specifies if the camera uses a perspective or orthographic projection |
CCesiumGltf::ClassProperty::Type | Known values for The element type |
CCesiumGltf::Shape::Type | Known values for Specifies the shape type |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToDimensions< T > | The number of dimensions that this type contains |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToDimensions< glm::mat< n, n, T, P > > | The number of dimensions that this type contains. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToDimensions< glm::vec< n, T, P > > | The number of dimensions that this type contains. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< T > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< glm::mat< N, N, T, Q > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< glm::vec< N, T, Q > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< int16_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< int32_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< int64_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< int8_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< glm::mat< N, N, T, Q > > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< glm::vec< N, T, Q > > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< int16_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< int32_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< int64_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< int8_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< uint16_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< uint32_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< uint64_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< PropertyArrayView< uint8_t > > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< uint16_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< uint32_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< uint64_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToNormalizedType< uint8_t > | Convert an integer numeric type to the corresponding representation as a double type. Doubles are preferred over floats to maintain more precision. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< T > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< bool > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< double > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< float > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< glm::mat< 2, 2, T, P > > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< glm::mat< 3, 3, T, P > > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< glm::mat< 4, 4, T, P > > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< glm::vec< 2, T, P > > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< glm::vec< 3, T, P > > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< glm::vec< 4, T, P > > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< int16_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< int32_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< int64_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< int8_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< std::string_view > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< uint16_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< uint32_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< uint64_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGltf::TypeToPropertyType< uint8_t > | Infer the best-fitting PropertyType and PropertyComponentType for a C++ type. |
CCesiumGeometry::UpsampledQuadtreeNode | A node of a tile hierarchy that was created by upsampling the tile content of a parent node |
CCesiumUtility::Uri | A class for parsing and manipulating Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) |
CCesiumUtility::UriQuery | A class for parsing and manipulating the query string of a URI |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::UrlTemplateRasterOverlayOptions | Options for URL template overlays |
CCesium3DTiles::Enum::ValueType | Known values for The type of the integer enum value |
CCesiumGltf::EnumSpec::ValueType | Known values for The type of the integer enum value |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::VEC2< T > | A 2D vector element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::VEC3< T > | A 3D vector element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltf::AccessorTypes::VEC4< T > | A 4D vector element for an AccessorView |
CCesiumGltf::VertexAttributeSemantics | The standard glTF vertex attribute semantics from the specification plus additional vertex attribute semantics from extensions |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::ViewState | The state of the view that is used during the traversal of a tileset |
CCesium3DTilesSelection::ViewUpdateResult | Reports the results of Tileset::updateView |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::WebMapServiceRasterOverlayOptions | Options for Web Map Service (WMS) overlays |
CCesiumRasterOverlays::WebMapTileServiceRasterOverlayOptions | Options for WebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay |
CCesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection | The map projection used by Google Maps, Bing Maps, and most of ArcGIS Online, EPSG:3857 |
CCesiumGltf::Sampler::WrapS | Known values for S (U) wrapping mode |
CCesiumGltf::Sampler::WrapT | Known values for T (V) wrapping mode |