cesium-native 0.44.2
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Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions Struct Reference

Additional options for configuring a Tileset. More...

#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/TilesetOptions.h>

Public Attributes

std::optional< std::string > credit
 A credit text for this tileset, if needed.
bool showCreditsOnScreen = false
 Whether or not to display tileset's credits on the screen.
double maximumScreenSpaceError = 16.0
 The maximum number of pixels of error when rendering this tileset. This is used to select an appropriate level-of-detail.
uint32_t maximumSimultaneousTileLoads = 20
 The maximum number of tiles that may simultaneously be in the process of loading.
uint32_t maximumSimultaneousSubtreeLoads = 20
 The maximum number of subtrees that may simultaneously be in the process of loading.
bool preloadAncestors = true
 Indicates whether the ancestors of rendered tiles should be preloaded. Setting this to true optimizes the zoom-out experience and provides more detail in newly-exposed areas when panning. The down side is that it requires loading more tiles.
bool preloadSiblings = true
 Indicates whether the siblings of rendered tiles should be preloaded. Setting this to true causes tiles with the same parent as a rendered tile to be loaded, even if they are culled. Setting this to true may provide a better panning experience at the cost of loading more tiles.
uint32_t loadingDescendantLimit = 20
 The number of loading descendant tiles that is considered "too many". If a tile has too many loading descendants, that tile will be loaded and rendered before any of its descendants are loaded and rendered. This means more feedback for the user that something is happening at the cost of a longer overall load time. Setting this to 0 will cause each tile level to be loaded successively, significantly increasing load time. Setting it to a large number (e.g. 1000) will minimize the number of tiles that are loaded but tend to make detail appear all at once after a long wait.
bool forbidHoles = false
 Never render a tileset with missing tiles.
bool enableFrustumCulling = true
 Enable culling of tiles against the frustum.
bool enableOcclusionCulling = true
 Enable culling of occluded tiles, as reported by the renderer.
bool delayRefinementForOcclusion = true
 Wait to refine until the occlusion state of a tile is known.
bool enableFogCulling = true
 Enable culling of tiles that cannot be seen through atmospheric fog.
bool enforceCulledScreenSpaceError = true
 Whether culled tiles should be refined until they meet culledScreenSpaceError.
double culledScreenSpaceError = 64.0
 The screen-space error to refine until for culled tiles from disabled culling stages.
int64_t maximumCachedBytes = 512LL * 1024 * 1024
 The maximum number of bytes that may be cached.
std::vector< FogDensityAtHeightfogDensityTable
 A table that maps the camera height above the ellipsoid to a fog density. Tiles that are in full fog are culled. The density of the fog increases as this number approaches 1.0 and becomes less dense as it approaches zero. The more dense the fog is, the more aggressively the tiles are culled. For example, if the camera is a height of 1000.0m above the ellipsoid, increasing the value to 3.0e-3 will cause many tiles close to the viewer be culled. Decreasing the value will push the fog further from the viewer, but decrease performance as more of the tiles are rendered. Tiles are culled when 1.0 - glm::exp(-(distance * distance * fogDensity * fogDensity)) is >= 1.0.
bool renderTilesUnderCamera = true
 Whether to render tiles directly under the camera, even if they're not in the view frustum.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ITileExcluder > > excluders
 A list of interfaces that are given an opportunity to exclude tiles from loading and rendering. If any of the excluders indicate that a tile should not be loaded, it will not be loaded.
std::function< void(const TilesetLoadFailureDetails &)> loadErrorCallback
 A callback function that is invoked when a tileset resource fails to load.
bool enableLodTransitionPeriod = false
 Whether to keep tiles loaded during a transition period when switching to a different LOD tile.
float lodTransitionLength = 1.0f
 How long it should take to transition between tiles of different LODs, in seconds.
bool kickDescendantsWhileFadingIn = true
 Whether to kick descendants while a tile is still fading in.
double mainThreadLoadingTimeLimit = 0.0
 A soft limit on how long (in milliseconds) to spend on the main-thread part of tile loading each frame (each call to Tileset::updateView). A value of 0.0 indicates that all pending main-thread loads should be completed each tick.
double tileCacheUnloadTimeLimit = 0.0
 A soft limit on how long (in milliseconds) to spend unloading cached tiles each frame (each call to Tileset::updateView). A value of 0.0 indicates that the tile cache should not throttle unloading tiles.
TilesetContentOptions contentOptions
 Options for configuring the parsing of a Tileset's content and construction of Gltf models.
std::any rendererOptions
 Arbitrary data that will be passed to IPrepareRendererResources::prepareInLoadThread.
CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid ellipsoid = CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84
 The ellipsoid to use for this tileset. This value shouldn't be changed after the tileset is constructed. If you need to change a tileset's ellipsoid, please recreate the tileset.
std::vector< CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor::THeaderrequestHeaders
 HTTP headers to attach to requests made for this tileset.

Detailed Description

Additional options for configuring a Tileset.

Definition at line 77 of file TilesetOptions.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ contentOptions

TilesetContentOptions Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::contentOptions

Options for configuring the parsing of a Tileset's content and construction of Gltf models.

Definition at line 314 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ credit

std::optional<std::string> Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::credit

A credit text for this tileset, if needed.

Definition at line 81 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ culledScreenSpaceError

double Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::culledScreenSpaceError = 64.0

The screen-space error to refine until for culled tiles from disabled culling stages.

When enforceCulledScreenSpaceError is true, culled tiles from disabled culling stages will be refined until they meet this screen-space error value.

Definition at line 197 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ delayRefinementForOcclusion

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::delayRefinementForOcclusion = true

Wait to refine until the occlusion state of a tile is known.

Only applicable when enableOcclusionInfo is true. Enabling this option may cause a small delay between when a tile is needed according to the SSE and when the tile load is kicked off. On the other hand, this delay could allow the occlusion system to avoid loading a tile entirely if it is found to be unnecessary a few frames later.

Definition at line 171 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ ellipsoid

CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::ellipsoid = CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84

The ellipsoid to use for this tileset. This value shouldn't be changed after the tileset is constructed. If you need to change a tileset's ellipsoid, please recreate the tileset.

If no ellipsoid is set, Ellipsoid::WGS84 will be used by default.

Definition at line 331 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ enableFogCulling

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::enableFogCulling = true

Enable culling of tiles that cannot be seen through atmospheric fog.

Definition at line 176 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ enableFrustumCulling

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::enableFrustumCulling = true

Enable culling of tiles against the frustum.

Definition at line 155 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ enableLodTransitionPeriod

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::enableLodTransitionPeriod = false

Whether to keep tiles loaded during a transition period when switching to a different LOD tile.

For each tile, TileRenderContent::getLodTransitionFadePercentage will indicate to the client how faded to render the tile throughout the transition. Tile fades can be used to mask LOD transitions and make them appear less abrupt and jarring.

Definition at line 268 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ enableOcclusionCulling

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::enableOcclusionCulling = true

Enable culling of occluded tiles, as reported by the renderer.

Definition at line 160 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ enforceCulledScreenSpaceError

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::enforceCulledScreenSpaceError = true

Whether culled tiles should be refined until they meet culledScreenSpaceError.

When true, any culled tile from a disabled culling stage will be refined until it meets the specified culledScreenSpaceError. Otherwise, its screen-space error check will be disabled altogether and it will not bother to refine any futher.

Definition at line 187 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ excluders

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ITileExcluder> > Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::excluders

A list of interfaces that are given an opportunity to exclude tiles from loading and rendering. If any of the excluders indicate that a tile should not be loaded, it will not be loaded.

Definition at line 247 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ fogDensityTable

std::vector<FogDensityAtHeight> Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::fogDensityTable
Initial value:
= {
{359.393, 2.0e-5}, {800.749, 2.0e-4}, {1275.6501, 1.0e-4},
{2151.1192, 7.0e-5}, {3141.7763, 5.0e-5}, {4777.5198, 4.0e-5},
{6281.2493, 3.0e-5}, {12364.307, 1.9e-5}, {15900.765, 1.0e-5},
{49889.0549, 8.5e-6}, {78026.8259, 6.2e-6}, {99260.7344, 5.8e-6},
{120036.3873, 5.3e-6}, {151011.0158, 5.2e-6}, {156091.1953, 5.1e-6},
{203849.3112, 4.2e-6}, {274866.9803, 4.0e-6}, {319916.3149, 3.4e-6},
{493552.0528, 2.6e-6}, {628733.5874, 2.2e-6}, {1000000.0, 0.0}}

A table that maps the camera height above the ellipsoid to a fog density. Tiles that are in full fog are culled. The density of the fog increases as this number approaches 1.0 and becomes less dense as it approaches zero. The more dense the fog is, the more aggressively the tiles are culled. For example, if the camera is a height of 1000.0m above the ellipsoid, increasing the value to 3.0e-3 will cause many tiles close to the viewer be culled. Decreasing the value will push the fog further from the viewer, but decrease performance as more of the tiles are rendered. Tiles are culled when 1.0 - glm::exp(-(distance * distance * fogDensity * fogDensity)) is >= 1.0.

Definition at line 222 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ forbidHoles

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::forbidHoles = false

Never render a tileset with missing tiles.

When true, the tileset will guarantee that the tileset will never be rendered with holes in place of tiles that are not yet loaded. It does this by refusing to refine a parent tile until all of its child tiles are ready to render. Thus, when the camera moves, we will always have something - even if it's low resolution - to render any part of the tileset that becomes visible. When false, overall loading will be faster, but newly-visible parts of the tileset may initially be blank.

Definition at line 150 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ kickDescendantsWhileFadingIn

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::kickDescendantsWhileFadingIn = true

Whether to kick descendants while a tile is still fading in.

This does not delay loading of descendants, but it keeps them off the render list while the tile is fading in. If this is false, the tile currently fading in will pop in to full opacity if descendants are rendered (this counteracts the benefits of LOD transition blending).

Definition at line 290 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ loadErrorCallback

std::function<void(const TilesetLoadFailureDetails&)> Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::loadErrorCallback

A callback function that is invoked when a tileset resource fails to load.

Tileset resources include a Cesium ion asset endpoint, a tileset's root tileset.json or layer.json, an individual tile's content, or an implicit tiling subtree.

Definition at line 257 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ loadingDescendantLimit

uint32_t Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::loadingDescendantLimit = 20

The number of loading descendant tiles that is considered "too many". If a tile has too many loading descendants, that tile will be loaded and rendered before any of its descendants are loaded and rendered. This means more feedback for the user that something is happening at the cost of a longer overall load time. Setting this to 0 will cause each tile level to be loaded successively, significantly increasing load time. Setting it to a large number (e.g. 1000) will minimize the number of tiles that are loaded but tend to make detail appear all at once after a long wait.

Definition at line 137 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ lodTransitionLength

float Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::lodTransitionLength = 1.0f

How long it should take to transition between tiles of different LODs, in seconds.

When a tile refines or unrefines to a higher or lower LOD tile, a fade can optionally be applied to smooth the transition. This value determines how many seconds the whole transition should take. Note that the old tile doesn't start fading out until the new tile fully fades in.

Definition at line 279 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ mainThreadLoadingTimeLimit

double Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::mainThreadLoadingTimeLimit = 0.0

A soft limit on how long (in milliseconds) to spend on the main-thread part of tile loading each frame (each call to Tileset::updateView). A value of 0.0 indicates that all pending main-thread loads should be completed each tick.

Setting this to too low of a value will impede overall tile load progress, creating a discernable load latency.

Definition at line 301 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ maximumCachedBytes

int64_t Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::maximumCachedBytes = 512LL * 1024 * 1024

The maximum number of bytes that may be cached.

Note that this value, even if 0, will never cause tiles that are needed for rendering to be unloaded. However, if the total number of loaded bytes is greater than this value, tiles will be unloaded until the total is under this number or until only required tiles remain, whichever comes first.

Definition at line 208 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ maximumScreenSpaceError

double Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::maximumScreenSpaceError = 16.0

The maximum number of pixels of error when rendering this tileset. This is used to select an appropriate level-of-detail.

When a tileset uses the older layer.json / quantized-mesh format rather than 3D Tiles, this value is effectively divided by 8.0. So the default value of 16.0 corresponds to the standard value for quantized-mesh terrain of 2.0.

Definition at line 97 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ maximumSimultaneousSubtreeLoads

uint32_t Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::maximumSimultaneousSubtreeLoads = 20

The maximum number of subtrees that may simultaneously be in the process of loading.

Definition at line 109 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ maximumSimultaneousTileLoads

uint32_t Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::maximumSimultaneousTileLoads = 20

The maximum number of tiles that may simultaneously be in the process of loading.

Definition at line 103 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ preloadAncestors

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::preloadAncestors = true

Indicates whether the ancestors of rendered tiles should be preloaded. Setting this to true optimizes the zoom-out experience and provides more detail in newly-exposed areas when panning. The down side is that it requires loading more tiles.

Definition at line 117 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ preloadSiblings

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::preloadSiblings = true

Indicates whether the siblings of rendered tiles should be preloaded. Setting this to true causes tiles with the same parent as a rendered tile to be loaded, even if they are culled. Setting this to true may provide a better panning experience at the cost of loading more tiles.

Definition at line 125 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ rendererOptions

std::any Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::rendererOptions

Arbitrary data that will be passed to IPrepareRendererResources::prepareInLoadThread.

This object is copied and given to tile preparation threads, so it must be inexpensive to copy.

Definition at line 322 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ renderTilesUnderCamera

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::renderTilesUnderCamera = true

Whether to render tiles directly under the camera, even if they're not in the view frustum.

This is useful for detecting the camera's collision with terrain and other models. NOTE: This option currently only works with tiles that use a region as their bounding volume. It is ignored for other bounding volume types.

Definition at line 240 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ requestHeaders

std::vector<CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor::THeader> Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::requestHeaders

HTTP headers to attach to requests made for this tileset.

Definition at line 336 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ showCreditsOnScreen

bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::showCreditsOnScreen = false

Whether or not to display tileset's credits on the screen.

Definition at line 86 of file TilesetOptions.h.

◆ tileCacheUnloadTimeLimit

double Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetOptions::tileCacheUnloadTimeLimit = 0.0

A soft limit on how long (in milliseconds) to spend unloading cached tiles each frame (each call to Tileset::updateView). A value of 0.0 indicates that the tile cache should not throttle unloading tiles.

Definition at line 308 of file TilesetOptions.h.

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