cesium-native 0.44.2
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Cesium3DTilesSelection Namespace Reference

Classes that implement the 3D Tiles standard. More...


class  DebugTileStateDatabase
 Helps debug the tile selection algorithm by recording the state of tiles each frame to a SQLite database. More...
class  EllipsoidTilesetLoader
 A loader that will generate a tileset by tesselating the surface of an ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without any terrain features. More...
struct  FogDensityAtHeight
 Defines the fog density at a certain height. More...
class  IPrepareRendererResources
 When implemented for a rendering engine, allows renderer resources to be created and destroyed under the control of a Tileset. More...
class  ITileExcluder
 An interface that allows tiles to be excluded from loading and rendering when provided in TilesetOptions::excluders. More...
class  ITilesetHeightSampler
 An interface to query heights from a tileset that can do so efficiently without necessarily downloading individual tiles. More...
class  RasterizedPolygonsTileExcluder
 When provided to TilesetOptions::excluders, uses the polygons owned by a CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterizedPolygonsOverlay to exclude tiles that are entirely inside any of the polygon from loading. This is useful when the polygons will be used for clipping. More...
class  RasterMappedTo3DTile
 The result of applying a CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlayTile to geometry. More...
class  RasterOverlayCollection
 A collection of CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterOverlay instances that are associated with a Tileset. More...
struct  SampleHeightResult
 The result of sampling heights with Tileset::sampleHeightMostDetailed. More...
class  Tile
 A tile in a Tileset. More...
struct  TileChildrenResult
 Store the result of creating tile's children after invoking TilesetContentLoader::createTileChildren. More...
class  TileContent
 A tile content container that can store and query the content type that is currently being owned by the tile. More...
struct  TileEmptyContent
 A content tag that indicates a tile has no content. More...
struct  TileExternalContent
 A content tag that indicates a tile content points to an external tileset. When this tile is loaded, all the tiles in the external tileset will become children of this external content tile. More...
struct  TileIdUtilities
 Utility functions related to TileID objects. More...
struct  TileLoadInput
 Store the parameters that are needed to load a tile. More...
struct  TileLoadResult
 Store the result of loading a tile content after invoking TilesetContentLoader::loadTileContent. More...
struct  TileLoadResultAndRenderResources
class  TileOcclusionRendererProxy
 An interface for client renderers to use to represent tile bounding volumes that should be occlusion tested. More...
class  TileOcclusionRendererProxyPool
 A pool of TileOcclusionRendererProxy objects. Allows quick remapping of tiles to occlusion renderer proxies so new proxies do not have to be created for each new tile requesting occlusion results. More...
class  TileRenderContent
 A content tag that indicates a tile has a glTF model content and render resources for the model. More...
class  TileSelectionState
 A description of the state of a Tile during the rendering process. More...
class  Tileset
 A 3D Tiles tileset, used for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets. More...
class  TilesetContentLoader
 The loader interface to load the tile content. More...
struct  TilesetContentOptions
 Options for configuring the parsing of a Tileset's content and construction of Gltf models. More...
class  TilesetExternals
 External interfaces used by a Tileset. More...
class  TilesetLoadFailureDetails
class  TilesetMetadata
 Holds the metadata associated with a Tileset or an external tileset. More...
struct  TilesetOptions
 Additional options for configuring a Tileset. More...
class  TilesetSharedAssetSystem
 Contains assets that are potentially shared across multiple Tilesets. More...
struct  TileUnknownContent
 A content tag that indicates the TilesetContentLoader does not know if a tile's content will point to a mesh content or an external tileset. The content of the tile is only known when the loader loads the tile to inspect the content. More...
class  ViewState
 The state of the view that is used during the traversal of a tileset. More...
class  ViewUpdateResult
 Reports the results of Tileset::updateView. More...


typedef std::variant< CesiumGeometry::BoundingSphere, CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox, CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion, CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegionWithLooseFittingHeights, CesiumGeospatial::S2CellBoundingVolumeBoundingVolume
 A bounding volume.
typedef std::variant< std::string, CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID, CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID, CesiumGeometry::UpsampledQuadtreeNodeTileID
 An identifier for a Tile inside the tile hierarchy.
using TileContentKind
 Store the content of the tile after finishing loading tile using TilesetContentLoader::loadTileContent:


enum class  TileLoadState {
  Unloading = -2 , FailedTemporarily = -1 , Unloaded = 0 , ContentLoading = 1 ,
  ContentLoaded = 2 , Done = 3 , Failed = 4
enum class  TileLoadResultState { Success , Failed , RetryLater }
 Indicate the status of Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentLoader::loadTileContent and Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentLoader::createTileChildren operations. More...
enum class  TileOcclusionState { OcclusionUnavailable , NotOccluded , Occluded }
 The occlusion state of a tile as reported by the renderer proxy. More...
enum class  TileRefine { Add = 0 , Replace = 1 }
 Refinement strategies for a Cesium3DTilesSelection::Tile. More...
enum class  TilesetLoadType { Unknown , CesiumIon , TilesetJson }
 The type of load that failed in TilesetLoadFailureDetails. More...


BoundingVolume transformBoundingVolume (const glm::dmat4x4 &transform, const BoundingVolume &boundingVolume)
 Transform the given BoundingVolume with the given matrix.
glm::dvec3 getBoundingVolumeCenter (const BoundingVolume &boundingVolume)
 Returns the center of the given BoundingVolume.
std::optional< CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangleestimateGlobeRectangle (const BoundingVolume &boundingVolume, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84)
 Estimates the bounding CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle of the given BoundingVolume.
const CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegiongetBoundingRegionFromBoundingVolume (const BoundingVolume &boundingVolume)
 Returns the bounding region if the bounding volume is a CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion or a CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegionWithLooseFittingHeights.
CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox getOrientedBoundingBoxFromBoundingVolume (const BoundingVolume &boundingVolume, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84)
 Returns an oriented bounding box that contains the given BoundingVolume.

Detailed Description

Classes that implement the 3D Tiles standard.

--- comment: This file was generated by dep-graph-gen. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! title: Cesium3DTilesSelection Dependency Graph --- graph TD classDef dependencyNode fill:#fff,stroke:#ccc,color:#666,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px classDef libraryNode fill:#9f9,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> Cesium3DTiles[Cesium3DTiles] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> Cesium3DTilesReader[Cesium3DTilesReader] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumAsync[CesiumAsync] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumGeometry[CesiumGeometry] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumGeospatial[CesiumGeospatial] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumGltf[CesiumGltf] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumGltfReader[CesiumGltfReader] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain[CesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumRasterOverlays[CesiumRasterOverlays] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> CesiumUtility[CesiumUtility] Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> draco_draco{{draco::draco}} Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> libmorton_libmorton{{libmorton::libmorton}} Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> nonstd_expected-lite{{nonstd::expected-lite}} Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> spdlog_spdlog{{spdlog::spdlog}} Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> spdlog_spdlog_header_only{{spdlog::spdlog_header_only}} Cesium3DTilesSelection[Cesium3DTilesSelection] --> tinyxml2_tinyxml2{{tinyxml2::tinyxml2}} class draco_draco,libmorton_libmorton,nonstd_expected-lite,spdlog_spdlog,spdlog_spdlog_header_only,tinyxml2_tinyxml2 dependencyNode class Cesium3DTiles,Cesium3DTilesContent,Cesium3DTilesReader,CesiumAsync,CesiumGeometry,CesiumGeospatial,CesiumGltf,CesiumGltfReader,CesiumQuantizedMeshTerrain,CesiumRasterOverlays,CesiumUtility,Cesium3DTilesSelection libraryNode

Typedef Documentation

◆ BoundingVolume

◆ TileContentKind

Initial value:
This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Model instead.
Definition Model.h:14

Store the content of the tile after finishing loading tile using TilesetContentLoader::loadTileContent:

  1. Returning TileUnknownContent means that the loader doesn't know the content of the tile. This content type is useful when loader fails to load the tile content; or a background task is running to determine the tile content and the loader wants the client to retry later at some point in the future
  2. Returning TileEmptyContent means that this tile has no content and mostly used for efficient culling during the traversal process
  3. Returning TileExternalContent means that this tile points to an external tileset
  4. Returning CesiumGltf::Model means that this tile has glTF model

Definition at line 37 of file TileLoadResult.h.

◆ TileID

An identifier for a Tile inside the tile hierarchy.

This ID is stored in the tile as the Tile::getTileID. It is assigned to the tile at construction time, and may be used to identify and access the children of a given tile.

Depending on the exact type of the tile and its contents, this identifier may have different forms:

  • A std::string: This is an explicitly-described tile and the ID is the URL of the tile's content.
  • A CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID: This is an implicit tile in the quadtree. The URL of the tile's content is formed by instantiating the context's template URL with this ID.
  • A CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID: This is an implicit tile in the octree. The URL of the tile's content is formed by instantiating the context's template URL with this ID.
  • A CesiumGeometry::UpsampledQuadtreeNode: This tile doesn't have any content, but content for it can be created by subdividing the parent tile's content.

Definition at line 39 of file TileID.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TileLoadResultState

Indicate the status of Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentLoader::loadTileContent and Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentLoader::createTileChildren operations.


The operation is successful and all the fields in TileLoadResult or TileChildrenResult are applied to the tile.


The operation is failed and none of the fields in TileLoadResult or TileChildrenResult are applied to the tile.


The operation requires the client to retry later due to some background work happenning and none of the fields in TileLoadResult or TileChildrenResult are applied to the tile.

Definition at line 47 of file TileLoadResult.h.

◆ TileLoadState

The current state of this tile in the loading process.


This tile is in the process of being unloaded, but could not be fully unloaded because an asynchronous process is using its loaded data.


Something went wrong while loading this tile, but it may be a temporary problem.


The tile is not yet loaded at all, beyond the metadata in tileset.json.


The tile content is currently being loaded.

Note that while a tile is in this state, its Tile::getContent, and Tile::getState, methods may be called from the load thread, and the state may change due to the internal loading process.


The tile content has finished loading.


The tile is completely done loading.


Something went wrong while loading this tile and it will not be retried.

Definition at line 28 of file Tile.h.

◆ TileOcclusionState

The occlusion state of a tile as reported by the renderer proxy.


The renderer does not yet know if the tile's bounding volume is occluded or not.

This can be due to the typical occlusion delay caused by buffered rendering or otherwise be due to postponed occlusion queries. We can choose to wait for the occlusion information to become available before commiting to load the tile. This might prevent unneeded tile loads at the cost of a small delay.


The tile's bounding volume is known by the renderer to be visible.


The tile's bounding volume is known by the renderer to be occluded.

Definition at line 15 of file TileOcclusionRendererProxy.h.

◆ TileRefine

Refinement strategies for a Cesium3DTilesSelection::Tile.


The content of the child tiles will be added to the content of the parent tile.


The content of the child tiles will replace the content of the parent tile.

Definition at line 8 of file TileRefine.h.

◆ TilesetLoadType

The type of load that failed in TilesetLoadFailureDetails.


An unknown load error.


A Cesium ion asset endpoint.


The root tileset.json.

Definition at line 17 of file TilesetLoadFailureDetails.h.

Function Documentation

◆ estimateGlobeRectangle()

std::optional< CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle > Cesium3DTilesSelection::estimateGlobeRectangle ( const BoundingVolume & boundingVolume,
const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid & ellipsoid = CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84 )

Estimates the bounding CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle of the given BoundingVolume.

boundingVolumeThe bounding volume.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to use for globe calculations.
The bounding CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle.

◆ getBoundingRegionFromBoundingVolume()

const CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion * Cesium3DTilesSelection::getBoundingRegionFromBoundingVolume ( const BoundingVolume & boundingVolume)

Returns the bounding region if the bounding volume is a CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion or a CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegionWithLooseFittingHeights.

boundingVolumeThe bounding volume.
A pointer to the bounding region, or nullptr is the bounding volume is not a bounding region.

◆ getBoundingVolumeCenter()

glm::dvec3 Cesium3DTilesSelection::getBoundingVolumeCenter ( const BoundingVolume & boundingVolume)

Returns the center of the given BoundingVolume.

boundingVolumeThe bounding volume.
The center point.

◆ getOrientedBoundingBoxFromBoundingVolume()

CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox Cesium3DTilesSelection::getOrientedBoundingBoxFromBoundingVolume ( const BoundingVolume & boundingVolume,
const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid & ellipsoid = CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84 )

Returns an oriented bounding box that contains the given BoundingVolume.

boundingVolumeThe bounding volume.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid used for this BoundingVolume.
The oriented bounding box.

◆ transformBoundingVolume()

BoundingVolume Cesium3DTilesSelection::transformBoundingVolume ( const glm::dmat4x4 & transform,
const BoundingVolume & boundingVolume )

Transform the given BoundingVolume with the given matrix.

If the given bounding volume is a CesiumGeometry::BoundingSphere or CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox, then it will be transformed with the given matrix. Bounding regions will not be transformed.

transformThe transform matrix.
boundingVolumeThe bounding volume.
The transformed bounding volume.