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CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection Class Referencefinal

The map projection used by Google Maps, Bing Maps, and most of ArcGIS Online, EPSG:3857. More...

#include <CesiumGeospatial/WebMercatorProjection.h>

Public Member Functions

 WebMercatorProjection (const Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
 Constructs a new instance.
const EllipsoidgetEllipsoid () const noexcept
 Gets the Ellipsoid.
glm::dvec3 project (const Cartographic &cartographic) const noexcept
 Converts geodedic ellipsoid coordinates to Web Mercator coordinates.
CesiumGeometry::Rectangle project (const CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle &rectangle) const noexcept
 Projects a globe rectangle to Web Mercator coordinates.
Cartographic unproject (const glm::dvec2 &projectedCoordinates) const noexcept
 Converts Web Mercator coordinates to geodetic ellipsoid coordinates.
Cartographic unproject (const glm::dvec3 &projectedCoordinates) const noexcept
 Converts Web Mercator coordinates to geodetic ellipsoid coordinates.
CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle unproject (const CesiumGeometry::Rectangle &rectangle) const noexcept
 Unprojects a Web Mercator rectangle to the globe.
bool operator== (const WebMercatorProjection &rhs) const noexcept
 Returns true if two projections (i.e. their ellipsoids) are equal.
bool operator!= (const WebMercatorProjection &rhs) const noexcept
 Returns true if two projections (i.e. their ellipsoids) are not equal.

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr CesiumGeometry::Rectangle computeMaximumProjectedRectangle (const Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
 Computes the maximum rectangle that can be covered with this projection.
static double mercatorAngleToGeodeticLatitude (double mercatorAngle) noexcept
 Converts a Mercator angle, in the range -PI to PI, to a geodetic latitude in the range -PI/2 to PI/2.
static double geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle (double latitude) noexcept
 Converts a geodetic latitude in radians, in the range -PI/2 to PI/2, to a Mercator angle in the range -PI to PI.

Static Public Attributes

static const double MAXIMUM_LATITUDE
 The maximum latitude (both North and South) supported by a Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection.
static const GlobeRectangle MAXIMUM_GLOBE_RECTANGLE
 The maximum bounding rectangle of the Web Mercator projection, ranging from -PI to PI radians longitude and from -MAXIMUM_LATITUDE to +MAXIMUM_LATITUDE.

Detailed Description

The map projection used by Google Maps, Bing Maps, and most of ArcGIS Online, EPSG:3857.

This projection uses geodetic longitude and latitude expressed with WGS84 and transforms them to Mercator using the spherical (rather than ellipsoidal) equations.

See also

Definition at line 24 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WebMercatorProjection()

CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::WebMercatorProjection ( const Ellipsoid & ellipsoid = CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84)

Constructs a new instance.

ellipsoidThe Ellipsoid.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeMaximumProjectedRectangle()

static constexpr CesiumGeometry::Rectangle CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::computeMaximumProjectedRectangle ( const Ellipsoid & ellipsoid = CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84)

Computes the maximum rectangle that can be covered with this projection.

ellipsoidThe Ellipsoid. Default value: Ellipsoid::WGS84.
The rectangle

Definition at line 57 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.

◆ geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle()

static double CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle ( double latitude)

Converts a geodetic latitude in radians, in the range -PI/2 to PI/2, to a Mercator angle in the range -PI to PI.

latitudeThe geodetic latitude in radians.
The Mercator angle.

◆ getEllipsoid()

const Ellipsoid & CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::getEllipsoid ( ) const

Gets the Ellipsoid.

Definition at line 75 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.

◆ mercatorAngleToGeodeticLatitude()

static double CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::mercatorAngleToGeodeticLatitude ( double mercatorAngle)

Converts a Mercator angle, in the range -PI to PI, to a geodetic latitude in the range -PI/2 to PI/2.

mercatorAngleThe angle to convert.
The geodetic latitude in radians.

◆ operator!=()

bool CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::operator!= ( const WebMercatorProjection & rhs) const

Returns true if two projections (i.e. their ellipsoids) are not equal.

Definition at line 166 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.

◆ operator==()

bool CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::operator== ( const WebMercatorProjection & rhs) const

Returns true if two projections (i.e. their ellipsoids) are equal.

Definition at line 158 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.

◆ project() [1/2]

glm::dvec3 CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::project ( const Cartographic & cartographic) const

Converts geodedic ellipsoid coordinates to Web Mercator coordinates.

Converts geodetic ellipsoid coordinates, in radians, to the equivalent Web Mercator X, Y, Z coordinates expressed in meters. The height is copied unmodified to the z coordinate.

cartographicThe geodetic coordinates in radians.
The equivalent web mercator X, Y, Z coordinates, in meters.

◆ project() [2/2]

CesiumGeometry::Rectangle CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::project ( const CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle & rectangle) const

Projects a globe rectangle to Web Mercator coordinates.

This is done by projecting the southwest and northeast corners.

rectangleThe globe rectangle to project.
The projected rectangle.

◆ unproject() [1/3]

CesiumGeospatial::GlobeRectangle CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::unproject ( const CesiumGeometry::Rectangle & rectangle) const

Unprojects a Web Mercator rectangle to the globe.

This is done by unprojecting the southwest and northeast corners.

rectangleThe rectangle to unproject.
The unprojected rectangle.

◆ unproject() [2/3]

Cartographic CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::unproject ( const glm::dvec2 & projectedCoordinates) const

Converts Web Mercator coordinates to geodetic ellipsoid coordinates.

Converts Web Mercator X and Y coordinates, expressed in meters, to a Cartographic containing geodetic ellipsoid coordinates. The height is set to 0.0.

projectedCoordinatesThe web mercator projected coordinates to unproject.
The equivalent cartographic coordinates.

◆ unproject() [3/3]

Cartographic CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::unproject ( const glm::dvec3 & projectedCoordinates) const

Converts Web Mercator coordinates to geodetic ellipsoid coordinates.

Converts Web Mercator X, Y coordinates, expressed in meters, to a Cartographic containing geodetic ellipsoid coordinates. The Z coordinate is copied unmodified to the height.

projectedCoordinatesThe web mercator projected coordinates to unproject, with height (z) in meters.
The equivalent cartographic coordinates.

Member Data Documentation


const GlobeRectangle CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::MAXIMUM_GLOBE_RECTANGLE

The maximum bounding rectangle of the Web Mercator projection, ranging from -PI to PI radians longitude and from -MAXIMUM_LATITUDE to +MAXIMUM_LATITUDE.

Definition at line 47 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.


const double CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::MAXIMUM_LATITUDE

The maximum latitude (both North and South) supported by a Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection.

Technically, the Mercator projection is defined for any latitude up to (but not including) 90 degrees, but it makes sense to cut it off sooner because it grows exponentially with increasing latitude. The logic behind this particular cutoff value, which is the one used by Google Maps, Bing Maps, and Esri, is that it makes the projection square. That is, the rectangle is equal in the X and Y directions.

The constant value is computed by calling: CesiumGeospatial::WebMercatorProjection::mercatorAngleToGeodeticLatitude(CesiumUtility::Math::OnePi)

Definition at line 40 of file WebMercatorProjection.h.

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