cesium-native 0.44.2
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Cesium3DTilesSelection::ITileExcluder Class Referenceabstract

An interface that allows tiles to be excluded from loading and rendering when provided in TilesetOptions::excluders. More...

#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/ITileExcluder.h>

Inheritance diagram for Cesium3DTilesSelection::ITileExcluder:

Public Member Functions

virtual void startNewFrame () noexcept
 Indicates the start of a new frame, initiated with a call to Tileset::updateView.
virtual bool shouldExclude (const Tile &tile) const noexcept=0
 Determines whether a given tile should be excluded.

Detailed Description

An interface that allows tiles to be excluded from loading and rendering when provided in TilesetOptions::excluders.

Definition at line 11 of file ITileExcluder.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ shouldExclude()

virtual bool Cesium3DTilesSelection::ITileExcluder::shouldExclude ( const Tile & tile) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Determines whether a given tile should be excluded.

tileThe tile to test
true if this tile and all of its descendants in the bounding volume hierarchy should be excluded from loading and rendering.
false if this tile should be included.

Implemented in Cesium3DTilesSelection::RasterizedPolygonsTileExcluder.

◆ startNewFrame()

virtual void Cesium3DTilesSelection::ITileExcluder::startNewFrame ( )

Indicates the start of a new frame, initiated with a call to Tileset::updateView.

Definition at line 18 of file ITileExcluder.h.

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