
new Cesium.EllipsoidGeodesic(start, end, ellipsoid)

Initializes a geodesic on the ellipsoid connecting the two provided planetodetic points.
Name Type Default Description
start Cartographic optional The initial planetodetic point on the path.
end Cartographic optional The final planetodetic point on the path.
ellipsoid Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.default optional The ellipsoid on which the geodesic lies.


Gets the ellipsoid.
Gets the final planetodetic point on the path.
Gets the heading at the final point.
Gets the initial planetodetic point on the path.
Gets the heading at the initial point.

readonly surfaceDistance : number

Gets the surface distance between the start and end point


interpolateUsingFraction(fraction, result)Cartographic

Provides the location of a point at the indicated portion along the geodesic.
Name Type Description
fraction number The portion of the distance between the initial and final points.
result Cartographic optional The object in which to store the result.
The location of the point along the geodesic.

interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance(distance, result)Cartographic

Provides the location of a point at the indicated distance along the geodesic.
Name Type Description
distance number The distance from the inital point to the point of interest along the geodesic
result Cartographic optional The object in which to store the result.
The location of the point along the geodesic.
  • DeveloperError : start and end must be set before calling function interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance
Sets the start and end points of the geodesic
Name Type Description
start Cartographic The initial planetodetic point on the path.
end Cartographic The final planetodetic point on the path.
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