
new IonSdkSensors.CustomPatternSensorGraphics(options)

An optionally time-dynamic custom patterned sensor.
Name Type Description
options CustomPatternSensorGraphics.ConstructorOptions optional Object describing initialization options


classificationType : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the ClassificationType Property specifying whether this sensor will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both.

readonly definitionChanged : Event

Gets the event that is raised whenever a new property is assigned.

directions : Property|undefined

A Property which returns an array of Spherical instances representing the sensor's projection.

domeSurfaceMaterial : MaterialProperty

Gets or sets the MaterialProperty specifying the the surface appearance of the sensor's dome.

ellipsoidHorizonSurfaceMaterial : MaterialProperty

Gets or sets the MaterialProperty specifying the the cone's ellipsoid horizon surface appearance.

ellipsoidSurfaceMaterial : MaterialProperty

Gets or sets the MaterialProperty specifying the the cone's ellipsoid surface appearance.

environmentConstraint : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property determining if a sensor will intersect the environment, e.g. terrain or models, and discard the portion of the sensor that is occluded.

environmentIntersectionColor : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Color Property of the line intersecting the environment.

environmentIntersectionWidth : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Property that approximate width in meters of the line intersecting the environment.

environmentOcclusionMaterial : MaterialProperty

Gets or sets the MaterialProperty specifying the surface appearance of the portion of the sensor occluded by the environment.

intersectionColor : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Color Property specifying the color of the line formed by the intersection of the sensor and other central bodies.

intersectionWidth : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the width of the line formed by the intersection of the sensor and other central bodies.

lateralSurfaceMaterial : MaterialProperty

Gets or sets the MaterialProperty specifying the the sensor's appearance.

portionToDisplay : SensorVolumePortionToDisplay

Gets or sets the SensorVolumePortionToDisplay specifying the portion of the sensor to display.

radius : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the radius of the sensor's projection.

show : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the sensor.

showDomeSurfaces : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the dome surfaces defining the sensor volume.

showEllipsoidHorizonSurfaces : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the ellipsoid horizon surfaces defining the sensor volume.

showEllipsoidSurfaces : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the ellipsoid surfaces defining the sensor volume.

showEnvironmentIntersection : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property that determines if a line is shown where the sensor intersects the environment, e.g. terrain or models.

showEnvironmentOcclusion : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property determining if the portion of the sensor occluded by the environment will be drawn with CustomPatternSensorGraphics#environmentOcclusionMaterial.

showIntersection : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the line formed by the intersection of the sensor and other central bodies.

showLateralSurfaces : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the lateral surfaces defining the sensor volume.

showThroughEllipsoid : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying whether a sensor intersecting the ellipsoid is drawn through the ellipsoid and potentially out to the other side.

showViewshed : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the viewshed.

viewshedOccludedColor : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Color Property of the scene geometry that is not visible to the sensor.

viewshedResolution : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Property that controls the resolution in pixels of the viewshed.

viewshedVisibleColor : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Color Property of the scene geometry that is visible to the sensor.



Duplicates a CustomPatternSensorGraphics instance.
Name Type Description
result CustomPatternSensorGraphics optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if one was not provided.


Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value of the same property on the provided source object.
Name Type Description
source CustomPatternSensorGraphics The object to be merged into this object.

Type Definitions


Initialization options for the CustomPatternSensorGraphics constructor
Name Type Attributes Default Description
show Property | Boolean <optional>
true Determines if the sensor will be shown.
portionToDisplay Property | SensorVolumePortionToDisplay <optional>
SensorVolumePortionToDisplay.COMPLETE Indicates what portion of the sensor is shown.
modelMatrix Property | Matrix4 <optional>
Matrix4.IDENTITY The 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms the sensor from model to world coordinates.
radius Property | Number <optional>
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY The distance from the sensor origin to any point on the sensor dome.
directions Property | Number <optional>
An array of objects with clock and cone angles, in radians, defining the sensor volume.
lateralSurfaceMaterial MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The surface appearance of the sensor lateral surface, i.e., the outer sides of the sensor.
showLateralSurfaces Property | Boolean <optional>
true Determines if the lateral surfaces, i.e., the outer sides of the sensor, are shown.
ellipsoidHorizonSurfaceMaterial MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The surface appearance of the ellipsoid horizon surfaces, i.e., the sides formed from occlusion due to the ellipsoid hoirzon.
showEllipsoidHorizonSurfaces Property | Boolean <optional>
true Determines if the ellipsoid horizon surfaces, i.e., the sides formed from occlusion due to the ellipsoid hoirzon, are shown.
ellipsoidSurfaceMaterial MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The appearance of the ellipsoid surface where the sensor intersects.
showEllipsoidSurfaces Property | Boolean <optional>
true Determines if the ellipsoid/sensor intersection surfaces are shown.
domeSurfaceMaterial MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The appearance of the sensor dome surfaces.
showDomeSurfaces Property | Boolean <optional>
true Determines if the sensor dome surfaces are shown.
showIntersection Property | Boolean <optional>
true Determines if a polyline is shown where the sensor intersections the ellipsoid.
intersectionColor Property | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The color of the polyline where the sensor intersects the ellipsoid.
intersectionWidth Property | Number <optional>
5.0 The approximate pixel width of the polyline where the sensor intersects the ellipsoid.
showThroughEllipsoid Property | Boolean <optional>
false Determines if a sensor intersecting the ellipsoid is drawn through the ellipsoid and potentially out to the other side.
environmentConstraint Property | Boolean <optional>
false Determines if the sensor will be occluded by the environment, e.g. terrain or models.
showEnvironmentOcclusion Property | Boolean <optional>
false Determines if the portion of the sensor occluded by the environment is shown.
environmentOcclusionMaterial MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The appearance of the surface that is occluded by the environment.
showEnvironmentIntersection Property | Boolean <optional>
false Determines if the line intersecting the sensor and the environment is shown.
environmentIntersectionColor Property | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE The color of the line intersecting the sensor and the environment.
environmentIntersectionWidth Property | Number <optional>
5.0 The width of the line intersecting the sensor and the environment in meters.
showViewshed Property | Boolean <optional>
false The visibility of the viewshed.
viewshedVisibleColor Property | Color <optional>
Color.LIME The color of the scene geometry that is visible to the sensor.
viewshedOccludedColor Property | Color <optional>
Color.RED The color of the scene geometry that is not visible to the sensor.
viewshedResolution Property | Number <optional>
2048 The resolution in pixels of the viewshed.
classificationType Property | ClassificationType <optional>
ClassificationType.BOTH Whether this sensor will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both.
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