
internal constructor new Cesium.VoxelContent()

To construct a VoxelContent, call VoxelContent.fromMetadataArray or VoxelContent.fromGltf. Do not call the constructor directly.
An object representing voxel content for a Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider.

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.


static Cesium.VoxelContent.fromMetadataArray(metadata)VoxelContent

Constructs a VoxelContent from an array of metadata.
Name Type Description
metadata Array.<Int8Array> | Array.<Uint8Array> | Array.<Int16Array> | Array.<Uint16Array> | Array.<Int32Array> | Array.<Uint32Array> | Array.<Float32Array> | Array.<Float64Array> The metadata to use for this voxel content.
A VoxelContent containing the specified metadata.
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