3#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/Library.h>
4#include <CesiumGeometry/OctreeTileID.h>
5#include <CesiumGeometry/QuadtreeTileID.h>
Classes that implement the 3D Tiles standard.
std::variant< std::string, CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID, CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID, CesiumGeometry::UpsampledQuadtreeNode > TileID
An identifier for a Tile inside the tile hierarchy.
Utility functions related to TileID objects.
static std::string createTileIdString(const TileID &tileId)
Creates an unspecified string representation of the given TileID.
A structure serving as a unique identifier for a node in an octree.
Uniquely identifies a node in a quadtree.
A node of a tile hierarchy that was created by upsampling the tile content of a parent node.