Cesium to Partner with CNS to Reduce the Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction
We are proud to announce our partnership with the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (“CNS”) to stop the spread of WMDs.
Cesium will help CNS gain more insights from their 3D data through visualization and analysis, and will make those insights easier to share with journalists, policymakers, and the public.
CNS combats the spread of weapons of mass destruction through education, information dissemination, and analysis. It is the largest nongovernmental organization of its kind in the United States.
Earlier this month I traveled to Monterey to participate in a conference convened by CNS on Applications of Innovative Tools and Technologies for Nonproliferation. I spoke on a panel about how data visualization tools and 3D can help tell a better, more complete story.

For example, showing the trajectory of a potential missile launch on a 3D globe will always be more accurate than a 2D map. The missile’s duration, speed, and altitude in space can be visualized in Cesium because of its full 3D capability and first-class time-dynamic support. This is impossible to do in a 2 or 2.5 map. With Cesium Stories, CNS will be able to create these visualizations without coding.

The panel also included CNS Research Associate Anne Pellegrino, Michael Tavendale, Program Manager at Google, and Dr. Sarah Battersby, Staff Research Scientist at Tableau.

We are grateful for the opportunity to support CNS in this important work and look forward to helping them share their findings with the world.

Stay tuned for more!
In the meantime, see our user stories to see more real world applications of Cesium.