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Slides, videos, and recordings of Cesium team presentations and panel discussions


  • Cesium Presentation at PLATEAU Consortium

    Tokyo, Japan,

    Cesium delivered a presentation at the the first PLATEAU Consortium Conference on June 14, 2024

    Gen Kukita, Community Manager, Cesium Japan
    Cesium joins PLATEAU Consortium
  • Cesium presentation at CSPI 2024

    Chiba, Japan,

    Cesium's Ben Jewett joined our partners EARTHBRAIN and Komatsu to discuss the latest innovations in Smart Construction at CSPI 2024 in Japan.

    Ben Jewett presenting on behalf of Cesium in Chiba, Japan
  • I3D 2024: 3D Tiles: Bringing Computer Graphics Research into Production

    Philadelphia, PA, USA,

    Industry talk by Cesium's Sean Lilley at ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2024, hosted at Cesium headquarters in Philadelphia.

    Title slide for "3D Tiles: Bringing Computer Graphics Research into Production" by Sean Lilley


  • Metaverse Standards Forum Webinar: The State of 3D Asset Interoperability Using USD and glTF


    Speakers: Patrick Cozzi, Cesium; Guido Quaroni, Adobe; Henrik Edström, Autodesk; Eric Haines, NVIDIA; Marc Petit, Epic Games; Alexey Medvedev, Facebook

    The Metaverse Standards Forum 3D Asset Interoperability Domain Group is enabling cooperation between the USD and glTF communities to build synergies and reduce overlaps, gaps, fragmentation, and industry confusion. Developers building tools and platforms with USD and integrating the popular glTF standard will share the state of these 3D initiatives and how they can benefit each other. The group explores expanding the scope of 3D asset definitions to include behaviors, sound, physics, and scene composition and discuss how different standards organizations, open source projects, and commercial companies are converging towards a shared material representation for the open metaverse.

    Metaverse Standards Forum webinar graphic
  • SIGGRAPH 2023: Digital Twins Go Geospatial with OpenUSD, 3D Tiles, and Cesium

    SIGGRAPH 2023 - Los Angeles, CA,

    Part of NVIDIA OpenUSD Day, Sean Lilley, Staff 3D Software Developer and Lead for Cesium for Omniverse, led this exploration of OpenUSD, 3D Tiles, and geospatial data to create rich digital twins. He offered insight into data pipelines, 3D Tiles streaming, scene management and performance considerations, and the future of USD and geospatial.

    Cesium at SIGGRAPH 2023
  • SIGGRAPH 2023: Geometry, Textures, and Workflow - Optimizing glTF

    Los Angeles, CA,

    Adam Morris, Staff 3D Software Engineer, joined Pawel Nikiel and Max Limper, DGG; and Andreas Vasilakis, Phasmatic, to explain cutting-edge techniques for optimizing geometry, textures, and node structure within glTF.

    Cesium at SIGGRAPH 2023
  • SIGGRAPH 2023: Birds of a Feather Session: Cartographic Visualization (CARTO)

    Los Angeles, CA,

    Session explores how viewpoints and techniques from the computer graphics community can be effectively applied to cartographic and spatial data sets.

    Cesium at SIGGRAPH 2023
  • Angular Projects, Third Edition

    Angular Projects, Packt Publishing,

    Guidance for integrating CesiumJS into an Angular project to bring a high precision 3D globe to a web app.

    Aristeidis Bampakos, CesiumJS Contributor
    Angular Projects book cover
  • Deep Dive: Bentley's LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse and Cesium


    Recorded webinar on the power of Bentley's LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse and its integration with Cesium. The panel will discuss how the integration of these tools to build digital twins can help visualize complex construction projects in real-time, optimize project timelines and budgets, and how Bentley and Cesium are driving innovation in the construction industry.

    Deep Dive: Bentley's LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse and Cesium
  • Cesium Ecosystem Grants Webinar


    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi and Ecosystem Grants Manager Danielle Stollak provide an overview of the $1M fund for growth in the 3D geospatial ecosystem, and answer questions from potential grantees.

    Cesium Ecosystem Grants
  • How glTF and 3D Tiles Bring Geospatial to the Metaverse


    Cesium's Adam Morris presented at the Metaverse Standards Forum Real/Virtual World Integration Working Group

    How glTF and 3D Tiles Bring Geospatial to the Metaverse
  • CesiumJS: Developing a Large Scale JS Library for 3D Visualization

    Philadelphia Javascript Developers Meetup, One Penn Center, 1617 JFK Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19103,

    Cesium presented,"Developing a Large Scale JS Library for 3D Visualization" alongside Ted Agolii of Certara; Otoloye Oyeniran of Wajusoft; and Jevelson Simenthy of Comcast.

    Gabby Getz presented "Developing a Large Scale JS Library for 3D Visualization"
  • Scaling glTF with 3D Tiles

    Khronos Group glTF Webinar,

    Cesium's Sean Lilley joined Tam Belayneh, Esri; Michael Beale, Autodesk; and Leonard Daly of The Khronos Group to discuss how to use glTF for large 3D models, terrain, scanned imagery, and connect it to GIS; Architecture Engineering, and Construction (AEC); and Building Information Model (BIM) meta-data to the individual nuts-and-bolts. glTF’s Geospatial Special Interest Group explained the limitations of today’s glTF and presented their solutions to extend it for the Geospatial and AEC industries. Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD), point clouds, geometry and texture compression, and meta-data solutions for the urban digital twin and how it applies to the Metaverse were additional topics discussed.

    Scaling glTF with 3D Tiles presentation by Sean Lilley, Khronos Group webinar



  • Web3D Conference 2021


    Cesium's Peter Gagliardi discussed Cesium and 3D Tiles NEXT along with experts from Esri and the Wed3D consortium at this international conference on 3D Web technology hosted by SIGGRAPH.

    Peter Gagliardi, 3D Graphics
    3D web conference banner 2021
  • A Vision of the Metaverse - NVIDIA GTC 2021


    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi joined a panel of global Metaverse futurists for "A Vision of the Metaverse" at NVIDIA GTC 2021. Experts shared their vision of the Metaverse, its potential, and what needs to happen to build the foundation. The event featured:

    Dean Takahashi, Lead Writer, GamesBeat/VentureBeat

    Tim Sweeney, Founder and CEO, Epic Games

    Morgan McGuire, Chief Scientist, Roblox

    Rev Lebaredian, VP of Simulation Technology and Omniverse Engineering, NVIDIA

    Patrick Cozzi, CEO, Cesium

    Willim Cui, Vice President of Tencent Games, Tencent

    Christina Heller, CEO, Metastage

    Jinsoo Jeon, VP, Head of Metaverse Company, SK Telecom

    GTC Panel - A Vision of the Metaverse 2021, with Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi, Tim Sweeney of Epic Games, Morgan Mcguire of Roblox, and more.
  • DINAcon: " - a technological innovation"


    Cesium's Sam Rothstein joined experts from Camptocamp and the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, to discuss how open source software like CesiumJS makes creating 3D visualizations accessible to a broad range of professionals.

    Sam Rothstein, Emerging Technologies
    Cesium open source projects
  • Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds: Cesium and 3D Tiles for O3DE

    O3DEcon - Los Angeles, CA and Virtual,

    Cesium's Shehzan Mohammed and Bao Tran presented "Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds: Cesium and 3D Tiles for O3DE" at this conference by the Linux Foundation that explores open source collaboration in gaming.

    o3DEcon LA October 11-12, 2021
  • Building the Open Metaverse

    SIGGRAPH 2021, Virtual,

    This unique Birds of a Feather session hosted by Cesium and Epic Games brought experts together to discuss openness and interoperability for the future metaverse. The event featured speakers from Unity, NVIDIA, Roblox, and others.

    Building the Open Metaverse - SIGGRAPH 2021
A birds of a feather session featuring Cesium, Epic Games, NVIDIA, Unity, Roblox, OGC, and more.
  • Smart Construction Digital Meetup

    Geoawesomeness, August 2021,

    Smart Construction experts from Cesium, Komatsu, and Hunzinger Construction share insights about how 3D geospatial data is driving the digital transformation of the construction industry.

    Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup: Smart Construction. Thursday, August 5, 2021 - 1 pm ET featuring Cesium's Dave Braig, Yoetzin Diaz and Michael Salyers of Komatsu, and Andie Rodenkirch of Hunzinger Construction
  • Geospatial Infrastructure for Conservation

    The Earth Archive Virtual Congress,

    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi joins experts from Esri, Trimble and Intel Geospatial for the Geospatial Infrastructure for Conservation: Technology Panel Discussion. This talk was presented at the Earth Archive Virtual Congress.

    Green topography with white letters: EarthArchive Virtual Congress. Chapter 1: The Amazon June 15-16, 2021 "An unprecedented scientific effort to create a digital twin of the entire surface of the Earth and everything on it before it's too late."
  • GeoConvergence Workshop

    American Geographical Society,

    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi joins a panel of experts including Dr. Sarah Battersby, Dr. Michael Botts, Sanjay Kumar and Nadine Alameh to discuss The Sciences and Technologies of the GeoConvergence.

  • Unlocking Geospatial and Game Engines


    Panel discussion on bridging geospatial and game engine technology with Patrick Cozzi, CEO of Cesium, Dr. Nadine Alameh, CEO of OGC, and Marc Petit, VP and General Manager of Unreal Engine at Epic Games.

    Geoawesomeness panel discussion
  • Global-Scale Cloud-Streaming Visualization in AR


    Cesium joins experts from Epic Games, Microsoft and NVIDIA to discuss off-the-shelf technologies used to rapidly build and deploy a streaming interactive simulation application using the Cesium for Unreal plugin, OGC 3D-Tiles, Unreal Engine, and Holographic Remoting from Azure to the Microsoft HoloLens 2 device.

    Man wearing a mask and VR headset standing over a digital 3D model of a city
  • The Geospatial Metaverse – Infrastructure, Tradecraft and Applications


    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi joins an expert panel including Chris Andrews, Sébastien Lozé, Sebastien Lavier, and Ash Richter to discuss Advances in 3D/4D Visualization.

    Panel discussion with industry experts from Esri, Epic Games, and Unity about the visualization and use of real-world 3D content, combined with game engine technology and deployed to desktop, mobile, and mixed-reality devices
  • Enabling 3D Geospatial for AR/VR

    TEAR 3M,

    Cesium's Brady Moore discusses Cesium for mission critical visualization and analysis at TEAR 3M: Technical Exchange on Augmented Reality for Military, Maintenance and 3D Modeling.

  • Geospatial Gurus Podcast

    GW Prime,

    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi discusses Cesium’s commitment to open standards like 3D Tiles, running a business while maintaining open source software, current partnerships and industry trends, Cesium for Unreal, and more.


  • Cesium & Kaarta for Interior Spaces in Dense Urban Environments

    Digital Engineering Forum: The Persistent Mission Model,

    Cesium's Brady Moore gives a short demo of Cesium and Kaarta's proposed solution for dense urban environments including interior spaces and underground infrastructure.

    Screenshot of demo showing Cesium and Kaarta's proposed solution for dense urban environments.
  • Cesium for Multi Domain Operations

    Digital Engineering Forum: The Persistent Mission Model,

    Cesium's Brady Moore demonstrates how Cesium can be used for multi domain operations that require synchronization of plans and actions across different times and locations.

    Digital Engineering Forum 2020 The Persistent Mission Model
  • Project Anywhere at V I/IITSEC 2020

    I/ITSEC 2020,

    Project Anywhere, a proof-of-concept demo built by Cesium, Epic Games, NVIDIA, and Microsoft, showed the first glimpse of Cesium’s high-fidelity, full-scale WGS84 globe being streamed into Unreal Engine as 3D Tiles.

  • Cesium 3D COP

    Digital Engineering Forum: The Persistent Mission Model,

    Quick demo of a 3D COP (Common Operating Picture) built on Cesium.

    Screenshot of a 3D COP (Common Operating Picture) built on Cesium showing a 3D model of an aircraft flying over real world terrain with annotations and infobox.
  • 3D Data for Digital Transformation in Construction


    Dave Braig presents the latest on how Cesium and Komatsu are driving the digital transformation of the construction industry with Smart Construction.

  • Breaking Into Product Management

    Product Tank Philly,

    Shehzan Mohammed joined a group of product managers from several Philadelphia companies to talk about the career journey that led to his role at Cesium.

  • iTwin Developer Conference

    Bentley Systems,

    Cesium joins Ray Bentley, Executive VP, Bentley Systems to present Digital Twins with Cesium & iModels (Using Tiles to Improve Display Performance for Massive Data Sets) at The iTwin Developer Conference. The event brings infrastructure thought leaders together to discuss digital twin technologies and the vision of an open ecosystem for infrastructure digital twins. 

    Omar Shehata, 3D graphics
  • GISCafe Bunker Broadcast


    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi talks 3D geospatial, Smart Construction, and our collaboration with Epic Games on the GISCafe Bunker Broadcast.

    Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi and host Sanjay Gupta on the GisCafe Bunker Broadcast
  • Geoholics Anonymous Podcast

    Younger Geomatics Professionals,

    Cesium's Gabby Getz discusses her path to geospatial, mentoring, and winning the 2019 Younger Geospatial Professional of the Year award.

    Geoholics Podcast cover image
  • Maps and Augmented Reality

    Maps for the Web,

    Panel discussion of the possibilities ahead as augmented reality is extended to a broad range of use cases.

    Maps for the Web Banner September - October 2020
  • Cesium - The Platform for 3D Geospatial

    Carto BOF SIGGRAPH 2020,

    An overview of Cesium and its latest features, including Cesium OSM Buildings, underground visualization, and smart construction, plus planned development.

    A presentation deck title slide introducing "The Platform for 3D Geospatial" presented by Lisa Bos, and with an image of the Cesium Man 3D model
  • VerySpatial Podcast - Kevin Ring

    VerySpatial Podcast,

    Kevin Ring of Cesium talks about the development of CesiumJS and the recent release of Cesium OSM Buildings.

  • VerySpatial Podcast - Gabby Getz

    VerySpatial Podcast,

    Gabby Getz discusses how Cesium is supporting the digital transformation of the construction industry through our Smart Construction work with Komatsu.

  • Applications of Innovative Tools and Technologies for Nonproliferation

    James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies,

    Cesium helps the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies ("CNS") gain more insights from their 3D data through visualization and analysis, and make those insights easier to share with journalists, policymakers, and the public.


  • 3D Tiles and Visualization Advancements in STK 11.6

    AGI Webinar,

    glTF 2.0 models, physics-based rendering (PBR), and streaming massive 3D datasets with 3D Tiles in STK and Cesium.

    Alex Wood, CesiumJS Contributor
    Ed Mackey, CesiumJS Contributor
    Two men with earphones, microphones,  and laptops sitting around a table and with a large screen and a starry background behind them.
  • What's New and What's Next for Cesium and 3D Tiles?

    FOSS4G NA,

    A look at the latest advancements in visualizing massive 3D geospatial data over the past year from the popular open source CesiumJS project, 3D Tiles, and the surrounding Cesium ecosystem.

    Omar Shehata, 3D graphics
    A slide titled "Procedual Terrain Shading" with three images of terrain with colorful shading and lines labeled as "Elevation", "Slope", and "Contour Lines"
  • 3D - The New Standard for Maps

    FOSS4G NA,

    Explore the benefits of 3D visualization, including an intuitive understanding of data and the need for 3D due to modern data collection techniques.

    Omar Shehata, 3D graphics
    Two side-by-side images of a tower, one with red bounding boxes showing the 3D Tiles that enable hierarchical level of detail
  • Driving Simulations for Autonomous Vehicles with 3D Tiles and Cesium

    FOSS4G NA,

    Why Cesium is a great platform for autonomous driving, including streaming massive point clouds and photogrammetry models with open standards and fusing time dynamic data for visualizations in CesiumJS.

    The CesiumJS user interface showing a car on a highway and pop up dialogs to control and display data related to an autonomous vehicle
  • Harnessing the Potential of Drone Data Capture with Cesium

    FOSS4G NA,

    How Cesium’s open-core platform is used for visualizing the huge influx of data captured by drones across industries such as construction management, agriculture, and home inspection.

    A photo of a woman in hiking gear with a baby in a pack on her back and a young child standing next to her, in a rocky desert landscape


  • WebGL Virtual Globe & Map Engine


    A look at some of the latest geospatial applications using the Cesium ecosystem, and an update on Cesium news from the past year.

  • 3D Tiles with FME


    Automate data integration using 3D Tiles. To see a video of the presentation, see the full session recording.

    Dmitri Bagh, Guest Author
    A presentation slide containing a screenshot of an aerial view of water and buildings in CesiumJS and titled Bring Any Data into Cesium
  • A-Terrain for A-Frame


    Using Cesium geometry in browser based apps. To see a video of the presentation, see the full session recording.

    Anselm Hook, Guest Author
    A presentation slide titled "AFrame itself democratizes access to building 3d worlds in HTML so that everybody can play."
  • 3D Formats: I3S, 3D Tiles, and Beyond


    A presentation about 3D formats with Esri products, including I3S and 3D Tiles. To see a video of the presentation, see the full session recording.

    Tamrat Belayneh, Guest Author
    A slide with the title "Interoperability is Front and Center"
  • SIGGRAPH 2018 Cesium BOF


    Yearly Cesium update at SIGGRAPH, emceed by Patrick Cozzi and including presentations from the Cesium team, Mozilla, Esri, Safe Software, and Toyota Research Institute. Individual slides available below.

    Cesium State of the Union. Gabby Getz, Cesium

    A-Terrain for A-Frame. Anselm Hook, Mozilla

    3D Formats: I3S, 3D Tiles, and Beyond. Tamrat Belayneh, Esri

    3D Tiles with FME. Dmitri Bagh, Safe Software

    Applications in Autonomous Driving. Vangelis Kokkevis, Toyota Research Institute

    A man standing in front a a presentation on a large screen
  • 3D Tiles Update - 3DP SWG

    OGC TC Meeting Fort Collins,

    A broad update on 3D Tiles for the OGC community.

  • Massive Point Cloud Visualization with CesiumJS, 3D Tiles, and Cesium ion

    OGC TC Meeting Fort Collins,

    A broad update 3D Tiles, including ecosystem growth, compression, analytics, and time-dynamic point clouds for autonomous driving.

  • The Road to 200,000 Downloads: The Cesium Story

    FOSS4G NA,

    Tips from the Cesium experience for creating a healthy community around your open source project.

  • 2.5D is not 3D

    FOSS4G NA,

    Overview of what it means to be 3D and why most mapping engines labelling themselves as 3D are actually 2.5D.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Growing an Open Source Community: Lessons Learned from Cesium

    University of Pennsylvania CIS 350 Guest Lecture,

    The importance of open source software and how to promote the development of an open source community through lessons learned from Cesium.

  • The Making of the Cesium Autonomous Car Simulation

    WebGL/WebVR Meetup during GDC,

    Why Cesium is a great platform for autonomous driving simulation, including streaming massive point clouds and photogrammetry models using 3D Tiles, and rendering individual agents with glTF.


  • Everything old is new again: What open source Google Earth Enterprise means for Cesium and FOSS4G


    A high level overview of the Cesium team's experience integrating with Google Earth Enterprise.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Why 3D? The benefits of 3d geospatial visualization beyond pretty pictures


    Explore the benefits of 3D visualization, including an intuitive understanding of data and the need for 3D due to modern data collection techniques.

    Hannah Pinkos, Platform
  • 2.5D is not 3D


    Overview of what it means to be 3D and why most mapping engines labelling themselves as 3D are actually 2.5D.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Cesium and 3D Tiles Update

    SIGGRAPH Cesium and Carto BOF,

    An update on new Cesium features, the Cesium community, 3D Tiles and 3D Tiles Next


  • Shadows and Cesium Implementation

    University of Pennsylvania CIS 460 Guest Lecture,

    A summary of shadow techniques and their implementation in Cesium.

  • Massive Models

    Williams College Guest Lecture,

    Introduction to data acquisition, use cases, and rendering techniques for massive models.

  • Interactive Visualization of Satellite (and Other) Data Online Using Cesium


    Using Cesium to visualize satellite and weather data at NASA Goddard.

    Matthew Lammers, Guest Presenter
  • Tracking Santa with open source software

    Geo Open Source Meetup,

    How open soure and open standards are used to make the NORAD Tracks Santa application.

    Hannah Pinkos, Platform
  • 3D Tiles: An open specification for streaming massive 3D geospatial scenes


    A high-level overview of 3D Tiles and its rapidly growing ecosystem.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • 3D Tiles OGC Update

    OGC TC Meeting Orlando,

    An update on 3D Tiles for the OGC community, presented at the 3DIM DWG, Point Cloud DWG, and 3DPS SWG.

  • Publishing Reality Meshes to Web from Bentley ContextCapture using Cesium 3D Tiles

    SIGGRAPH Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium BOF,

    Guest presentation by Bentley.

    Makai Smith, Guest Presenter
  • Cesium State of the Union

    SIGGRAPH Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium BOF,

    Kicking off the yearly Cesium update at SIGGRAPH, followed by:

    Publishing Reality Meshes to Web from Bentley ContextCapture using Cesium 3D Tiles. Makai Smith, Bentley

    Baking AO in the glTF Pipeline. Gary Li, Cesium

    Making Drone Data Useful in Cesium. Chris Cooper, Propeller

    3D Tiles and OGC's 3D Portrayal service standard. Ralf Gutbell, Fraunhofer

    Visualizing Geostationary Satellite Orbits in Cesium. Ed Mackey, Analytical Graphics, Inc.

  • Making Drone Data Useful in Cesium

    SIGGRAPH Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium BOF,

    Guest presentation by Propeller.

    Chris Cooper, CesiumJS Contributor
  • Baking AO in the glTF Pipeline

    SIGGRAPH Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium BOF,
    Gary Li, 3D graphics
  • Cesium and 3D Tiles update


    An update on new Cesium features and 3D Tiles for the cartography community.

  • The Open Cesium 3D Tiles Specification: Bringing Massive Geospatial 3D Scenes to the Web


    90-minute comprehensive technical introduction to 3D Tiles, including LOD approaches and tile formats.

  • 3D Tiles and OGC's 3D Portrayal service standard

    SIGGRAPH Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium BOF,

    Guest presentation by Fraunhofer.

    Ralf Gutbell, Guest Presenter
  • Exploring OpenStreetMap with 3D Tiles and Cesium

    FOSS4G NA,

    How Cesium and 3D Tiles can be used to visualize OSM in 3D and gain new insights into the structure of OSM.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Growing an Open-Source Community: Lessons Learned from Cesium

    FOSS4G NA,

    Actionable advice on how to start and grow an open-source project based on our experience with Cesium.

  • Migrating from Google Earth to Cesium

    FOSS4G NA,

    The closed-to-open source success story of the movement from Google Earth to Cesium, including technical differences.

    Hannah Pinkos, Platform
  • 3D Tiles: streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets

    OGC Technical and Planning Committee Meeting,

    The motivation for 3D Tiles and the state of the emerging 3D Tiles ecosystem.


  • Getting Started with Open-Source Software Development

    University of Pennsylvania Dining Philosophers,

    Open-source communities, why contribute, how to contribute, open standards, and licenses. Based on our experience with Cesium.

  • Beyond the Google Earth API: Cesium, a Plugin-Free, WebGL-Based Virtual Globe


    Introduction to Cesium in the face of Google Earth deprecation.

    Declan De Paor, Guest Presenter
  • Cesium and the future of 3D Geospatial standards


    An overview of the Cesium teams efforts to create open standards and specifications for massive 3D geosptial visualization on the web.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Migrating from Google Earth API to Cesium


    Advice based on porting several projects from Google Earth to Cesium. One of the projects, the Hiroshima Archive, also won The Best Cutting Edged Map prize at FOSS4G 2015.

    Professor Hidenori Watanave, Guest Presenter
  • The State of WebGL and glTF

    The Graphical Web,

    An update on two Khronos standards used by Cesium: WebGL and glTF.

  • Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium


    Yearly Cesium update at SIGGRAPH, including presentations from AGINICTA, and mousebird consulting.

    Cesium State of the Union, Matthew Amato, AGI

    Community Demos, Hannah Pinkos, AGI

    Using Cesium Terrain in a Native Mobile Toolkit, Steve Gifford, Mousebird Consulting

    Cesium at NICTA, Kevin Ring, NICTA

    3D Tiles, Patrick Cozzi, AGI

  • Cesium: A WebGL Virtual Globe and Map Engine

    Carto BOF, SIGGRAPH,

    A birds-eye introduction to Cesium with a focus on demos and 3D Tiles.

  • glTF ecosystem and mesh compression update


    The latest news on glTF and the upcoming mesh compression extension.

  • Getting Serious with JavaScript

    WebGL Insights, CRC Press,

    Best practices for large-scale JavaScript and WebGL development based on over four years experience developing Cesium.

  • WebGL, Gaming, and Cesium

    Philly Game Works,

    A general overview of both Cesium and WebGL game development.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Temporal Visualization with Cesium


    Overview of Cesium with emphasis on time-dynamic capabilities. Lots of demos.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • The Rise of 3D GIS on the Web


    3D on the Web in general, Cesium in particular. Mostly demos.


  • Data-driven Geospatial Visualization with Cesium

    2014 Geo Open Source Conference,

    Overview of Cesium with recent demos.

    Matthew Amato, Platform
  • Bringing 3D Geospatial to the Web with Cesium

    Harvard, Center for Geographic Analysis,

    Overview of Cesium with recent demos.

  • Rendering Massive Geospatial Datasets in Cesium

    MIT Computer Graphics Group,

    WebGL; trends in open data and data acquisition; and streaming and rendering massive geospatial datasets.

  • Whats new in Cesium: the open-source alternative for 3D maps


    The latest news on Cesium related to the open-source geospatial community, including OL3/Cesium integration.

  • Creating 3D web maps with Cesium


    A tour of Cesium Sandcastle and live coding to create a Cesium app to load GeoJSON, CZML, glTF, terrain, and imagery.

  • Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium


    Yearly Cesium update at SIGGRAPH, including presentations from AGINICTA, and Camptocamp.

    NORAD Tracks Santa, Patrick Cozzi, AGI

    Space Situational Awareness, Alex Wood, AGI

    National Map, Keith Grochow, NICTA

    Doarama and cesium-blockworld, Chris Cooper, NICTA

    OpenLayers 3 & Cesium Integration, Emmanuel Belo, Camptocamp

    Alex Wood, CesiumJS Contributor
    Keith Grochow, Guest Presenter
    Chris Cooper, CesiumJS Contributor
    Emmanuel Belo, Guest Presenter
  • 3D Geospatial Visualization on the Web with Cesium

    Carto BOF, SIGGRAPH,

    A birds-eye introduction to Cesium with a focus on data sources and terrain.

    Alex Wood, CesiumJS Contributor
  • Cesium, CZML, and glTF

    Geospatial information on the Web workshop, Web3D,

    An introduction to open-standards and open-formats in Cesium and a call for open-standards for high-performance visualization of massive geospatial datasets.

  • glTF: Designing an Open-Standard Runtime Asset Format

    GPU Pro 5, CRC Press,

    The design rationale of glTF, which is used in Cesium for 3D models.

    Remi Arnaud, Guest Presenter
    Tony Parisi, Guest Presenter
    Fabrice Robinet, Guest Presenter


  • Rendering the Whole Wide World on the World Wide Web

    CIS 565 guest lecture: GPU Programming & Architecture, University of Pennsylvania,

    Presents more details of the Cesium terrain engine, plus server-side terrain processing.

  • World-Scale Terrain Rendering

    Rendering Massive Virtual Worlds, SIGGRAPH,

    Presents challenging implementation details in Cesiums terrain engine.

  • Virtual Globes Using WebGL and Cesium


    An informal Birds of a Feather (BOF) session presenting an overview of Cesium, user apps, and future plans.

  • Using Multiple Frustums for Massive Worlds

    Rendering Massive Virtual Worlds, SIGGRAPH,

    Presents the approach used to eliminate z-fighting in Cesium.

  • A WebGL Globe Rendering Pipeline

    GPU Pro 4, CRC Press,

    Rendering techniques for filling cracks between LODs, filling holes at the poles, and avoiding z-fighting that we developed in the early Cesium days.



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