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The Cesium ecosystem includes thousands of applications, accessed by millions of end users, for a broad range of use cases. See what the Cesium community is building in our user stories.

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Cesium Blog /
RUMI combines disparate data streams in one interactive 3D space with Cesium for Unreal. Courtesy Ocean Exploration Trust. The teal line shows the dive track of ROV Hercultes.

Ocean Exploration Trust Uses Cesium for Realtime Underwater Modeling and Immersion Project

Nonprofit organization Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) seeks out discoveries on the seafloor, aiding research in geology, biology, and more while pushing the boundaries of technological innovation, education, and outreach. Working in the deep waters of the Pacific, the team uses Cesium for Unreal for its Realtime Underwater Modeling and Immersion (RUMI) project, fusing and sharing massive 3D and 2D datasets for discoverability, analysis, and education.

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