
new CesiumInspectorViewModel(scene)

The view model for CesiumInspector.
Name Type Description
scene Scene The scene instance to use.


doFilterPrimitive :Command

Gets the command to toggle a filter that renders only a selected primitive

doFilterTile :Command

Gets the command to toggle a filter that renders only a selected tile

doSuspendUpdates :Command

Gets the command to toggle whether to suspend tile updates
Gets or sets if the cesium inspector drop down is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value: true

filterPrimitive :Boolean

Gets or sets the filter primitive state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

filterTile :Boolean

Gets or sets the filter tile state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

frustums :Boolean

Gets or sets the show frustums state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

frustumStatisticText :String

Gets or sets the frustum statistic text. This property is observable.
Default Value: ''

generalSwitchText :String

Gets or sets if the text on the general section expand button. This property is observable.
Default Value: '-'

generalVisible :Boolean

Gets or sets if the general section is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value: true

hasPickedPrimitive :Boolean

Gets if a primitive has been selected. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

hasPickedTile :Boolean

Gets if a tile has been selected. This property is observable
Default Value: false

performance :Boolean

Gets or sets the show performance display state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

performanceContainer :Element

Gets the container of the PerformanceDisplay

pickPimitiveActive :Boolean

Gets if the picking primitive command is active. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

pickPrimitive :Command

Gets the command to pick a primitive

pickTile :Command

Gets the command to pick a tile

pickTileActive :Boolean

Gets if the picking tile command is active. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

primitive :Command

Gets or sets the current selected primitive

primitiveBoundingSphere :Boolean

Gets or sets the show primitive bounding sphere state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

primitiveReferenceFrame :Boolean

Gets or sets the show primitive reference frame state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

primitivesSwitchText :String

Gets or sets if the text on the primitive section expand button. This property is observable.
Default Value: '+'

primitivesVisible :Boolean

Gets or sets if the primitive section is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

scene :Scene

Gets the scene to control.

selectNE :Command

Gets the command to pick a tile

selectNW :Command

Gets the command to pick a tile

selectParent :Command

Gets the command to pick a tile

selectSE :Command

Gets the command to pick a tile

selectSW :Command

Gets the command to pick a tile

showFrustums :Command

Gets the command to toggle Scene.debugShowFrustums

showPerformance :Command

Gets the command to toggle the visibility of the performance display.

showPrimitiveBoundingSphere :Command

Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a BoundingSphere for a primitive

showPrimitiveReferenceFrame :Command

Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a DebugModelMatrixPrimitive for the model matrix of a primitive

showTileBoundingSphere :Command

Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a BoundingSphere for a selected tile

showTileCoordinates :Command

Gets the command to toggle the visibility of tile coordinates

showWireframe :Command

Gets the command to toggle the view of the Globe as a wireframe

suspendUpdates :Boolean

Gets or sets the suspend updates state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

terrainSwitchText :String

Gets or sets if the text on the terrain section expand button. This property is observable.
Default Value: '+'

terrainVisible :Boolean

Gets or sets if the terrain section is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

tile :Command

Gets or sets the current selected tile

tileBoundingSphere :Boolean

Gets or sets the show tile bounding sphere state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

tileCoordinates :Boolean

Gets or sets the show tile coordinates state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false

tileText :String

Gets or sets the selected tile information text. This property is observable.
Default Value: ''

toggleDropDown :Command

Gets the command to toggle the visibility of the drop down.

toggleGeneral :Command

Gets the command to expand and collapse the general section

togglePrimitives :Command

Gets the command to expand and collapse the primitives section

toggleTerrain :Command

Gets the command to expand and collapse the terrain section

wireframe :Boolean

Gets or sets the show wireframe state. This property is observable.
Default Value: false