cesium-native 0.44.2
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Cesium3DTiles Namespace Reference

Classes for using 3D Tiles. More...


struct  Asset
 Metadata about the entire tileset. More...
struct  Availability
 An object describing the availability of a set of elements. More...
struct  BoundingVolume
 A bounding volume that encloses a tile or its content. At least one bounding volume property is required. Bounding volumes include box, region, or sphere. More...
struct  Buffer
 This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Buffer instead. More...
struct  BufferCesium
 Holds Buffer properties that are specific to the 3D Tiles loader rather than part of the 3D Tiles spec. More...
struct  BufferSpec
 A buffer is a binary blob. It is either the binary chunk of the subtree file, or an external buffer referenced by a URI. More...
struct  BufferView
 A contiguous subset of a buffer. More...
struct  Class
 A class containing a set of properties. More...
struct  ClassProperty
 A single property of a metadata class. More...
struct  ClassStatistics
 Statistics about entities that conform to a class that was defined in a metadata schema. More...
struct  Content
 Metadata about the tile's content and a link to the content. More...
struct  Enum
 An object defining the values of an enum. More...
struct  EnumValue
 An enum value. More...
struct  Extension3dTilesBoundingVolumeS2
 3D Tiles extension for S2 bounding volumes. More...
struct  FoundMetadataProperty
 Holds the details of a found property in a MetadataEntity. More...
struct  GroupMetadata
 An object containing metadata about a group. More...
struct  ImplicitTiling
 This object allows a tile to be implicitly subdivided. Tile and content availability and metadata is stored in subtrees which are referenced externally. More...
struct  MetadataEntity
 An object containing a reference to a class from a metadata schema, and property values that conform to the properties of that class. More...
class  MetadataQuery
 Convenience functions for querying MetadataEntity instances. More...
struct  Properties
 A dictionary object of metadata about per-feature properties. More...
struct  PropertyStatistics
 Statistics about property values. More...
struct  PropertyTable
 Properties conforming to a class, organized as property values stored in binary columnar arrays. More...
struct  PropertyTableProperty
 An array of binary property values. This represents one column of a property table, and contains one value of a certain property for each metadata entity. More...
struct  Schema
 An object defining classes and enums. More...
struct  Statistics
 Statistics about entities. More...
struct  Subtree
 An object describing the availability of tiles and content in a subtree, as well as availability of children subtrees. May also store metadata for available tiles and content. More...
struct  Subtrees
 An object describing the location of subtree files. More...
struct  Tile
 A tile in a 3D Tiles tileset. More...
struct  Tileset
 This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Tileset instead. More...
struct  TilesetSpec
 A 3D Tiles tileset. More...

Detailed Description

Classes for using 3D Tiles.

--- comment: This file was generated by dep-graph-gen. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! title: Cesium3DTiles Dependency Graph --- graph TD classDef dependencyNode fill:#fff,stroke:#ccc,color:#666,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px classDef libraryNode fill:#9f9,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px Cesium3DTiles[Cesium3DTiles] --> CesiumUtility[CesiumUtility] class CesiumUtility,Cesium3DTiles libraryNode