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Cesium for Unreal 2.14.1
, which broke with the previous release.UCesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent
now directly stores FCesiumFeatureMetadataDescription
instead of duplicating its inner properties.MLB_AngleMask
for masking Material Layers based on a tangent vector.ML_CesiumRVTBaseColorOverlay
for Overlaying the BaseColor of an RVT in your material.CesiumPropertyArray
, CesiumPropertyTable
, CesiumPropertyTableProperty
, CesiumPropertyTexture
, CesiumPropertyTextureProperty
, and CesiumMetadataValue
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.44.3 to v0.45.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.44.2 to v0.44.3. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.44.1 to v0.44.2. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.44.0 to v0.44.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
, allowing a raster overlay to be added using tiles requested based on a specified URL template.EstimateTimeZoneForLongitude
method to ACesiumSunSky
to set a reasonable TimeZone
value at the given longitude.ACesiumGeoreference
will now adjust the time zone of the ACesiumSunSky
instances that reference it, based on the new origin's longitude. This improves user experience when moving the origin to locations where it would be nighttime in the current time zone.RequestHeaders
property to Cesium3DTileset
, allowing per-tileset headers to be specified.RequestHeaders
properties to CesiumTileMapServiceRasterOverlay
, CesiumUrlTemplateRasterOverlay
, CesiumWebMapServiceRasterOverlay
, and CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay
, allowing per-raster-overlay HTTP headers to be specified.CesiumSubLevelSwitcherComponent
that could prevent all sub-levels from loading if a single sub-level failed to load.UCesiumIonServer
when running in a packaged build where tilesets are only created at runtime.FMatrix
-> FTransform
conversion that prevented models with a small scale factor (e.g., where vertex positions are expressed in millimeters) from rendering because their scale was treated as 0.0.SampleHeightMostDetailed
blueprint function without a valid tileset.Cesium3DTileset
resulting from EditCondition flag.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.43.0 to v0.44.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
to FCesiumFeatureIdAttribute::GetFeatureID
to FCesiumFeatureIdAttribute::GetCount
that could prevent all sub-levels from loading if a single sub-level failed to load.This release updates cesium-native from v0.42.0 to v0.43.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.42.0 to v0.42.1 in order to fix a critical bug when using Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This is the last release of Cesium for Unreal that will support Unreal Engine v5.2. Future versions will require Unreal Engine v5.3+.
to generate a tileset by tessellating the surface of the ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without terrain features.SampleHeightMostDetailed
on a Cesium3DTileset
with a raster overlay.CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay
now references CesiumCartographicPolygon
instances using TSoftObjectPtr
, which allows, for example, a raster overlay in the persistent level to use a polygon in a sub-level.Cesium3DTileset
had three or more overlays.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.41.0 to v0.42.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
property to CesiumSunSky
. It defaults to 0, which is consistent with the previous behavior. It can be set to a larger value (like 40) to avoid dark splotchy artifacts when zoomed out far from the globe in certain tilesets where geometry extends very far beyond the ellipsoid in the low-detail representation, such as Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.KHR_materials_unlit
properties are no longer shown on the main CesiumSunSky
Details panel, because it is almost never necessary to set these. They can still be set on the component's own Details panel if needed.FCesiumSampleHeightResult
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.40.1 to v0.41.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
function to Cesium3DTileset
, which asynchronously queries the height of a tileset at a list of positions. It is callable from both C++ and Blueprints.scale
, noData
, and default
values of a property in EXT_strutural_metadata
were not correctly passed to the tileset's material.This release updates cesium-native from v0.39.0 to v0.40.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
set to true by default. This allows them to be dynamically removed and destroyed at runtime via the Blueprint Destroy Component
function called from anywhere, including Level Blueprints. Previously, attempting to delete a raster overlay from outside the Actor would result in an error.Refresh
on a CesiumRasterOverlay
would cause the overlay to appear on the Cesium3DTileset, even if inactive.This release updates cesium-native from v0.38.0 to v0.39.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
exception when trying to access glTF extensions on non-Windows platforms. This commonly popped up when loading tilesets with metadata.GetInteger64
functions on CesiumMetadataValue
, CesiumPropertyArray
, and CesiumPropertyTableProperty
to always return the default value on non-Windows platforms.UCesiumGlobeAnchorComponent::GetEllipsoid
that caused compilation errors on some machines.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.37.0 to v0.38.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
asset may be specified in the Ellipsoid
field of a CesiumGeoreference
asset, right-click in the Content Drawer and select "Data Asset" under "Miscellaneous." Choose "Cesium Ellipsoid" from the menu that appears.CesiumCartographicRasterOverlay
when no viewport is activated in the Editor.UStaticMesh
and glm::toMat4
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.36.0 to v0.37.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
-> BaseUrl
-> RectangleWest
-> RectangleSouth
-> RectangleEast
-> RectangleNorth
has been deprecated on CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay
. Instead, use the Projection
enum property to specify between Geographic
or WebMercator
and TileHeight
properties to CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay
, CesiumWebMapServiceRasterOverlay
, and CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay
would attempt to load empty URLs.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.35.0 to v0.36.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This is the last release of Cesium for Unreal that will support Unreal Engine v5.1. Future versions will require Unreal Engine v5.2+.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.34.0 to v0.35.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.33.0 to v0.34.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
glTF extension - including rotation - for CesiumFeatureIdTexture
and CesiumPropertyTextureProperty
now generates nodes for KHR_texture_transform
if the extension is present in a feature ID texture or property texture property.TEXTUREGROUP_8BitData
instead of TEXTUREGROUP_World
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.32.0 to v0.33.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
glTF extension - including rotation - in baseColorTexture
, metallicRoughnessTexture
, emissiveTexture
, normalTexture
, and occlusionTexture
. The transformation is now applied on the GPU via nodes in the Material, rather than on the CPU by directly modifying texture coordinates.MLB_DitherFade
that made glTF materials with an alphaMode
incorrectly appear as fully opaque.CesiumFlyToComponent
that could cause the position of the object to shift suddenly at the very end of the flight.CesiumGltfComponent
that would cause a crash if the Ignore KHR_materials_unlit
setting was enabled on a point cloud.CesiumActors
that would cause the editor to crash when running in Standalone mode.EXT_feature_metadata
, which was mistakenly removed.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.31.0 to v0.32.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
on Cesium3DTileset
and CesiumIonRasterOverlay
. Use the new CesiumIonServer
property instead.CesiumIonServer
data assets.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.30.0 to v0.31.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
to Engine.ini
. This results in a major performance improvement for all tilesets, particularly Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.HttpMaxConnectionsPerServer=40
to Engine.ini
. By default, only 16 connections are allowed, which limits the performance when downloading tiles.EditConditio
n was not parsed correctly and caused Output Log window errors.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.29.0 to v0.30.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release no longer supports Unreal Engine v5.0. Unreal Engine v5.1, v5.2, or v5.3 is required.
, FCesiumFloatColor
, UCesiumFeatureTexturePropertyBlueprintLibrary::GetIntegerColorFromTextureCoordinates
and UCesiumFeatureTexturePropertyBlueprintLibrary::GetFloatColorFromTextureCoordinates
. Check out the upgrade guide for how retrieve metadata from property textures with the new API.GetTextureCoordinateIndex
to GetUnrealUVChannel
in both UCesiumFeatureIdTextureBlueprintLibrary
and UCesiumPropertyTexturePropertyBlueprintLibrary
. Contrary to what the documentation claimed, this function retrieved the index of the texture coordinate set in the Unreal static mesh, which is not necessarily equal to the texture coordinate set index in the glTF primitive. For the latter value, use GetGltfTextureCoordinateSetIndex
or CesiumTileExcluder
to retrieve detailed property information and get the values of the property as a certain type. Check out the upgrade guide for how retrieve metadata from property textures with the new API.UCesiumMetadataPickingBlueprintLibrary::FindUVFromHit
, which computes the UV coordinates from a line trace hit without requiring "Support UV Hit Info" to be enabled. This can used to retrieve more accurate feature IDs or metadata values by sampling at an intermediary point on the face.GetPropertyTableValuesFromHit
and GetPropertyTextureValuesFromHit
to UCesiumMetadataPickingBlueprintLibrary
to retrieve the respective metadata from a line trace hit. For both functions, the target to sample is specified by index.UCesiumFeatureIdSetBlueprintLibrary::GetFeatureIDFromHit
to retrieve the feature ID from a line trace hit on a primitive containing the feature ID set. This returns more accurate values for feature ID textures than GetFeatureIDForVertex
to retrieve the feature ID from a line trace hit on a primitive, where the desired feature ID set is specified by index. For feature ID textures, this returns more accurate values than GetFeatureIDFromFace
, which samples a feature ID texture with FVector2D
UV coordinates.GetGltfTextureCoordinateSetIndex
to UCesiumFeatureIdTextureBlueprintLibrary
and UCesiumPropertyTexturePropertyBlueprintLibrary
to avoid ambiguity with GetUnrealUVChannel
to convert a map of FCesiumMetadataValues
to their string representations.file:///
URLs across all platforms and Unreal Engine versions.CesiumGeoreference
to have an incorrect transformation.LevelSequenceActor
in the level did not have a LevelSequencePlayer
has been deprecated. Use UCesiumFeatureIdTextureBlueprintLibrary::GetFeatureIDForUV
and UCesiumPropertyTexturePropertyBlueprintLibrary::GetComponentCount
have been deprecated, since they are no longer necessary to handle property texture property values in the plugin. Use UCesiumPropertyTexturePropertyBlueprintLibrary::GetChannels
has been deprecated. Use UCesiumMetadataPickingBlueprintLibrary::GetPropertyTableValuesForHit
has been deprecated. Use UCesiumMetadataValueBlueprintLibrary::GetValuesAsStrings
to convert the output of UCesiumMetadataPickingBlueprintLibrary::GetPropertyTableValuesForHit
has been deprecated. Use UCesiumMetadataValueBlueprintLibrary::GetValuesAsStrings
to convert the output of UCesiumPropertyTableBlueprintLibrary::GetMetadataValuesForFeature
instead.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.28.1 to v0.29.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This is the last release of Cesium for Unreal that will support Unreal Engine v5.0. Future versions will require Unreal Engine v5.1+.
and EXT_structural_metadata
extensions respectively. Models with EXT_feature_metadata
will still be parsed, but their metadata will no longer be accessible. See the upgrade guide for the full changelog and for tips on upgrading to the new API.CesiumMetadataFeatureTable
, UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary
, UCesiumMetadataPrimitiveBlueprintLibrary::GetFeatureTables
, and UCesiumMetadataUtilityBlueprintLibrary::GetFeatureIDForFace
. These have been deprecated since Unreal Engine 4.26.CesiumSunSky
now uses a default TransmittanceMinLightElevationAngle
value on its SkyAtmosphere
component of 90.0 degrees instead of -90.0 degrees. This will generally improve lighting when far from the CesiumGeoreference origin, but it is a breaking change because it may change the lighting conditions in existing levels, particularly at sunrise and sunset.Mobility
property on ACesium3DTileset
is now obsolete. Instead, use the normal mechanism of setting the root component's mobility.ACesiumGeoreference
and UCesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
that used glm
vector types. Use the versions that work with Unreal types instead.ComputeEastSouthUpToUnreal
function on ACesiumGeoreference
has been renamed to ComputeEastSouthUpToUnrealTransformation
and now returns a matrix that includes the translation component of the transformation. Previously it only included the rotation component.CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
must now be accessed with get/set functions from C++, instead of direct field access.CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
renamed to GetEarthCenteredEarthFixedPosition
renamed to MoveToEarthCenteredEarthFixedPosition
function on CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
property on CesiumGeoreference
has been deprecated, and the georeference no longer automatically handles sub-level transitions. Instead, you must add a CesiumOriginShiftComponent
to the Actor
to trigger sub-level loading. When loading old levels that contain sub-levels, the plugin will automatically attempt to add this component.FloatingPawn
that has been deprecated since v1.3.0.GlobeAwareDefaultPawn
. This functionality is now found in CesiumFlyToComponent
and can be used with any Pawn or Actor. Existing Blueprints should continue to work, but C++ code will likely require changes.Curves/FlyTo
folder. Redirectors should upgrade references to the old names.Curve_AltitudeProfile_Float
was renamed to Curve_CesiumFlyToDefaultHeightPercentage_Float
was renamed to Curve_CesiumFlyToDefaultMaximumHeightByDistance_Float
was renamed to Curve_CesiumFlyToDefaultProgress_Float
instance to use with a Cesium3DTileset
can now be specified with a property on the tileset. In addition to offering more flexibility, this avoids the work of finding the camera manager in the level every frame.ACesiumGeoreference
, ACesiumCreditSystem
, and ACesiumCameraManager
instances in the Persistent Level.CesiumTileExcluder
actor component. This component can be used to implement custom logic for determining whether a tile should be excluded, either in C++ or Blueprints.ACesiumGeoreference
can now act as a parent Actor. By adjusting the georeference's transformation, the entire globe can be located, rotated, and scaled within the Unreal Engine world.AtmosphereHeight
, AerialPerspectiveViewDistanceScale
, RayleighExponentialDistribution
, and MieExponentialDistribution
properties to ACesiumSunSky
. These have the same function as the properties of the same name on Unreal's built-in SkyAtmosphere component, except that they automatically respond to the scale of the globe.UCesiumWgs84Ellipsoid
Blueprint function library class.CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
relative to an East-South-Up coordinate system.ComputeEastSouthUpAtEarthCenteredEarthFixedPositionToUnrealTransformation
function to CesiumGeoreference
. In addition to triggering transitions between sub-levels, this component optionally allows the Unreal world origin to be shifted as the Actor to which it is attached moves. The shifting may be done by either changing the CesiumGeoreference
origin or by setting Unreal's OriginLocation
attached to the CesiumGeoreference
. Be sure to disable any CesiumOriginShiftComponent
instances in your level if you want manual control of sub-level switching.CesiumFlyToComponent
to allow animated flights of any Actor or Pawn.ACesiumGeoreference::GetDefaultDefaultGeoreferenceForActor
, which checks first for an attachment parent that is a CesiumGeoreference. This way a Cesium3DTileset
or similar object will by associated with the CesiumGeoreference it is nested inside by default.CesiumGeoreference
is now shown in the Editor Details UI for georeferenced objects, next to the Georeference
that could cause an error when it was created inside a sub-level.ACesiumGeoreference
, ACesiumCameraManager
, and ACesiumCreditSystem
are now created in the Persistent Level, even if the object that triggered their automatic creation (such as ACesium3DTileset
) exists in a sub-level. It is very rarely useful to have instances of these objects within a sub-level.ACesiumCreditSystem
in a sub-level will no longer cause overlapping and broken-looking credits. However, we still recommend deleting credit system instances from sub-levels.ACesiumCartographicPolygon
now operates on the parts of the tileset that are shown in the Editor viewport, even if it is used with a Cesium3DTileset with a non-identity transformation.RF_Public
flag set. This could cause problems when converting an existing level to World Partition, or perhaps cause other subtle issues that we haven't realized yet.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.27.3 to v0.28.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This is the last release of Cesium for Unreal that will support Unreal Engine v5.0. Future versions will require Unreal Engine v5.1+.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.27.2 to v0.27.3. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
textures on iOS, so we recommend that you continue to use Unreal Engine 5.2 for the time being if you are deploying to iOS.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.27.1 to v0.27.2. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release fixes an important bug by updating cesium-native from v0.27.0 to v0.27.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.26.0 to v0.27.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
to crash when attempting to build lighting containing static meshes created by a Cesium3DTileset
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.25.1 to v0.26.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
and GetEllipsoidCenteredToGeoreferencedTransform
methods from GeoTransforms
. Because these were transformations between two right-handed coordinate systems, they are not of much use with Unreal's left-handed coordinate system.FlyToGranularityDegrees
property for AGlobeAwareDefaultPawn
. Flight interpolation is now computed per-frame, so this property is no longer needed. Any code that refers to FlyToGranularityDegrees
should be removed or changed to FlyToGranularityDegrees_DEPRECATED
to still compile.Scale
via Blueprints.ACesiumCameraManager::RemoveCamera
. It is available via both Blueprints and C++. This complements the existing ACesiumCameraManager::AddCamera
/ DynamicPawn
to suddenly move to a very high height for one render frame just as it arrives at its destination during a flight.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.25.0 to v0.25.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
that could occur within ACesiumCreditSystem
when flying to different sublevels.Cesium3DTileset
, which allow point cloud tilesets to be rendered with attenuation based on geometric error.ACesium3DTileset
now emits a warning if the "Enable World Bounds Checks" option is enabled. That option can make the camera fly toward the origin unexpectedly.CesiumGlTFFunction
that caused the glTF and 3D Tiles "Ambient Occlusion" value to be 0.0 (instead of the expected 1.0) when the model does not specify an explicit occlusion texture. This could cause some extremely dark shadows.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.24.0 to v0.25.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
property to CesiumGeoreference
. This allows the entire globe to be scaled up or down within the Unreal world.ACesiumCartographicPolygon
where the standard base class BeginPlay
implementation was not called.bUseChaos
and bCompilePhysX
being obsolete.Starting with this release, Cesium for Unreal requires Unreal Engine v5.0 or later.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.23.0 to v0.24.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This will be the last release that supports Unreal Engine v4.27. Future versions will require Unreal Engine v5.0+.
, FlyToProgressCurve
, FlyToMaximumAltitudeCurve
, FlyToDuration
, and FlyToGranularityDegrees
properties of GlobeAwareDefaultPawn
/ DynamicPawn
may now be read and written from Blueprints.Cesium3DTileset
to ignore the KHR_materials_unlit
extension entirely and use normal lighting and shadows.CreateNavCollision
property to Cesium3DTileset
. When enabled, CreateNavCollision
is called on the static meshes created for tiles.KHR_materials_unlit
extension when the sun is close to the horizon.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.22.0 to v0.23.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
).In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.21.3 to v0.22.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
glTF extension. This is rendered in Unreal Engine by disabling shadows and making all normals point up (along the ellipsoid surface normal).In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.21.2 to v0.21.3. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
and other modules as dependencies.CesiumGeoreference
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.21.1 to v0.21.2. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.21.0 to v0.21.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
: ComputeEastNorthUp
, TransformRotatorEastNorthUpToUnreal
, and TransformRotatorUnrealToEastNorthUp
. These functions have been replaced with reliable "EastSouthUp" counterparts.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.20.0 to v0.21.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
to change the tileset's mobility, rather than always using Static mobility. This allows users to make a tileset movable at runtime, if needed.ACesiumCreditSystem
now has a Blueprint-accessible property for the CreditsWidget
. This is useful to, for example, move the credits to an in-game billboard rather than a 2D overlay.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
property on Cesium3DTileset
allows a custom material to be used to render these translucent portions.Rendering -> Use Lod Transitions
option on Cesium3DTileset
to smoothly dither between levels-of-detail rather than switching abruptly.EXT_texture_webp
extension.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.18.1 to v0.19.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.18.0 to v0.18.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
, meaning that devices with high-DPI displays will get less detail and higher performance than they did in previous versions. This can be disabled - and the previous behavior restored - by disabling the "Scale Level Of Detail By DPI" in Project Settings under Plugins -> Cesium, or by changing the "Apply Dpi Scaling" property on individual Tileset Actors.ACesium3DTileset
to control occlusion culling and turn it off if necessary.UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent
now has static mobility, allowing it to take advantage of several rendering optimizations only available for static objects.OnTilesetLoaded
even that is invoked when the current tileset has finished loading. It is available from C++ and Blueprints.GetLoadProgress
method that returns the current load percentage of the tileset. It is available from C++ and Blueprints.OnFlightComplete
for when Dynamic Pawn completes flight.OnFlightInterrupt
for when Dynamic Pawn's flying is interrupted.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.17.0 to v0.18.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
to ExcludeSelectedTiles
on the CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay
. A core redirect was added to remap the property value in existing projects.InvertSelection
option on CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay
to rasterize outside the selection instead of inside. When used in conjunction with the ExcludeSelectedTiles
option, tiles completely outside the polygon selection will be culled, instead of the tiles inside.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.15.1 to v0.16.0, fixing an important bug. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
pointers.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.15.1 to v0.15.2, fixing an important bug and updating some third-party libraries. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release updates cesium-native from v0.15.0 to v0.15.1, fixing an important bug. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
(and upgraded batch tables).EXT_feature_metadata
to enable styling with the metadata from the EXT_feature_metadata
extension. This component provides a convenient way to query for existing metadata, dictate which metadata properties to encode for styling, and generate a starter material layer to access the wanted properties.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.14.0 to v0.15.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
, OriginRebaseInsideSublevels
, and MaximumWorldOriginDistanceFromCamera
options from CesiumGeoreference
. These options are not usually necessary with Unreal Engine 5's double-precision coordinates.WorldOriginCamera
property on CesiumGeoreference
to SubLevelCamera
, as this property is now only used for switching sub-levels. Core Redirects should automatically make this change in Blueprints.Inaccurate
from the name of a large number of Blueprint functions, now that Unreal Engine 5 supports double-precision in Blueprints. Core Redirects should automatically make this change in Blueprints.World
texture group, which yields much higher quality on many platforms by enabling anisotrpic texture filtering. Shimmering of overlay textures in the distance should be drastically reduced.RasterOverlay
give the user control over the texture group, texture filtering, and mipmapping used for overlay textures.CesiumWebMapServiceRasterOverlay
to pull raster overlays from a WMS server.Cesium3DTileset
and CesiumRasterOverlay
credits on screen, rather than in a separate popup.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.13.0 to v0.14.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
glTF extension.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.12.0 to v0.13.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
have been renamed. CoreRedirects have been provided to handle the renames automatically for Blueprints.EnableMobileRendering
to UseMobileRendering
to UpdateAtmosphereRadius
and ACesiumCameraManager
can be used to register and update custom camera views into Cesium tilesets.CesiumSunSky
parameters in the Details Panel.CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
parameters in the Details Panel.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.11.0 to v0.12.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.10.0 to v0.11.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
In this release, the cesium-native binaries are built using Xcode 11.3 on macOS instead of Xcode 12. Other platforms are unchanged from v1.8.0.
now has options for enabling custom depth and stencil buffer.CesiumDebugColorizeTilesRasterOverlay
to visualize how a tileset is divided into tiles.Log Selection Stats
debug option to the Cesium3DTileset
(and its derived classes, notably DynamicPawn
) to completely ignore short flights.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.9.0 to v0.10.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
, which was deprecated in v1.3.0. The CesiumGlobeAnchorParent
functionality can be recreated using an empty actor with a CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
property from CesiumGeoreferenceComponent
, and the component now always acts as if it is enabled. This should now work correctly even for objects that are moved by physics or other Unreal Engine mechanisms.SnapToEastSouthUp
function on CesiumGeoreference
no longer resets the Scale back to 1.0. It only modifies the rotation.CesiumGeoreferenceComponent
Blueprints and C++ functions no longer take a MaintainRelativeOrientation
parameter. Instead, this behavior is controlled by the AdjustOrientationForGlobeWhenMoving
to CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
has been converted from Blueprints to C++. Backward compatibility should be preserved in most cases, but some less common scenarios may break.GlobeAwareDefaultPawn
, DynamicPawn
, and CesiumSunSky
no longer have a Georeference
property. Instead, they have a CesiumGlobeAnchor
component that has a Georeference
property on most Cesium types can now be null if it has not been set explicitly in the Editor. To get the effective Georeference, including one that has been discovered in the level, use the ResolvedGeoreference
property or call the ResolveGeoreference
and JumpToCurrentLevel
functions in CesiumGeoreference
have been removed. New sub-levels now automatically appear without an explicit check, and the current sub-level can be changed using the standard Unreal Engine Levels panel.CurrentLevelIndex
property from CesiumGeoreference
. The sub-level that is currently active in the Editor can be queried with the GetCurrentLevel
function of the World
property from CesiumGeoreference
. The CesiumSunSky
now holds a reference to the CesiumGeoreference
, rather than the other way around.CesiumGeoreference
have been renamed. CoreRedirects have been provided to handle the renames automatically for Blueprints.TransformLongitudeLatitudeHeightToUe
to TransformLongitudeLatitudeHeightToUnreal
to InaccurateTransformLongitudeLatitudeHeightToUnreal
to TransformLongitudeLatitudeHeightToUnreal
to InaccurateTransformUnrealToLongitudeLatitudeHeight
to TransformEcefToUnreal
to InaccurateTransformEcefToUnreal
to TransformUnrealToEcef
to InaccurateTransformUnrealToEcef
to TransformRotatorUnrealToEastNorthUp
to InaccurateTransformRotatorUnrealToEastNorthUp
to TransformRotatorEastNorthUpToUnreal
to InaccurateTransformRotatorEastNorthUpToUnreal
have been removed:GetGeoreferencedToEllipsoidCenteredTransform
and GetEllipsoidCenteredToGeoreferencedTransform
moved to GeoTransforms
, which is accessible via the getGeoTransforms
function on CesiumGeoreference
has been replaced with TransformUnrealToEcef
except that the latter takes standard Unreal world coordinates rather than absolute world coordinates. If you have absolute world coordinates, subtract the World's OriginLocation
before calling the new function.GetEllipsoidCenteredToUnrealWorldTransform
has been replaced with TransformEcefToUnreal
except that the latter returns standard Unreal world coordinates rather than absolute world coordinates. If you want absolute world coordinates, add the World's OriginLocation
to the return value.AddGeoreferencedObject
should be replaced with a subscription to the new OnGeoreferenceUpdated
now automatically adjusts the atmosphere size based on the player Pawn's position to avoid tiled artifacts in the atmosphere when viewing the globe from far away.GlobeAwareDefaultPawn
and derived classes like DynamicPawn
now have a CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
attached to them. This allows more consistent movement on the globe, and allows the pawn's Longitude/Latitude/Height or ECEF coordinates to be specified directly in the Editor.CesiumSunSky
now has an EnableMobileRendering
flag that, when enabled, switches to a mobile-compatible atmosphere rendering technique.CesiumCartographicPolygon
's GlobeAnchor
and Polygon
are now exposed in the Editor and to Blueprints.InaccurateGetLongitudeLatitudeHeight
and InaccurateGetECEF
functions to CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent
, allowing access to the current position of a globe-anchored Actor from Blueprints.CesiumGeoreference
and CesiumCreditSystem
object in the Persistent Level when these properties are left unset. For best results, we suggest removing all instances of these objects from sub-levels.CesiumGlobeAnchor
and renderer resources associated with UTexture2D
instances created for raster overlays when the textures are no longer needed. By relying less on the Unreal Engine garbage collector, this helps keep memory usage lower. It also keeps memory from going up so quickly in the Editor, which by default does not run the garbage collector at all.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.7.2 to v0.8.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
This release only updates cesium-native from v0.7.1 to v0.7.2. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
property to ACesium3DTileset
was called when the pawn was not possessed.DynamicPawn
that caused a divide-by-zero message to be printed to the Output Log.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.7.0 to v0.7.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
. The regular Material
property is used instead.UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary::GetPropertiesForFeatureID
to UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary::GetMetadataValuesForFeatureID
. This is a breaking change for C++ code but Blueprints should be unaffected because of a CoreRedirect.UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary::GetPropertiesAsStringsForFeatureID
to UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary::GetMetadataValuesAsStringForFeatureID
. This is a breaking change for C++ code but it was not previously exposed to Blueprints.ASceneCapture2D
with ACesium3DTileset
to optionally generate smooth normals for glTFs that originally did not have normals.ACesium3DTileset
to disable the creation of physics meshes for its tiles.UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary::GetMetadataValuesAsStringForFeatureID
, UCesiumMetadataFeatureTableBlueprintLibrary::GetProperties
, and UCesiumMetadataPrimitiveBlueprintLibrary::GetFirstVertexIDFromFaceID
callable from Blueprints.UCesiumGltfComponent
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.6.0 to v0.7.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
extension or from 3D Tiles with a B3DM batch table and accessing it from Blueprints.ACesium3DTileset
to inform the tile selection algorithm.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
property on Cesium3DTileset
to force them to be generated like they were in previous versions.CesiumSunSky
or a DynamicPawn
.Editor Preferences
-> Use Small Tool Bar Icons
is enabled.BYTE
.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.4.0 to v0.5.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
. Setter and getter methods are now provided for modifying them in Blueprints and C++.CesiumGlobeAnchorParent
and FloatingPawn
. The CesiumGlobeAnchorParent
functionality can be recreated using an empty actor with a CesiumGeoreferenceComponent
. The FloatingPawn
is now replaced by the DynamicPawn
. In a future release, the DynamicPawn
will be renamed to CesiumFloatingPawn
and CesiumGeoreferenceComponent
blueprint editable.UPROPERTY
user inputs to be in valid ranges.M_CesiumOverlayWater
and M_CesiumOverlayComplexWater
materials for use with water tiles.TeleportWhenUpdatingTransform
boolean property to CesiumGeoreferenceComponent.CesiumSunSky
, rather than the embedded DirectionalLight component.translation
, rotation
, and scale
properties to be ignored even if the node had no matrix
and CesiumGeoreferenceComponent
Details panels.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.3.1 to v0.4.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
lost its georeference during playmode.CesiumGeoreference
were being initialized to zero instead of identity.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.3.0 to v0.3.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
wasn't updating in certain cases.FEditorDelegates::OnFocusViewportOnActors
is no longer unnecessarily subscribed to multiple times.Loading tileset ...
is now only written to the output log when the tileset actually needs to be reloaded.ACesiumGeoreference::TransformEcefToUe
to be much less precise than expected.BodyInstance
property on Cesium3DTileset
to the Collision
category so that it can be modified in the Editor.gltfUpAxis
property in a tileset asset
dictionary. Although this property is not part of the specification, there are many existing assets that use this property and had been shown with a wrong rotation otherwise.Display
to Verbose
. With default settings, the output will no longer be displayed in the console, but only written to the log file.CesiumIonClient::Connection
property to Cesium3DTileset
so that collision profiles can be configured.Cesium3DTileset
. While likely to change in the future, it already provides a way to exclude parts of a 3D Tiles tileset to make room for another.metallicFactor
of 0.0 and a roughnessFactor
of 1.0. Previously the default glTF material was used, which has a metallicFactor
of 1.0, leading to an undesirable appearance.BingMapsRasterOverlay
purposely requests that the Bing servers return a zero-length image for non-existent tiles.Material
property of ACesium3DTiles
is now a UMaterialInterface
instead of a UMaterial
, allowing more flexibility in the types of materials that can be used.Cesium3DTileset
does not have a CesiumGeoreference
or it is not valid.In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.1.0 to v0.2.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.
terrain loading and rendering