Cesium for Unreal 2.13.2
No Matches
UCesiumFlyToComponent Class Reference

Smoothly animates the Actor to which it is attached on a flight to a new location on the globe. More...

#include <CesiumFlyToComponent.h>

Inheritance diagram for UCesiumFlyToComponent:

Public Member Functions

 UCesiumFlyToComponent ()
void FlyToLocationEarthCenteredEarthFixed (const FVector &EarthCenteredEarthFixedDestination, double YawAtDestination, double PitchAtDestination, bool CanInterruptByMoving)
 Begin a smooth flight to the given Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) destination, such that the Actor ends at the specified yaw and pitch.
void FlyToLocationLongitudeLatitudeHeight (const FVector &LongitudeLatitudeHeightDestination, double YawAtDestination, double PitchAtDestination, bool CanInterruptByMoving)
 Begin a smooth camera flight to the given WGS84 longitude in degrees (x), latitude in degrees (y), and height in meters (z) such that the camera ends at the given yaw and pitch.
void FlyToLocationUnreal (const FVector &UnrealDestination, double YawAtDestination, double PitchAtDestination, bool CanInterruptByMoving)
 Begin a smooth flight to the given destination in Unreal coordinates, such that the Actor ends at the specified yaw and pitch.
void InterruptFlight ()
 Interrupts the flight that is currently in progress, leaving the Actor wherever it is currently.
- Public Member Functions inherited from UCesiumGlobeAnchoredActorComponent
UCesiumGlobeAnchorComponentGetGlobeAnchor ()

Public Attributes

UCurveFloat * ProgressCurve
 A curve that is used to determine the flight progress percentage for all the other curves.
UCurveFloat * HeightPercentageCurve
 A curve that controls what percentage of the maximum height the Actor should take at a given time on the flight.
UCurveFloat * MaximumHeightByDistanceCurve
 A curve that controls the maximum height that will be achieved during the flight as a function of the straight-line distance of the flight, in meters.
float Duration = 5.0f
 The length in seconds that the flight should last.
ECesiumFlyToRotation RotationToUse = ECesiumFlyToRotation::Actor
 Indicates which rotation to use during flights.
FCesiumFlightCompleted OnFlightComplete
 A delegate that will be called when the Actor finishes flying.
FCesiumFlightInterrupted OnFlightInterrupted
 A delegate that will be called when the Actor's flight is interrupted.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void TickComponent (float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UCesiumGlobeAnchoredActorComponent
virtual void OnRegister () override
virtual void BeginPlay () override

Detailed Description

Smoothly animates the Actor to which it is attached on a flight to a new location on the globe.

Definition at line 65 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UCesiumFlyToComponent()

UCesiumFlyToComponent::UCesiumFlyToComponent ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ FlyToLocationEarthCenteredEarthFixed()

void UCesiumFlyToComponent::FlyToLocationEarthCenteredEarthFixed ( const FVector & EarthCenteredEarthFixedDestination,
double YawAtDestination,
double PitchAtDestination,
bool CanInterruptByMoving )

Begin a smooth flight to the given Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) destination, such that the Actor ends at the specified yaw and pitch.

The yaw and pitch are expressed relative to an East-South-Up frame at the destination. The characteristics of the flight can be configured with the properties on this component.

If CanInterruptByMoving is true and the Actor moves independent of this component, then the flight in progress will be canceled.

◆ FlyToLocationLongitudeLatitudeHeight()

void UCesiumFlyToComponent::FlyToLocationLongitudeLatitudeHeight ( const FVector & LongitudeLatitudeHeightDestination,
double YawAtDestination,
double PitchAtDestination,
bool CanInterruptByMoving )

Begin a smooth camera flight to the given WGS84 longitude in degrees (x), latitude in degrees (y), and height in meters (z) such that the camera ends at the given yaw and pitch.

The yaw and pitch are expressed relative to an East-South-Up frame at the destination. The characteristics of the flight can be configured with the properties on this component.

Note that the height is measured in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid, and should not be confused with a height relative to mean sea level, which may be tens of meters different depending on where you are on the globe.

If CanInterruptByMoving is true and the Actor moves independent of this component, then the flight in progress will be canceled.

◆ FlyToLocationUnreal()

void UCesiumFlyToComponent::FlyToLocationUnreal ( const FVector & UnrealDestination,
double YawAtDestination,
double PitchAtDestination,
bool CanInterruptByMoving )

Begin a smooth flight to the given destination in Unreal coordinates, such that the Actor ends at the specified yaw and pitch.

The yaw and pitch are expressed relative to an East-South-Up frame at the destination. The characteristics of the flight can be configured with the properties on this component.

If CanInterruptByMoving is true and the Actor moves independent of this component, then the flight in progress will be canceled.

◆ InterruptFlight()

void UCesiumFlyToComponent::InterruptFlight ( )

Interrupts the flight that is currently in progress, leaving the Actor wherever it is currently.

◆ TickComponent()

virtual void UCesiumFlyToComponent::TickComponent ( float DeltaTime,
ELevelTick TickType,
FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction )

Member Data Documentation

◆ Duration

float UCesiumFlyToComponent::Duration = 5.0f

The length in seconds that the flight should last.

Definition at line 117 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

◆ HeightPercentageCurve

UCurveFloat* UCesiumFlyToComponent::HeightPercentageCurve

A curve that controls what percentage of the maximum height the Actor should take at a given time on the flight.

This curve must be kept in the 0 to 1 range on both axes. The MaximumHeightByDistanceCurve controls the actual maximum height that is achieved during the flight.

If this curve is not specified, the height will be a smooth interpolation between the height at the original location and the height at the destination location, and the MaximumHeightByDistanceCurve will be ignored.

Definition at line 93 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

◆ MaximumHeightByDistanceCurve

UCurveFloat* UCesiumFlyToComponent::MaximumHeightByDistanceCurve

A curve that controls the maximum height that will be achieved during the flight as a function of the straight-line distance of the flight, in meters.

If the start and end point are on opposite sides of the globe, the straight-line distance goes through the Earth even though the flight itself will not.

If HeightPercentageCurve is not specified, this property is ignored. If HeightPercentageCurve is specified, but this property is not, then the maximum height is 30,000 meters regardless of distance.

Definition at line 107 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

◆ OnFlightComplete

FCesiumFlightCompleted UCesiumFlyToComponent::OnFlightComplete

A delegate that will be called when the Actor finishes flying.

Definition at line 130 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

◆ OnFlightInterrupted

FCesiumFlightInterrupted UCesiumFlyToComponent::OnFlightInterrupted

A delegate that will be called when the Actor's flight is interrupted.

Definition at line 137 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

◆ ProgressCurve

UCurveFloat* UCesiumFlyToComponent::ProgressCurve

A curve that is used to determine the flight progress percentage for all the other curves.

The input is the fraction (0.0 to 1.0) of the total time that has passed so far, and the output is the fraction of the total curve that should be traversed at this time. This curve allows the Actor to accelerate and deaccelerate as desired throughout the flight.

Definition at line 80 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

◆ RotationToUse

ECesiumFlyToRotation UCesiumFlyToComponent::RotationToUse = ECesiumFlyToRotation::Actor

Indicates which rotation to use during flights.

Definition at line 123 of file CesiumFlyToComponent.h.

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