Cesium for Unity 1.15.2
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCesium3DTileRepresents a tile in a Cesium3DTileset and allows information about the tile to be queried from the underlying C++ tile representation
 CCesium3DTilesetA tileset in the 3D Tiles format
 CCesium3DTilesetLoadFailureDetailsHolds details of a Cesium3DTileset load failure
 CCesiumBingMapsRasterOverlayA raster overlay that directly accesses Bing Maps
 CCesiumCameraControllerA camera controller that can easily move around and view the globe while maintaining a sensible orientation
 CCesiumCameraManagerManages the set of cameras that are used for Cesium3DTileset culling and level-of-detail
 CCesiumCartographicPolygonA spline-based polygon used to rasterize 2D polygons on top of Cesium3DTilesets
 CCesiumCreditSystemManages credits / attribution for Cesium3DTileset and CesiumRasterOverlay
 CCesiumDebugColorizeTilesRasterOverlayA raster overlay that can be used to debug tilesets by shading each tile with a random color
 CCesiumFeatureAllows access to a particular feature of CesiumMetadata
 CCesiumFeatureIdAttributeRepresents a feature ID attribute from a glTF primitive
 CCesiumFeatureIdSetRepresents a feature ID set from a glTF primitive
 CCesiumFeatureIdTextureRepresents a feature ID texture from a glTF primitive
 CCesiumFlyToControllerA controller that can smoothly fly to locations around the globe while offering control over the characteristics of its flights
 CCesiumGeoreferenceControls how global geospatial coordinates are mapped to coordinates in the Unity scene
 CCesiumGlobeAnchorAnchors this game object to the globe
 CCesiumIonRasterOverlayA CesiumRasterOverlay that uses an IMAGERY asset from Cesium ion
 CCesiumIonServerDefines a Cesium ion Server
 CCesiumMetadataProvides access to the metadata attached to features in a Cesium3DTileset
 CCesiumMetadataValueRepresents a value from a property in glTF metadata
 CCesiumMetadataValueTypeRepresents the value type of a metadata value or property, akin to the property types in EXT_structural_metadata
 CCesiumModelMetadataRepresents the root EXT_structural_metadata extension of a glTF model in a Cesium3DTileset
 CCesiumOriginShiftAutomatically shifts the origin of a CesiumGeoreference as the object to which it is attached moves
 CCesiumPointCloudShadingOptions for adjusting how point clouds are rendered using 3D Tiles
 CCesiumPolygonRasterOverlayA raster overlay that rasterizes polygons and drapes them over the tileset
 CCesiumPrimitiveFeaturesRepresents the EXT_mesh_features of a glTF primitive in a Cesium3DTileset
 CCesiumPropertyArrayRepresents an array value from a property in glTF metadata
 CCesiumPropertyTableRepresents a glTF property table in the EXT_structural_metadata extension
 CCesiumPropertyTablePropertyRepresents a glTF property table property in EXT_structural_metadata
 CCesiumRasterOverlayA pyramid of 2D images - sometimes terabytes or more in size - that can be draped over a Cesium3DTileset
 CCesiumRasterOverlayLoadFailureDetailsHolds details of a CesiumRasterOverlay load failure
 CCesiumRuntimeSettingsHolds Cesium settings used at runtime
 CCesiumSampleHeightResultThe asynchronous result of a call to Cesium3DTileset.SampleHeightMostDetailed
 CCesiumSimplePlanarEllipsoidCurveDescribes a curve that's a section of an ellipse that lies on a plane intersecting the center of the earth and both the source and destination points on an ellipsoid
 CCesiumSubSceneA sub-scene with its own georeference origin
 CCesiumTileExcluderThe abstract base class for Cesium3DTileset tile excluders
 CCesiumTileMapServiceRasterOverlayA raster overlay that directly accesses a Tile Map Service (TMS) server
 CCesiumWebMapServiceRasterOverlayA raster overlay that directly accesses a Web Map Service (WMS) server
 CCesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlayA raster overlay that directly accesses a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) server
 CCesiumWgs84EllipsoidHolds static methods for ellipsoid math and transforming between geospatial coordinate systems using the World Geodetic System (WGS84) standard
 CICesiumRestartableAn interface for an object with a Restart method, allowing the state of the object to be reinitialized from its serialized properties
 CWaitForTaskA YieldInstruction that can be yielded from a coroutine in order to wait until a given task completes