Cesium for Unity 1.15.2
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CesiumForUnity.CesiumSampleHeightResult Class Reference

The asynchronous result of a call to Cesium3DTileset.SampleHeightMostDetailed. More...


double3[] longitudeLatitudeHeightPositions [get, set]
 The positions and their sampled heights.
bool[] sampleSuccess [get, set]
 Indicates whether the height for the position at the corresponding index was sampled successfully.
string[] warnings [get, set]
 Any warnings that occurred while sampling heights.

Detailed Description

The asynchronous result of a call to Cesium3DTileset.SampleHeightMostDetailed.

Definition at line 8 of file CesiumSampleHeightResult.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ longitudeLatitudeHeightPositions

double3 [] CesiumForUnity.CesiumSampleHeightResult.longitudeLatitudeHeightPositions

The positions and their sampled heights.

The X component is Longitude (degrees), the Y component is Latitude (degrees), and the Z component is Height (meters) above the ellipsoid (usually WGS84).

For each resulting position, its longitude and latitude values will match values from its input. Its height will either be the height sampled from the tileset at that position, or the original input height if the sample was unsuccessful. To determine which, look at the value of CesiumSampleHeightResult.sampleSuccess at the same index.

The returned height is measured from the ellipsoid (usually WGS84) and should not be confused with a height above Mean Sea Level.

Definition at line 28 of file CesiumSampleHeightResult.cs.

◆ sampleSuccess

bool [] CesiumForUnity.CesiumSampleHeightResult.sampleSuccess

Indicates whether the height for the position at the corresponding index was sampled successfully.

If true, then the corresponding position in CesiumSampleHeightResult.longitudeLatitudeHeightPositions uses the height sampled from the tileset. If false, the height could not be sampled for the position, so its height is the same as the original input height.

Definition at line 40 of file CesiumSampleHeightResult.cs.

◆ warnings

string [] CesiumForUnity.CesiumSampleHeightResult.warnings

Any warnings that occurred while sampling heights.

Definition at line 45 of file CesiumSampleHeightResult.cs.

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