


A mesh plus related metadata for a single tile of terrain. Instances of this type are usually created from raw TerrainData.

Name Type Description
center Cartesian3 The center of the tile. Vertex positions are specified relative to this center.
vertices Float32Array The vertex data, including positions, texture coordinates, and heights. The vertex data is in the order [X, Y, Z, H, U, V], where X, Y, and Z represent the Cartesian position of the vertex, H is the height above the ellipsoid, and U and V are the texture coordinates.
indices Uint16Array The indices describing how the vertices are connected to form triangles.
minimumHeight Number The lowest height in the tile, in meters above the ellipsoid.
maximumHeight Number The highest height in the tile, in meters above the ellipsoid.
boundingSphere3D BoundingSphere A bounding sphere that completely contains the tile.
occludeePointInScaledSpace Cartesian3 The occludee point of the tile, represented in ellipsoid- scaled space, and used for horizon culling. If this point is below the horizon, the tile is considered to be entirely below the horizon.



A bounding sphere that completely contains the tile.


The center of the tile. Vertex positions are specified relative to this center.


The indices describing how the vertices are connected to form triangles.


The highest height in the tile, in meters above the ellipsoid.


The lowest height in the tile, in meters above the ellipsoid.


The occludee point of the tile, represented in ellipsoid- scaled space, and used for horizon culling. If this point is below the horizon, the tile is considered to be entirely below the horizon.


The vertex data, including positions, texture coordinates, and heights. The vertex data is in the order [X, Y, Z, H, U, V], where X, Y, and Z represent the Cartesian position of the vertex, H is the height above the ellipsoid, and U and V are the texture coordinates.