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Cesium: Foundations

The Cesium: Foundations learning path will help you understand the basic concepts and terminology needed to progress through other Cesium learning paths.

Learning Path, Cesium Foundations

Learning objectives

  • Describe the Cesium platform.
  • Understand how to use 3D Tiles.
  • Understand how Cesium ion fits into the ecosystem.
  • Understand how to create Cesium Stories.

Lesson 1: The Cesium platform


In this lesson, we will cover the Cesium platform and provide an overview of each component.

What is Cesium?

CesiumJS was created in 2011 by an Analytical Graphics Inc. (AGI) team for global-scale aerospace visualizations, and Cesium spun out as its own company in 2019. CesiumJS was offered as a free open-source software alongside Cesium ion as a commercial option to extend into a complete 3D geospatial platform.

The Cesium ecosystem has expanded since its inception and now spans multiple products.

Cesium has also been central to creating an open ecosystem for 3D geospatial applications. Cesium was the original creator of 3D Tiles in 2015 and shepherded its acceptance as an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) community standard in 2019, now widely adopted by developers.

Cesium believes that openness and interoperability are the essential elements that will propel the entire 3D geospatial ecosystem forward. Today, Cesium operates across multiple runtimes, including CesiumJS, Cesium for Unreal, Cesium for Unity, Cesium for Omniverse, and Cesium for O3DE.


Additional resources

This section contains helpful links related to the lesson’s content.

  • Browse the Building the Open Metaverse podcast co-hosted by Cesium’s CEO, Patrick Cozzi, and Marc Petit. Many episodes explore the relationship between 3D geospatial applications and an open ecosystem for developers.

Knowledge check

This section contains questions to check your understanding of this lesson. Review the content again if you’re having a problem answering a question.

  • How did Cesium start?
  • Which open standard did Cesium help create?
  • Which runtime engines does Cesium support?

Lesson 2: 3D Tiles


In this lesson, we will cover some of the core concepts in the 3D Tiles specification and discuss why 3D Tiles is essential within the Cesium platform.

What is 3D Tiles?

First, let’s cover a little history of 3D Tiles. 

Soon after its inception in 2011, Cesium faced the problem of streaming large collections of 3D models from different sources, e.g., point clouds, photogrammetry, 3D buildings, vector data, etc. Unfortunately, the existing available approaches made streaming these datasets impractical, so Cesium set out to create a better alternative. 

By 2015, Cesium had created the 3D Tiles specification for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets. By 2019, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) adopted the 3D Tiles specification as a community standard.

Bounding volumes, 3D Tiles

Bounding volumes for 3D Tiles. Each tile is one WebGL draw call.

What does the 3D Tiles specification achieve?

3D Tiles allow users to stream massive 3D datasets by limiting which portions of the dataset are loaded based on a Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD). Because the primary focus of 3D Tiles is streaming performance, their design enables them to compress and render their contents efficiently.


  • Take a few minutes to read Patrick Cozzi’s Introducing 3D Tiles blog post that describes the benefits of 3D Tiles and how they have enabled 3D geospatial applications worldwide.
  • Read about how 3D Tiles Next, which the OGC adopted as 3D Tiles v1.1 in May 2023, expands on the existing specification

Additional resources

This section contains helpful links related to the lesson’s content.

  • A 2022 VentureBeat article helps draw the connection between 3D Tiles and the metaverse.
  • Detailed reference cards for 3D Tiles and 3D Tiles 1.1 include visuals for anyone unfamiliar with the underlying 3D or geospatial concepts.
  • The OGC’s 3D Tiles specification provides the technical details of 3D Tiles.

Knowledge check

This section contains questions to check your understanding of this lesson. Review the content again if you’re having a problem answering a question.

  • Why was the 3D Tiles specification first created?
  • What are the ten core features of 3D Tiles?
  • Why is metadata such a critical feature in the 3D Tiles 1.1 specification?
Cesium ion logo

Lesson 3: Cesium ion


In this lesson, we will look at Cesium ion and understand how it creates streamable 3D content.

What is Cesium ion?

Cesium ion began as the commercial extension of the free open-source software CesiumJS to create the most efficient pipeline for 3D Tiles.

Because we built ion as an end-to-end 3D platform, developers can upload their 3D content and host 3D Tiles in the cloud so that any visualization engine can stream the content. It is also free for non-commercial and non-government users, up to 5 GB of stored data, and users can secure their data through token-based access controls.

ion tiling

Cesium ion tiles, optimizes, and hosts 3D data.

Cesium ion also includes access to a curated set of 3D content that includes Cesium World Terrain, Cesium OSM Buildings, and Bing Maps imagery, all optimized for streaming. In addition, users can bring their data and combine it with the existing datasets that come with Cesium ion.

How can Cesium ion be used?

We built Cesium ion with openness and flexibility in mind. As a result of that approach, Cesium ion allows you to upload data from several utilities that create 3D content. See this list.

Cesium ion’s REST API allows you to leverage ion’s tiling and streaming capabilities from existing applications. In addition, many clients and engines have built-in support for streaming from Cesium ion; see this list.

Which types of data does Cesium ion support?

Cesium ion supports a wide variety of massive heterogeneous data types, including the following:

  • Photogrammetry or LiDAR-derived mesh
  • BIM, CAD, or other 3D models
  • Point clouds
  • 3D buildings
  • Terrain
  • Satellite or drone imagery


Additional resources

This section contains helpful links related to the lesson’s content.

Knowledge check

This section contains questions to check your understanding of this lesson. Review the content again if you’re having a problem answering a question.

  • What 3D content does Cesium include with Cesium ion?
  • What types of data does Cesium ion support?
  • What clients and engines have built-in support for streaming from Cesium ion?
  • How can you integrate existing applications or workflows with Cesium ion?
Cesium Stories allow anyone to create presentations with their 3D geospatial data.

Cesium Stories allow anyone to create presentations with their 3D geospatial data.

Lesson 4: Cesium Stories


In this lesson, we will look at Cesium Stories to understand how you can use them to create 3D geospatial presentations.

What is Cesium Stories?

Cesium Stories is a cloud-based app available to anyone with a Cesium ion account for creating presentations using their own 3D geospatial data, which they can share on the web without writing a single line of code.

Users can create Cesium Stories with 3D data, including imagery, models, terrain, and point clouds. These are processed into 3D Tiles, allowing anyone to easily share or stream their presentation through a mobile or desktop browser.

To help explain Cesium Stories, we have a Cesium Story to demonstrate how powerful the app can be.

Click through the slides to see how powerful Cesium Stories can be.

How can I create my own Cesium Story?

Creating your own Cesium Story is very straightforward, and in this lesson's assignments, you'll dive into a few tutorials that demonstrate what is possible. You will also explore using time-series data and metadata to improve your visualizations.


Additional resources

This section contains helpful links related to the lesson’s content.

Knowledge check

This section contains questions to check your understanding of this lesson. Review the content again if you’re having a problem answering a question.

  • Which programming language do you need to know to use Cesium Stories?
  • How can you share your Cesium Story with others?
  • How can you control the playback speed of time-dynamic data?
  • Which type of metadata is needed to use the styling tool in Cesium Stories?
Learning Path, Cesium Foundations

Practical application

Now that you understand the foundational concepts of Cesium, put them into practice. Before progressing to the next course, create a Cesium Story that includes the following concepts:

  1. Multiple data formats (3D models, point clouds, imagery, etc.)
  2. Time-dynamic data
  3. Styling and filtering
  4. Tell a story with your data

We would love to see what you create, so feel free to share your Cesium Story with the Cesium community or share and tag us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Next steps

Consider starting CesiumJS: Fundamentals and working your way to becoming a Cesium Certified Developer.

Content and code examples at are available under the Apache 2.0 license. You can use the code examples in your commercial or non-commercial applications.