

Constants for time conversions like those done by JulianDate.


staticconstantTimeConstants.DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY :Number

The number of days in one Julian century: 36525.

staticconstantTimeConstants.HOURS_PER_DAY :Number

The number of hours in one day: 24.

staticconstantTimeConstants.MINUTES_PER_DAY :Number

The number of minutes in one day: 1440.

staticconstantTimeConstants.MINUTES_PER_HOUR :Number

The number of minutes in one hour: 60.

staticconstantTimeConstants.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE_DIFFERENCE :Number

The number of days to subtract from a Julian date to determine the modified Julian date, which gives the number of days since midnight on November 17, 1858.

staticconstantTimeConstants.PICOSECOND :Number

One trillionth of a second.

staticconstantTimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_DAY :Number

The number of seconds in one day, ignoring leap seconds: 86400.

staticconstantTimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_HOUR :Number

The number of seconds in one hour: 3600.

staticconstantTimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND :Number

The number of seconds in one millisecond: 0.001

staticconstantTimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE :Number

The number of seconds in one minute: 60.