Cesium Release Roundup November 2019
It was a big month all around as CesiumJS, Cesium ion, and cesiumjs.org all received significant updates.
Cesium ion updates
You can now upload and host KML, GeoJSON, and CZML files to Cesium ion, where you can manage them side-by-side with 3D Tiles, imagery, and terrain for use in CesiumJS and other clients.
A CZML of all FAA air traffic on February 18, 2010, uploaded in Cesium ion and visualized in CesiumJS.
See a full list of the changes on Cesium ion in the change log.
CesiumJS 1.63 release
Some highlights from the CesiumJS 1.63 release are:
- Cesium has migrated to ES6 modules. This may or may not be a breaking change for your application depending on how you use Cesium. See our blog post for the full details.
- Decreased Web Workers bundle size by a factor of 10, from 8384KB (2624KB gzipped) to 863KB (225KB gzipped). This makes Cesium load faster, especially on low-end devices and slower network connections.
- Added full UTF-8 support to labels, greatly improving support for non-latin alphabets and emoji. #7280
Greatly improved UTF-8 support in labels means that emoji and alphabets that make use of combining marks now work properly in Cesium.
For the full list of changes to CesiumJS, see the change log.
CesiumJS 1.79.157 MB | Mar 01, 2021
A new home for cesiumjs.org
We’ve unified all of our website content from cesiumjs.org and cesium.com into one home on cesium.com. Here’s where you can now find:
- Sandcastle - https://sandcastle.cesium.com
- API Docs - https://cesium.com/docs/cesiumjs-ref-doc/
- Downloads - https://cesium.com/downloads/
- Hosted releases can be found at https://cesium.com/downloads/cesiumjs/releases/<CesiumJS Version Number>/Build/Cesium/Cesium.js
- See our blog post for more information.
Previous cesiumjs.org URLs will continue to work for the forseeable future and be automatically redirected, but we strongly encourage everyone update any cesiumjs.org links to their new home on cesium.com.
Powered by Cesium
AGI’s Systems Tool Kit (STK), the leading software for time dynamic analysis in the aerospace and defense industry, has added built-in support for streaming 3D Tiles from Cesium ion. This addition makes it much easier for analysts to access curated 3D datasets to enhance their simulations.
Streaming a 3D Tileset of Caracas, Venezuala from Cesium ion provides a more complete picture for this simulation running in STK. This helicopter is communicating with a ground station in the mountains. Data captured by Vricon.