TRANCITYで扱う発電所工事施設内、施設建設予定地内の多種大量の3Dデータを最適な形に3Dタイル化、かつ高速にストリーミングし、デバイスを問わずスムーズな可視化を実現するのが CesiumJS と Cesium ionです。 3D タイルは、Cesiumによって作られた、点群や建物、フォトグラメトリなどの大規模で異質な3D地理空間データセットのためのオープン標準です。TRANCITYでは、鉄道などの大規模インフラの管理情報と位置情報を結びつけることで効率化されますが、それらの3DデータはCesium ionを用いて3Dタイルとして最適化され、あらゆるデバイスのCesiumJSに高速にストリーミングされます。 TRANCITYでは、まず動画データからSfM技術を用いて3Dデータを生成し、生成したデータを3D Tiles形式にタイル化してビューワに表示しています。この一連の工程を通じて、約1時間以内でデータの可視化が可能です。このプロセス全体には、Cesium ionエンジンの高品質な処理能力が大きく貢献しています。


- 広大な敷地内に展開されるインフラ工事の監理を少人数で行わなければならない
- 設計モデルとの整合性を確認するために各所寸法を計測する際、担当者が都度オフィスから離れた現場へ移動しなければならず、往復4時間かかる
- 終電から始発までの限られた時間の中で線路内に足場設置、点検、足場撤去をしなければならず点検の時間が十分に取れない
- 危険な作業が多く墜落などのリスクがある

<東日本旅客鉄道株式会社様 現場で計測していた業務をPC上で実施するイメージ>

<東日本旅客鉄道株式会社様 現場で計測していた業務をPC上で実施するイメージ>

<東海旅客鉄道株式会社様 夜間に足場を設置していたものを動画撮影に置き換えるイメージ>

<東海旅客鉄道株式会社様 夜間に足場を設置していたものを動画撮影に置き換えるイメージ>
TRANCITYは、日本のものづくりに求められる厳しい品質基準を満たすために、Cesiumでの正確な地球上の位置座標の表示性能を活用しつつ、質の高いデジタルツイン空間を実現しています。例えば現場の一部である鉄筋組み立て配置状況が、当該現場全体を空から俯瞰した状態からアクセスできるようになります。このため、鉄道のような線状に長い現場や、工場のように面状に広大な現場であっても、個々の細かな現場変化を効率的かつスピーディーに管理することが可能となりますが、これをCesiumとの連携により実現しています。すなわち、ミクロとマクロがシームレスかつ正確につながり、マクロの現場状況を地球レベルでの現場状況から拡大して確認できるデジタルツイン空間を実現したものです。それは、これまでに存在しない仕組みであり、人間にとってより身近なデジタルツイン空間を実現したプロダクトと言えます。そして2024年10月、TRANCITYはCEATEC AWARDデジタル大臣賞を受賞しました。
ご自身のインタラクティブなウェブアプリをCesiumJSを使用して構築するには、当社のラーニングセンターガイドをご参照ください。Cesium ionを使用すれば、全世界の地形、画像、建物を含むフルスケールの地球モデルに独自のデータをインポートすることができます。Cesiumの3Dタイルパイプラインは、データセットのサイズに関係なく、データをストリーミングに最適化します。無料のCesium ionアカウントにサインアップし、
Cesium Storiesを使って簡単に3D地理空間の体験を作成できる方法をお試しください。
また、Cesium ionの SaaSや セルフホステッドのソリューションがどのように貴社の3Dアセットの価値を引き出すのに役立つか、については、sales@cesium.comまでお問い合わせください。
TRANCITY Uses Cesium to Manage Japanese Railway Projects
CalTa Inc. has developed "TRANCITY," a platform for managing large-scale infrastructure projects such as railways, roads, rivers, ports, and power plants in a three-dimensional space, with Cesium’s platform playing a crucial role in its operation.
TRANCITY swiftly and automatically generates 3D models that accurately reflect real-world conditions in a 3D geographic space from various types of video footage. This includes videos captured by drones or robots, as well as those taken with smartphones or tablets. Additionally, users can upload BIM models and point cloud data, which can be overlaid on the 3D models. As a browser-based solution, CesiumJS-powered TRANCITY is accessible from any device, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones. The 3D models are managed chronologically and linked with location data, allowing precise tracking of "what happened, where, and when." By using TRANCITY, detailed information sharing between remote offices and field locations is facilitated, thereby supporting productivity and sustainable infrastructure management in the railway industry and beyond, including companies such as East Japan Railway Company and Central Japan Railway Company.
Because TRANCITY is built on CesiumJS and Cesium ion, it can efficiently handle and stream large volumes of diverse 3D data from power plant construction sites and planned facility construction areas, by converting them into optimized 3D Tiles for smooth visualization across all devices. Created by Cesium, 3D Tiles is the open standard for massive, heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets such as point clouds, buildings, and photogrammetry. TRANCITY enhances the management of large-scale infrastructure by linking 3D data with location information, and Cesium ion optimizes this data into 3D Tiles that are streamed rapidly to CesiumJS on any device. TRANCITY generates 3D data from video footage using their SfM technology at first, then transforms the data into 3D Tiles format for display in a viewer. This entire process enables data visualization in under an hour. The high-quality processing capabilities of the Cesium ion engine play a crucial role in this workflow.
The streamed data is accurately represented in 3D geographic space based on the WGS84 coordinate system and visualized on the web using CesiumJS. CesiumJS is utilized as a library to enable a variety of user experiences.

Distance measurement of structures recreated on TRANCITY. Courtesy CalTa Inc.

Area calculation at the railway site recreated on TRANCITY. Courtesy CalTa Inc.
Overview of TRANCITY. Courtesy CalTa Inc.
Cesium has extensive usage worldwide, having demonstrated its capabilities in numerous cities. It converts various 3D data formats, such as CityGML and LAS, into 3D Tiles optimized for streaming. The elements like the platform's open development environment, extensive development case studies, and capability for web-based visualization accessible to anyone were highly regarded and led customers to select Cesium.
Here are the actual cases of how East Japan Railway Company and Central Japan Railway Company have utilized TRANCITY and Cesium:
East Japan Railway Company faced the following challenges during the upgrade of a railway-owned power plant:
- Managing infrastructure work across a vast site with a small team.
- Checking measurements for consistency with design models required staff to travel to the site from the office, taking four hours for a round trip.
Central Japan Railway Company encountered the following difficulties with bridge inspections over railway tracks:
- Installing scaffolding, inspecting the bridge, and removing scaffolding within the limited time between the last and first trains, which constrained inspection time.
- The work involved significant risks, including potential falls.
To address these issues:
- East Japan Railway Company uploaded videos of the power plant construction to TRANCITY. This allowed the site to be streamed as accurate, efficient 3D Tiles, providing detailed situational awareness in a 3D geographic space via a web browser and enabling efficient management by a small team. It also eliminated the need for frequent site visits, reducing travel time.
- Central Japan Railway Company used TRANCITY to model the bridge inspection site and stream it as 3D Tiles to the web, enhancing productivity and safety by conducting inspections within a 3D geographic space instead of short nighttime visits.

Before: On-site visits. Courtesy East Japan Railway Company.

After: East Japan Railway Company uses TRANCITY and Cesium to measure and perform other tasks on a PC that previously required on-site visits. Courtesy CalTa Inc.

Video recordings can be added to TRANCITY instead of risky nighttime inspections in a short time. Courtesy Central Japan Railway Company.

Video recordings can be added to TRANCITY instead of risky nighttime inspections in a short time. Courtesy Central Japan Railway Company.
East Japan Railway Company and Central Japan Railway Company are leveraging Cesium-powered TRANCITY to significantly enhance efficiency in addressing Japan's widespread labor shortage, a challenge that spans across various sectors of society. Their efforts encompass everything from surveying, designing, construction, and inspection management of facilities and infrastructure, to fostering consensus among stakeholders through clear and comprehensible explanations aimed at improving stakeholder satisfaction.
Beyond these improvements, CalTa Inc. is also pioneering a transformative approach to sustainable work practices, enabled by digital twin technology. This new method eliminates the need for high-performance devices traditionally required to handle 3D data, allowing for swift inspections, measurements, and simulation presentations on digital twins using smartphones, tablets, and other portable tools.
TRANCITY meets the stringent quality standards demanded by Japanese manufacturing by utilizing Cesium's precise geospatial capabilities to create a high-quality digital twin environment. For instance, TRANCITY allows access to detailed views of rebar assembly configurations within a site from an aerial perspective. This capability facilitates efficient and rapid management of both linear sites, such as railways, and extensive areas like factories, by seamlessly integrating detailed micro-level changes with macro-level site conditions on a global scale. This represents an unprecedented system that delivers a more accessible digital twin experience for users, and in October 2024 TRANCITY received the CEATEC Digital Minister’s Award for this work.
To build your own interactive web applications using CesiumJS, please refer to our Learning Center guides. With Cesium ion, you can import your data into a full-scale global model that includes worldwide terrain, imagery, and buildings. Cesium's 3D Tiles pipeline optimizes your data for streaming, regardless of dataset size. Sign up for a Cesium ion account and explore how to create immersive 3D geospatial experiences. For more information on how Cesium ion's SaaS or Self-Hosted solutions can enhance the value of your 3D assets, please contact us.