3#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/ITilesetHeightSampler.h>
4#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/Tileset.h>
5#include <CesiumGeometry/QuadtreeTilingScheme.h>
44 std::vector<CesiumGeospatial::Cartographic>&& positions)
48 std::vector<uint16_t> indices;
49 std::vector<glm::vec3> vertices;
50 std::vector<glm::vec3> normals;
55 std::vector<Tile>& children,
60 Geometry createGeometry(
const Tile& tile)
A loader that will generate a tileset by tesselating the surface of an ellipsoid, producing a simple ...
static std::unique_ptr< Tileset > createTileset(const TilesetExternals &externals, const TilesetOptions &options=TilesetOptions{})
Creates a new tileset with this loader.
TileChildrenResult createTileChildren(const Tile &tile, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) override
Create the tile's children.
EllipsoidTilesetLoader(const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84)
Constructs a new instance.
ITilesetHeightSampler * getHeightSampler() override
Gets an interface that can be used to efficiently query heights from this tileset.
CesiumAsync::Future< TileLoadResult > loadTileContent(const TileLoadInput &input) override
Load the tile content.
CesiumAsync::Future< SampleHeightResult > sampleHeights(const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem &asyncSystem, std::vector< CesiumGeospatial::Cartographic > &&positions) override
Queries the heights at a list of locations.
An interface to query heights from a tileset that can do so efficiently without necessarily downloadi...
The loader interface to load the tile content.
External interfaces used by a Tileset.
A system for managing asynchronous requests and tasks.
A value that will be available in the future, as produced by AsyncSystem.
Defines how a rectangular region is divided into quadtree tiles.
A bounding volume specified as a longitude/latitude bounding box and a minimum and maximum height.
A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates.
A map projection where longitude and latitude are mapped using an Ellipsoid.
Classes that implement the 3D Tiles standard.
Store the result of creating tile's children after invoking TilesetContentLoader::createTileChildren.
Additional options for configuring a Tileset.
Uniquely identifies a node in a quadtree.
This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Use Model instead.