5 #include <CesiumGeospatial/Ellipsoid.h>
6 #include <CesiumGltf/Ktx2TranscodeTargets.h>
17 class TilesetLoadFailureDetails;
30 bool enableWaterMask =
42 bool generateMissingNormalsSmooth =
56 bool applyTextureTransform =
85 bool showCreditsOnScreen =
96 double maximumScreenSpaceError = 16.0;
102 uint32_t maximumSimultaneousTileLoads = 20;
108 uint32_t maximumSimultaneousSubtreeLoads = 20;
116 bool preloadAncestors =
124 bool preloadSiblings =
136 uint32_t loadingDescendantLimit = 20;
149 bool forbidHoles =
154 bool enableFrustumCulling =
159 bool enableOcclusionCulling =
170 bool delayRefinementForOcclusion =
175 bool enableFogCulling =
186 bool enforceCulledScreenSpaceError =
196 double culledScreenSpaceError = 64.0;
207 int64_t maximumCachedBytes = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
221 std::vector<FogDensityAtHeight> fogDensityTable = {
222 {359.393, 2.0e-5}, {800.749, 2.0e-4}, {1275.6501, 1.0e-4},
223 {2151.1192, 7.0e-5}, {3141.7763, 5.0e-5}, {4777.5198, 4.0e-5},
224 {6281.2493, 3.0e-5}, {12364.307, 1.9e-5}, {15900.765, 1.0e-5},
225 {49889.0549, 8.5e-6}, {78026.8259, 6.2e-6}, {99260.7344, 5.8e-6},
226 {120036.3873, 5.3e-6}, {151011.0158, 5.2e-6}, {156091.1953, 5.1e-6},
227 {203849.3112, 4.2e-6}, {274866.9803, 4.0e-6}, {319916.3149, 3.4e-6},
228 {493552.0528, 2.6e-6}, {628733.5874, 2.2e-6}, {1000000.0, 0.0}};
239 bool renderTilesUnderCamera =
267 bool enableLodTransitionPeriod =
278 float lodTransitionLength = 1.0f;
289 bool kickDescendantsWhileFadingIn =
300 double mainThreadLoadingTimeLimit = 0.0;
307 double tileCacheUnloadTimeLimit = 0.0;
A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates.
static const Ellipsoid WGS84
An Ellipsoid instance initialized to the WGS84 standard.
Classes that implement the 3D Tiles standard.
Defines the fog density at a certain height.
double cameraHeight
The height.
double fogDensity
The fog density.
Options for configuring the parsing of a Tileset's content and construction of Gltf models.
CesiumGltf::Ktx2TranscodeTargets ktx2TranscodeTargets
For each possible input transmission format, this struct names the ideal target gpu-compressed pixel ...
Additional options for configuring a Tileset.
std::function< void(const TilesetLoadFailureDetails &)> loadErrorCallback
A callback function that is invoked when a tileset resource fails to load.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ITileExcluder > > excluders
A list of interfaces that are given an opportunity to exclude tiles from loading and rendering....
std::optional< std::string > credit
A credit text for this tileset, if needed.
TilesetContentOptions contentOptions
Options for configuring the parsing of a Tileset's content and construction of Gltf models.
std::any rendererOptions
Arbitrary data that will be passed to prepareInLoadThread.
For each possible input transmission format, this struct names the ideal target gpu-compressed pixel ...