


A plane in Hessian Normal Form defined by

ax + by + cz + d = 0
where (a, b, c) is the plane's normal, d is the signed distance to the plane, and (x, y, z) is any point on the plane.

Name Type Description
normal Cartesian3 The plane's normal (normalized).
distance Number The shortest distance from the origin to the plane. The sign of distance determines which side of the plane the origin is on. If distance is positive, the origin is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the origin is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the origin.
// The plane x=0
var plane = new Cesium.Plane(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, 0.0);



The shortest distance from the origin to the plane. The sign of distance determines which side of the plane the origin is on. If distance is positive, the origin is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the origin is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the origin.


The plane's normal.


Computes the signed shortest distance of a point to this plane. The sign of the distance determines which side of this plane the point is on. If the distance is positive, the point is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the point is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, this plane passes through the point.

Name Type Description
point Cartesian3 The point.
Number The signed shortest distance of the point to this plane.


Creates a plane from a normal and a point on the plane.

Name Type Argument Description
point Cartesian3 The point on the plane.
normal Cartesian3 The plane's normal (normalized).
result Plane <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
Plane A new plane instance or the modified result parameter.
var point = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(-72.0, 40.0));
var normal = ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(point);
var tangentPlane = Cesium.Plane.fromPointNormal(point, normal);


Computes the signed shortest distance of a point to a plane. The sign of the distance determines which side of the plane the point is on. If the distance is positive, the point is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the point is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the point.

Name Type Description
plane Plane The plane.
point Cartesian3 The point.
Number The signed shortest distance of the point to the plane.