


A bounding rectangle given by a corner, width and height.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x Number <optional>
0.0 The x coordinate of the rectangle.
y Number <optional>
0.0 The y coordinate of the rectangle.
width Number <optional>
0.0 The width of the rectangle.
height Number <optional>
0.0 The height of the rectangle.



The height of the rectangle.
Default Value:
  • 0.0


The width of the rectangle.
Default Value:
  • 0.0


The x coordinate of the rectangle.
Default Value:
  • 0.0


The y coordinate of the rectangle.
Default Value:
  • 0.0


Duplicates this BoundingRectangle instance.

Name Type Argument Description
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.

Compares this BoundingRectangle against the provided BoundingRectangle componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Name Type Argument Description
right BoundingRectangle <optional>
The right hand side BoundingRectangle.
Boolean true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Computes a bounding rectangle that is rectangle expanded to contain point.

Name Type Description
point Cartesian2 A point to enclose in a bounding rectangle.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.

Determines if this rectangle intersects with another.

Name Type Description
right BoundingRectangle A rectangle to check for intersection.
Intersect Intersect.INTESECTING if the rectangles intersect, Intersect.OUTSIDE otherwise.

Computes a bounding rectangle that contains both this bounding rectangle and the argument rectangle.

Name Type Argument Description
right BoundingRectangle The rectangle to enclose in this bounding rectangle.
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.


Duplicates a BoundingRectangle instance.

Name Type Argument Description
rectangle BoundingRectangle The bounding rectangle to duplicate.
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if rectangle is undefined)


Compares the provided BoundingRectangles componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Name Type Argument Description
left BoundingRectangle <optional>
The first BoundingRectangle.
right BoundingRectangle <optional>
The second BoundingRectangle.
Boolean true if left and right are equal, false otherwise.


Computes a bounding rectangle by enlarging the provided rectangle until it contains the provided point.

Name Type Argument Description
rectangle BoundingRectangle A rectangle to expand.
point Cartesian2 A point to enclose in a bounding rectangle.
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.


Computes a bounding rectangle from an extent.

Name Type Argument Default Description
extent Extent The valid extent used to create a bounding rectangle.
projection Object <optional>
GeographicProjection The projection used to project the extent into 2D.
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.


Computes a bounding rectangle enclosing the list of 2D points. The rectangle is oriented with the corner at the bottom left.

Name Type Argument Description
positions Array List of points that the bounding rectangle will enclose. Each point must have x and y properties.
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.


Determines if two rectangles intersect.

Name Type Description
left BoundingRectangle A rectangle to check for intersection.
right BoundingRectangle The other rectangle to check for intersection.
Intersect Intersect.INTESECTING if the rectangles intersect, Intersect.OUTSIDE otherwise.


Computes a bounding rectangle that is the union of the left and right bounding rectangles.

Name Type Argument Description
left BoundingRectangle A rectangle to enclose in bounding rectangle.
right BoundingRectangle A rectangle to enclose in a bounding rectangle.
result BoundingRectangle <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
BoundingRectangle The modified result parameter or a new BoundingRectangle instance if one was not provided.