


Creates an instance of an ObjectOrientedBoundingBox. An ObjectOrientedBoundingBox model of an object or set of objects, is a closed volume (a cuboid), which completely contains the object or the set of objects. It is oriented, so it can provide an optimum fit, it can bound more tightly.

Name Type Argument Default Description
rotation Matrix3 <optional>
Matrix3.IDENTITY The transformation matrix, to rotate the box to the right position.
translation Cartesian3 <optional>
Cartesian3.ZERO The position of the box.
scale Cartesian3 <optional>
Cartesian3.ZERO The scale of the box.
// Create an ObjectOrientedBoundingBox using a transformation matrix, a position where the box will be translated, and a scale.
var rotation = Cesium.Matrix3.clone(Cesium.Matrix3.IDENTITY);
var translation = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1,0,0);
var scale = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0,5,0);

var oobb = new Cesium.ObjectOrientedBoundingBox(rotation, translation, scale);



The transformation matrix, to rotate the box to the right position.
Default Value:


The scale of the box.
Default Value:


The position of the box.
Default Value:


Duplicates this ObjectOrientedBoundingBox instance.

Name Type Argument Description
result ObjectOrientedBoundingBox <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The modified result parameter or a new ObjectOrientedBoundingBox instance if one was not provided.

Compares this ObjectOrientedBoundingBox against the provided ObjectOrientedBoundingBox componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Name Type Argument Description
right ObjectOrientedBoundingBox <optional>
The right hand side ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.
Boolean true if they are equal, false otherwise.


Duplicates a ObjectOrientedBoundingBox instance.

Name Type Argument Description
box ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The bounding box to duplicate.
result ObjectOrientedBoundingBox <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The modified result parameter or a new ObjectOrientedBoundingBox instance if none was provided. (Returns undefined if box is undefined)


Compares the provided ObjectOrientedBoundingBox componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Name Type Description
left ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The first ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.
right ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The second ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.
Boolean true if left and right are equal, false otherwise.


Computes an ObjectOrientedBoundingBox from a BoundingRectangle. The BoundingRectangle is placed on the XY plane.

Name Type Argument Default Description
boundingRectangle BoundingRectangle A bounding rectangle.
rotation Number <optional>
0.0 The rotation of the bounding box in radians.
ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The modified result parameter or a new ObjectOrientedBoundingBox instance if one was not provided.
// Compute an object oriented bounding box enclosing two points.
var box = Cesium.ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.fromBoundingRectangle(boundingRectangle, 0.0);


Computes an instance of an ObjectOrientedBoundingBox of the given positions. This is an implementation of Stefan Gottschalk's Collision Queries using Oriented Bounding Boxes solution (PHD thesis). Reference: http://gamma.cs.unc.edu/users/gottschalk/main.pdf

Name Type Argument Description
positions Array List of Cartesian3 points that the bounding box will enclose.
result ObjectOrientedBoundingBox <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The modified result parameter or a new ObjectOrientedBoundingBox instance if one was not provided.
// Compute an object oriented bounding box enclosing two points.
var box = Cesium.ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.fromPoints([new Cesium.Cartesian3(2, 0, 0), new Cesium.Cartesian3(-2, 0, 0)]);


Checks if two ObjectOrientedBoundingBoxes intersect. This is an implementation of Stefan Gottschalk's Collision Queries using Oriented Bounding Boxes solution (PHD thesis).

Name Type Description
left ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The first ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.
right ObjectOrientedBoundingBox The second ObjectOrientedBoundingBox.
Boolean true if they intersects each other false otherwise.