

Enumerations for WebGL component datatypes. Components are intrinsics, which form attributes, which form vertices.



<static, constant> :Enumeration

8-bit signed byte enumeration corresponding to gl.BYTE and the type of an element in Int8Array.
Default Value:
  • 0x1400

<static, constant> :Enumeration

64-bit floating-point enumeration corresponding to gl.DOUBLE (in Desktop OpenGL; this is not supported in WebGL, and is emulated in Cesium via GeometryPipeline.encodeAttribute) and the type of an element in Float64Array.
Default Value:
  • 0x140A

<static, constant> :Enumeration

32-bit floating-point enumeration corresponding to FLOAT and the type of an element in Float32Array.
Default Value:
  • 0x1406

<static, constant> :Enumeration

16-bit signed short enumeration corresponding to SHORT and the type of an element in Int16Array.
Default Value:
  • 0x1402

<static, constant> :Enumeration

8-bit unsigned byte enumeration corresponding to UNSIGNED_BYTE and the type of an element in Uint8Array.
Default Value:
  • 0x1401

<static, constant> :Enumeration

16-bit unsigned short enumeration corresponding to UNSIGNED_SHORT and the type of an element in Uint16Array.
Default Value:
  • 0x1403



Creates a typed view of an array of bytes.

Name Type Argument Description
componentDatatype ComponentDatatype The type of the view to create.
buffer ArrayBuffer The buffer storage to use for the view.
byteOffset Number <optional>
The offset, in bytes, to the first element in the view.
length Number <optional>
The number of elements in the view.
DeveloperError : componentDatatype is not a valid enumeration value.
Int8Array | Uint8Array | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array A typed array view of the buffer.


Creates a typed array corresponding to component data type.

Name Type Description
componentDatatype ComponentDatatype The component data type.
valuesOrLength Number | Array The length of the array to create or an array.
DeveloperError : componentDatatype is not a valid enumeration value.
Int8Array | Uint8Array | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array A typed array.
// creates a Float32Array with length of 100
var typedArray = Cesium.ComponentDatatype.createTypedArray(Cesium.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, 100);


Validates that the provided component datatype is a valid ComponentDatatype

Name Type Description
componentDatatype ComponentDatatype The component datatype to validate.
Boolean true if the provided component datatype is a valid enumeration value; otherwise, false.
if (!Cesium.ComponentDatatype.validate(componentDatatype)) {
  throw new Cesium.DeveloperError('componentDatatype must be a valid enumeration value.');