



Gets the SVG path of the camera icon, which can change to be "crossed out" or not.


Gets or sets the un-sanitized description HTML for the info box.


Gets the sanitized description HTML for the info box.


Gets or sets whether the camera tracking icon is enabled.


Gets or sets the status of current camera tracking of the selected object.


Gets or sets the maximum height of the info box in pixels. This property is observable.


Gets or sets the visibility of the info box.


Gets or sets the title text in the info box.


Gets or sets the default HTML sanitization function to use for all instances. By default, the Google Caja HTML/CSS sanitizer is loaded in a worker. A specific instance can override this property by setting its sanitizer property. This property returns a function which takes a unsanitized HTML String and returns a sanitized String, or a Promise which resolves to the sanitized version.



Gets the maximum height of sections within the info box, minus an offset, in CSS-ready form.

Name Type Description
offset Number The offset in pixels.