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Cesium Releases in August 2023

In July, we created Cesium for Omniverse tutorials for AEC, introduced MicroGrants for students and educators to become Cesium Certified Developers, detailed our involvement at this year’s SIGGRAPH, announced our new headquarters, and shared the latest cohort of Cesium Ecosystem Grants recipients. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events and learning about how you’re using Cesium!

CesiumJS 1.108 Release

CesiumJS 1.108 is now available. Highlights of this release include:

  • Fixed issue where terrain with multiple layers was loading higher LOD tiles inconsistently. #11312
  • Updated endpoints for OpenStreetMap tiles. #11407
  • Fixed calculation of GroundPolyline bounding spheres in regions with negative terrain heights. #11184
  • Fixed CzmlDataSource in cases of custom Ellipsoid.WGS84 definitions. #11190

For more details, see the changelog. You can subscribe to the Cesium release roundup thread on the community forum to get notifications about our monthly releases.

Cesium for Unreal 1.29.0 Release

Cesium for Unreal v1.29.0 is now available. It contains some important bug fixes, including:

  • Improved support for caching Google Maps Platform's Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
  • Added support for the EXT_meshopt_compression, KHR_mesh_quantization, and KHR_texture_transform glTF extensions.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.28.0 that prevented point clouds from rendering with attenuation.
  • Fixed a bug where Google Maps Platform's Photorealistic 3D Tiles would sometimes not render in Movie Render Queue.
  • Fixed a bug that caused UnrealLightmass to crash when attempting to build lighting containing static meshes created by a Cesium3DTileset.

Check the Cesium for Unreal (UE5) release and the Cesium for Unreal Samples release for the full list of updates.

Cesium for Unity 1.5.0 Release

Cesium for Unity v1.5.0 is now available. It contains some important bug fixes and usability improvements, including:

  • Improved support for caching Google Maps Platform's Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
  • Added support for the EXT_meshopt_compression, KHR_mesh_quantization, and KHR_texture_transform glTF extensions.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to incorrect textures when a KTX2 image did not include a complete mip chain.

Check the changelog for the full list of updates, and follow our Cesium for Unity tutorials to get started.

Cesium for Omniverse 0.9.0 Release

Highlights of this release include:

  • Updated for Kit 105 (USD Composer 2023.1.0 or above).
  • Added ability to zoom to extents on tilesets.
  • Added vertex color support.
  • Fixed holes when camera is moving.
  • Improved performance when refining with parent tile's imagery.

Peruse the changelog for the full list of updates, and get started with our Cesium for Omniverse tutorials.

Autodesk Revit design model georeferenced in Cesium for Omniverse. Image shows a house atop waterfront hills.

Autodesk Revit design model georeferenced in Cesium for Omniverse.

Powered by Cesium

This month we shared two user stories from the community: