Cesium Release Roundup February 2020
Our biggest announcement this month is Cesium Stories! This new feature of Cesium ion allows you to easily create geospatial presentations and share online.

Cesium ion updates
All Cesium ion accounts now have access to Cesium Stories, which makes it easy to combine your 3D data with terrain and imagery on a Cesium globe for sharing online. It’s also a great tool for quickly exploring new 3D tilesets and fusing them with other datasets.

Cesium Stories lets you bring your own data with support for imagery, models, terrain, point clouds, and more. With 3D Tiles, quickly tile, stream, and share even the most massive models and combine them together into a single scene.
We want to see what you build! Let us know on Twitter or send us a note.
CesiumJS 1.66 release
CesiumJS 1.66 is now available. Highlights of this release include:
- The useBrowserRecommendedResolution flag in Viewer and CesiumWidget now defaults to true. This ensures Cesium rendering is fast and smooth by default across all devices.
- Added a light property to Scene to support custom light directions and colors.
- Fixed a bug where the camera could go underground during mouse navigation.
- Updated sample models to glTF 2.0.
For the full list of changes to CesiumJS, see the change log.
Powered by Cesium
If you’re interested in frequent, inexpensive data captures, check out what Pixel8 is up to. They’re combining point cloud data, collected from smart phones, with LiDAR datasets as a reference, and tiling into 3D Tiles for visualizing in Cesium.

Pixel8 streams this LiDAR dataset of downtown Boulder as 3D Tiles and fused with Cesium World Terrain.