3#include <CesiumGeometry/OctreeTileID.h>
4#include <CesiumGeometry/QuadtreeTileID.h>
5#include <CesiumGeospatial/Ellipsoid.h>
78 return this->_current;
85 return &this->_current;
123 constexpr int64_t
size() const noexcept {
return 4; }
174 bool isEnd)
181 return this->_current;
188 return &this->_current;
225 constexpr int64_t
size() const noexcept {
return 8; }
247 const std::string& baseUrl,
248 const std::string& urlTemplate,
262 const std::string& baseUrl,
263 const std::string& urlTemplate,
334 uint32_t subtreeLevels,
349 uint32_t subtreeLevels,
Helper functions for working with 3D Tiles implicit tiling.
static uint64_t computeRelativeMortonIndex(const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &subtreeID, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID)
Computes the relative Morton index for a given quadtree tile within its level of a subtree root at th...
static CesiumGeospatial::S2CellBoundingVolume computeBoundingVolume(const CesiumGeospatial::S2CellBoundingVolume &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit octree tile with the given ID as an S2 cell bounding vol...
static CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion computeBoundingVolume(const CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit quadtree tile with the given ID as a bounding region.
static CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID absoluteTileIDToRelative(const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &rootID, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Converts an absolute tile ID to a tile ID relative to a given root tile.
static uint64_t computeMortonIndex(const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID)
Computes the Morton index for a given octree tile within its level.
static CesiumGeospatial::S2CellBoundingVolume computeBoundingVolume(const CesiumGeospatial::S2CellBoundingVolume &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit quadtree tile with the given ID as an S2 cell bounding v...
static CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID getSubtreeRootID(uint32_t subtreeLevels, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Gets the ID of the root tile of the subtree that contains a given tile.
static CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID getSubtreeRootID(uint32_t subtreeLevels, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Gets the ID of the root tile of the subtree that contains a given tile.
static std::string resolveUrl(const std::string &baseUrl, const std::string &urlTemplate, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &quadtreeID)
Resolves a templatized implicit tiling URL with a quadtree tile ID.
static CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox computeBoundingVolume(const CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit octree tile with the given ID as an oriented bounding bo...
static Cesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume computeBoundingVolume(const Cesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit quadtree tile with the given ID as a Cesium3DTiles::Boun...
static double computeLevelDenominator(uint32_t level) noexcept
Computes the denominator for a given implicit tile level.
static OctreeChildren getChildren(const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Gets a lightweight virtual container for enumerating the octree IDs of the children of a given octree...
static QuadtreeChildren getChildren(const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Gets a lightweight virtual container for enumerating the quadtree IDs of the children of a given quad...
static CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox computeBoundingVolume(const CesiumGeometry::OrientedBoundingBox &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit quadtree tile with the given ID as an oriented bounding ...
static uint64_t computeRelativeMortonIndex(const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &subtreeRootID, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID)
Computes the relative Morton index for a given octree tile within its level of a subtree rooted at th...
static CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion computeBoundingVolume(const CesiumGeospatial::BoundingRegion &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit octree tile with the given ID as a bounding region.
static Cesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume computeBoundingVolume(const Cesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume &rootBoundingVolume, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84) noexcept
Computes the bounding volume for an implicit octree tile with the given ID as a Cesium3DTiles::Boundi...
static uint64_t computeMortonIndex(const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID)
Computes the Morton index for a given quadtree tile within its level.
static std::string resolveUrl(const std::string &baseUrl, const std::string &urlTemplate, const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &octreeID)
Resolves a templatized implicit tiling URL with an octree tile ID.
static CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID absoluteTileIDToRelative(const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &rootID, const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Converts an absolute tile ID to a tile ID relative to a given root tile.
An STL-compatible iterator over the children of an octree tile.
const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID & operator*() const
Returns a reference to the current CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID being iterated.
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const noexcept
Checks if two iterators are at the same child.
std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category
The iterator category tag denoting this is a forward iterator.
iterator & operator++()
Advances the iterator to the next child.
iterator(const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &parentTileID, bool isEnd) noexcept
Creates a new iterator over the children of a octree tile.
iterator operator++(int)
Advances the iterator to the next child.
void difference_type
The type used to identify distance between iterators.
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const noexcept
Checks if two iterators are NOT at the same child.
const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID * operator->() const
Returns a pointer to the current CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID being iterated.
A lightweight virtual container enumerating the octree IDs of the children of a given octree tile.
constexpr int64_t size() const noexcept
Returns the total number of CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID children for this tile, which will always be...
iterator end() const noexcept
Returns an iterator starting at the last child.
iterator begin() const noexcept
Returns an iterator starting at the first child.
OctreeChildren(const CesiumGeometry::OctreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Creates a OctreeChildren instance from the provided parent tile.
An STL-compatible iterator over the children of a quadtree tile.
iterator operator++(int)
Advances the iterator to the next child.
void difference_type
The type used to identify distance between iterators.
const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID * operator->() const
Returns a pointer to the current CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID being iterated.
std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category
The iterator category tag denoting this is a forward iterator.
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const noexcept
Checks if two iterators are NOT at the same child.
iterator & operator++()
Advances the iterator to the next child.
const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID & operator*() const
Returns a reference to the current CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID being iterated.
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const noexcept
Checks if two iterators are at the same child.
iterator(const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &parentTileID, bool isEnd) noexcept
Creates a new iterator over the children of a quadtree tile.
A lightweight virtual container enumerating the quadtree IDs of the children of a given quadtree tile...
constexpr int64_t size() const noexcept
Returns the total number of CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID children for this tile,...
QuadtreeChildren(const CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTileID &tileID) noexcept
Creates a QuadtreeChildren instance from the provided parent tile.
iterator begin() const noexcept
Returns an iterator starting at the first child.
iterator end() const noexcept
Returns an iterator starting at the last child.
A bounding volume defined as a closed and convex cuboid with any orientation.
A bounding volume specified as a longitude/latitude bounding box and a minimum and maximum height.
A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates.
Classes that support loading and converting 3D Tiles tile content.
Classes for using 3D Tiles.
Basic geometry classes for Cesium.
Classes for geospatial computations in Cesium.
A bounding volume that encloses a tile or its content. At least one bounding volume property is requi...
A structure serving as a unique identifier for a node in an octree.
Uniquely identifies a node in a quadtree.