cesium-native 0.44.2
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Cesium3DTilesContent Namespace Reference

Classes that support loading and converting 3D Tiles tile content. More...


struct  AssetFetcher
struct  AssetFetcherResult
 The result of an AssetFetcher::get call. More...
struct  B3dmToGltfConverter
 Converts a b3dm (Batched 3D Model) file to a glTF. More...
struct  BinaryToGltfConverter
 Converts a binary glTF model (glb) to a CesiumGltf::Model. More...
struct  CmptToGltfConverter
 Converts a cmpt (Composite) file into a glTF model. More...
struct  GltfConverterResult
 The result of converting a binary content to gltf model. More...
class  GltfConverters
 Creates GltfConverterResult objects from a a binary content. More...
struct  I3dmToGltfConverter
 Converts an i3dm (Instanced 3D Model) file to a glTF model. More...
class  ImplicitTilingUtilities
 Helper functions for working with 3D Tiles implicit tiling. More...
class  OctreeChildren
 A lightweight virtual container enumerating the octree IDs of the children of a given octree tile. More...
struct  PntsToGltfConverter
 Converts a pnts (Point Cloud) file to a glTF model. More...
class  QuadtreeChildren
 A lightweight virtual container enumerating the quadtree IDs of the children of a given quadtree tile. More...
class  SubtreeAvailability
 Supports querying and modifying the various types of availablity information included in a Cesium3DTiles::Subtree. More...
class  TileBoundingVolumes
 Provides functions for extracting bounding volumes types from the vectors stored in Cesium3DTiles::BoundingVolume. More...
class  TileTransform
 Convenience functions for getting and setting Cesium3DTiles::Tile::transform as a glm::dmat4. More...


enum class  ImplicitTileSubdivisionScheme { Quadtree , Octree }
 Indicates how an implicit tile is subdivided. More...


void registerAllTileContentTypes ()
 Register all Tile content types that can be loaded.

Detailed Description

Classes that support loading and converting 3D Tiles tile content.

--- comment: This file was generated by dep-graph-gen. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! title: Cesium3DTilesContent Dependency Graph --- graph TD classDef dependencyNode fill:#fff,stroke:#ccc,color:#666,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px classDef libraryNode fill:#9f9,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> Cesium3DTiles[Cesium3DTiles] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> Cesium3DTilesReader[Cesium3DTilesReader] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumAsync[CesiumAsync] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumGeometry[CesiumGeometry] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumGeospatial[CesiumGeospatial] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumGltf[CesiumGltf] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumGltfContent[CesiumGltfContent] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumGltfReader[CesiumGltfReader] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> CesiumUtility[CesiumUtility] Cesium3DTilesContent[Cesium3DTilesContent] --> libmorton_libmorton{{libmorton::libmorton}} class libmorton_libmorton dependencyNode class Cesium3DTiles,Cesium3DTilesReader,CesiumAsync,CesiumGeometry,CesiumGeospatial,CesiumGltf,CesiumGltfContent,CesiumGltfReader,CesiumUtility,Cesium3DTilesContent libraryNode

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ImplicitTileSubdivisionScheme

Indicates how an implicit tile is subdivided.


Implicit tiles are divided into four children, forming a quadree.


Implicit tiles are divided into eight children, forming an octree.

Definition at line 23 of file SubtreeAvailability.h.

Function Documentation

◆ registerAllTileContentTypes()

void Cesium3DTilesContent::registerAllTileContentTypes ( )

Register all Tile content types that can be loaded.

This is supposed to be called during the initialization, before any Tileset is loaded. It will register loaders for the different types of tiles that can be encountered.