3#include <CesiumGeometry/CullingResult.h>
4#include <CesiumGeometry/Plane.h>
5#include <CesiumGeospatial/BoundingRegion.h>
6#include <CesiumGeospatial/Ellipsoid.h>
7#include <CesiumGeospatial/S2CellID.h>
64 std::span<const glm::dvec3> getVertices() const noexcept;
90 computeDistanceSquaredToPosition(const glm::dvec3& position) const noexcept;
106 CESIUM_DEFAULT_ELLIPSOID) const noexcept;
110 double _minimumHeight;
111 double _maximumHeight;
114 std::array<glm::dvec3, 8> _vertices;
A bounding volume specified as a longitude/latitude bounding box and a minimum and maximum height.
A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates.
glm::dvec3 getCenter() const noexcept
Gets the center of this bounding volume in ellipsoid-fixed (ECEF) coordinates.
const S2CellID & getCellID() const
Gets this bounding volume's cell ID.
double getMaximumHeight() const noexcept
Gets the maximum height of the cell.
S2CellBoundingVolume(const S2CellID &cellID, double minimumHeight, double maximumHeight, const CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid=CesiumGeospatial::Ellipsoid::WGS84)
Creates a new S2CellBoundingVolume.
double getMinimumHeight() const noexcept
Gets the minimum height of the cell.
A 64-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a cell in the S2 cell decomposition.
Basic geometry classes for Cesium.
Classes for geospatial computations in Cesium.