Sentinel-2 Imagery
Global satellite imagery
Cloudless satellite imagery for the entire world down to 10 meter resolution for efficient streaming into CesiumJS and other 3D engines.

West Coast of the United States

Port Augusta in Southern Australia

Agricultural Landscape in the Midwestern United States

Manhattan, New York City

The Strait of Gibraltar in Southern Spain
Get access to Sentinel-2 Imagery
Sign up for a free Cesium ion account to use this 3D Tileset in your custom applications.
Asset specs
Format: Tile Map Service (TMS) or Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
Coverage: Global
Resolution: 10 m to 60 m
- North: 90°
- East: 180°
- South: -90°
- West: -180°
CesiumJS code example
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
imageryProvider: new Cesium.IonImageryProvider({ assetId: 3954 })
Terms of use
For use of Sentinel-2 data, see:
- The European Space Agency’s Terms and Conditions
- Cesium ion’s Terms of Service
CesiumJS automatically displays attribution. Do not remove or modify it.
When using Sentinel-2 Imagery outside of CesiumJS, include the following source data attribution:
Sentinel-2 cloudless by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016 & 2017)
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We've curated global terrain, 3D buildings, and satellite imagery ready to use in custom applications.