Cesium's Inaugural 3D Geospatial Technical Exchange Meeting
Cesium held its inaugural 3D Geospatial Technical Exchange Meeting at Cesium headquarters in Philadelphia on June 25 and 26.

The purpose of the meeting was to bring experts in defense and intelligence together with the 3D Tiles user community to explore the theme, “Streaming 3D Geospatial Data, from Analysis to Mission Execution.”
Speakers from the Cesium team were joined by guest speakers from TAK Product Center, Army Geospatial Center, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, NVIDIA, Reveal Technology, Epic Games, Maxar, Ansys, and Vexcel Data Program.
Highlights from Cesium's first 3D Geospatial TEM.
The event kicked off with a video message from Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi, who spent the week in Alaska as part of the DoD Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC). JCOC enables business and community leaders to gain first-hand experience through operations and interactions with troops and military leaders across the US armed forces.
Nathan Frantz, Acting Director of TAK Product Center, then delivered the keynote address. The event also featured live demos by teams from Reveal Technologies and Lockheed Martin.
Visit our Presentations page for slides presented by Cesium on CesiumJS, Native Runtimes, Cesium ion and Cesium ion Self-Hosted, and Cesium curated 3D data. We also held a session to gather community feedback on the Cesium roadmap.
This inaugural, invite-only TEM is only the first of many such events we hope to host at Cesium HQ and around the country to foster collaboration around open standards and gather feedback from the user community. Join our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.