CesiumJS Reaches 10 Million Lifetime Downloads
CesiumJS has passed the 10 million mark for total lifetime downloads!
Our open core business model supports a healthy open source community. Since Cesium spun out as an independent company in 2019, CesiumJS downloads have grown 15 fold.
CesiumJS was originally created to be a high precision global scale visualization engine for aerospace. When we released CesiumJS as open source in 2012, the community began to show us what Cesium could be used for: not just tracking satellites in space but also showing drone scans of historical buildings in context, following construction progress from concept to finished project, simulating flights for pilot training anywhere in the world, live streaming sports competitions, analyzing natural disasters for better emergency response, and much, much more. We are inspired by the incredible applications that are part of Cesium’s vibrant ecosystem. Check out our Featured User Stories to see examples.

CesiumJS in 2012.

CesiumJS today, with Cesium World Terrain and Bing Maps Imagery.
CesiumJS is one of the most extensive JavaScript libraries developed, complete with an interactive WGS84 ellipsoid, star map, terrain, imagery, dynamic lighting, and interactive timeline, ready for 3D Tiles and other standard formats and easily shared on desktop or mobile.
Since 2019, contributors from 39 countries have opened pull requests to improve the open source CesiumJS library. There are users of CesiumJS in every country in the world.
Since 2012 we've released updates and improvements to CesiumJS every month, with well over 100 releases to date. In the near future, we expect to make improvements to visual quality, further develop our voxel implementation, add support for some of the glTF physically based rendering (PBR) next extensions, and take other steps to lower the barrier to entry for developers getting started with CesiumJS.

Open source code and support for open standards are at the heart of Cesium.
Building a healthy open source community has taken concerted effort over a decade, and we’ve built a sustainable business model around keeping CesiumJS open source and giving our developers the quality they’ve come to expect.

2014: The Grand Canyon in CesiumJS with now-deprecated STK World Terrain.

Today: The Grand Canyon in CesiumJS with Cesium World Terrain.
We remain deeply committed to our active community, which asks and answers questions on our forum, builds out related documentation, creates sandcastles, shares knowledge, and contributes back to CesiumJS with their own pull requests. With more than a quarter million downloads every month, CesiumJS continues to grow as more developers bring geospatial visualization to their industries.

Contributions to CesiumJS as tracked by GitHub. Cesium has been built by more than 300 contributors in over 6,000 pull requests. We welcome all sorts of contributions: check out the open issues marked “good first issue” to make your own improvements.
We welcome your feedback, appreciate your support, and can’t wait to see what you build next. We hope you'll share your work with us.

The Cesium community is made up of the handful of engineers on the core development team, hundreds of community contributors, thousands of developers building with CesiumJS, and millions of end users benefiting from 3D geospatial data on the web.