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Cesium ion Brings 3D Tiling for Point Clouds, Photogrammetry, and 3D Buildings to the Cloud

Starting today, Cesium ion makes it effortless to upload, tile, and stream massive 3D geospatial datasets on the web. Built by the same team that created CesiumJS, co-created glTF, and pioneered 3D Tiles, ion’s robust tiling pipeline efficiently creates optimized, streamable 3D Tiles tilesets with little to no configuration.

ion tiling

Point Clouds, KML/COLLADA, CityGML, and Photogrammetry can now be tiled into 3D Tiles with ion.

ion supports tiling the following data formats into 3D Tiles:

Point Clouds.las and .laz
Photogrammetry.obj and .dae
CityGML.xml, .gml, .citygml with associated textures
KML/COLLADA.kml, .kmz with associated .dae models

Several files of the same type can be uploaded together and merged into a single 3D Tiles tileset.

The ion tiling pipeline is also available on-premise as a set of command line interfaces (CLIs) that run completely within your own infrastructure for integration into your custom data workflows.


A millimeter precision point cloud tiled with ion and rendered in CesiumJS. Data courtesy of Trimble.

For point clouds and photogrammetry that do not include their geolocation, ion’s 3D Tiles Location Editor allows you to accurately place, rotate, and scale a 3D tileset onto a specific ion terrain.

3D Tiles Location Editor

ion’s new 3D Tiles Location Editor.

You can start uploading your own data to the 3D tiling pipeline today by signing up for a free ion community account.