Cesium for Unreal 2.13.2
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3D Tiles in Unreal Engine

The Rendering 3D Tiles page in the Cesium Native documentation explains in the abstract how Cesium Native can be used to integrate 3D Tiles rendering into an application. This page explains how Cesium for Unreal integrates 3D Tiles rendering into Unreal Engine specifically.


The implementation of ITaskProcessor for Unreal Engine is found in UnrealTaskProcessor.h and .cpp and is only a few lines of code. It uses Unreal's AsyncTask function to run the provided callback on the Unreal Engine task graph. The particular thread specifier used is AnyBackgroundThreadNormalTask. The meaning of this is not well documented, but we initially used AnyThread and found that our background work could sometimes block essential tasks related to rendering, causing frame-rate hiccups. Switching to AnyBackgroundThreadNormalTask slightly increased load times, but made rendering much smoother. See CesiumGS/cesium-unreal#975 for further details.


UnrealAssetAccessor implements IAssetAccessor using Unreal's HttpModule. While this is largely straightforward and it has served us well overall, it has also been a source of quirks and performance problems.

File URLs

Unreal's HttpModule uses libcurl under the hood, but the developers have chosen to disable libcurl's support for file:/// URLs. Because our users frequently want to access 3D Tiles tileset from the local file system (in addition to the web), we have implemented custom support for file URLs in our asset accessor. It uses Unreal's FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray to read files, running in the GIOThreadPool.

Configuration Parameters

The Cesium for Unreal plugin includes Config/Engine.ini and Config/Editor.ini files to configure various aspects of Unreal's HTTP request system. See the comments in those files for an explanation of what we're changing and why. Without these tweaks, Unreal would spam the Output Log, complaining about Cesium making too many network requests. The time to download 3D Tiles files would also be much longer.


The implementation of the IPrepareRendererResources interface in UnrealPrepareRendererResources is the heart of Cesium for Unreal. It is responsible for creating Unreal objects from 3D Tiles glTFs so that they can be rendered and interacted-with in Unreal Engine.

The major UObject classes involved in 3D Tiles rendering, and their inheritance relationships, are shown in the class diagram below. The types built into Unreal Engine are shown in a different color from the ones provided with Cesium for Unreal.

--- config: class: hideEmptyMembersBox: true --- classDiagram direction TB AActor <|-- ACesium3DTileset USceneComponent <|-- UCesiumGltfComponent USceneComponent <|-- UStaticMeshComponent USceneComponent <|-- UInstancedStaticMeshComponent ICesiumPrimitive <|-- UCesiumGltfInstancedComponent UStaticMeshComponent <|-- UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent ICesiumPrimitive <|-- UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent <|-- UCesiumGltfPointsComponent UInstancedStaticMeshComponent <|-- UCesiumGltfInstancedComponent class AActor:::unreal class USceneComponent:::unreal class UStaticMeshComponent:::unreal class UInstancedStaticMeshComponent:::unreal classDef unreal fill:#FFE9CE, color:#543410

  • ACesium3DTileset: The Actor responsible for loading a 3D Tiles tileset. On each Tick, it calls Cesium Native's updateView.
  • UCesiumGltfComponent: Represents a single 3D Tiles tile. A ACesium3DTileset will have many UCesiumGltfComponent instances attached to it, one for each tile that is currently loaded.
  • UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent: Represents a single MeshPrimitive within a single 3D Tiles tile (glTF). A UCesiumGltfComponent will usually have one or more UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent instances attached to it.
  • UCesiumGltfPointsComponent: A more specific type of UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent that is used when the MeshPrimitive uses the POINTS mode. That is, when it is a point cloud.
  • UCesiumGltfInstancedComponent: An alternate representation of a glTF MeshPrimitive that is used when multiple copies of the mesh are rendered under the direction of the EXT_gpu_instancing extension.

Instances of UCesiumGltfComponent, UCesiumGltfInstancedComponent, and UCesiumGltfPointsComponent, along with accompanying UStaticMesh, UMaterialInstanceDynamic, and UTexture2D instances, are created by UnrealPrepareRendererResources as 3D Tiles are loaded. These UObject-derived classes are created on the game thread. Game thread time is a limited resource in most Unreal Engine applications, though, so we strive to do as much of the loading work as possible in background threads.

For that reason, Cesium for Unreal takes advantage of the separate prepareInLoadThread and prepareInMainThread methods on IPrepareRendererResources.

Recent versions of Unreal Engine reportedly do allow creating UObjects in background threads, probably with some significant caveats. In the future, we should consider whether the relaxation of this limitation allows us to improve our design or performance.

In prepareInLoadThread, Cesium for Unreal receives a Model from Cesium Native and creates from it a LoadedModelResult. This struct holds a representation of the model that is as close to "fully renderable in Unreal Engine" as we can manage without creating any UObjects:

  • Normals and tangents are generated, if required.
  • Texture MipMaps are generated, if required.
  • Physics meshes are generated, if required.
  • Mesh vertex and index data for each MeshPrimitive are copied into an instance of Unreal's FStaticMeshRenderData.
  • An FCesiumTextureResource is created for each texture. This class is derived from Unreal's FTextureResource and is Unreal's low-level, render-thread representation of a texture.
  • Feature IDs and metadata that are made available to a material via the UCesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent are turned into additional textures.

Then, in prepareInMainThread, we receive the LoadedModelResult produced above, and create all of the UObject instances from it, avoiding as much as possible copying or transforming any data.

Multithreaded Texture Creation

Textures are often the largest part of a 3D Tiles tileset, especially for real-world, photogrammetry-derived models. So, Cesium for Unreal takes great pains to:

  1. Avoid keeping multiple copies of a texture in CPU or GPU memory.
  2. Avoid copying texture data unnecessarily, even if it's only held temporarily.
  3. Create renderable textures on the GPU without using any more game thread or render thread time than is absolutely necessary.

To that end, Cesium for Unreal's texture creation system uses some low-level, largely undocumented parts of the Unreal Engine API. This is made trickier by the fact that a single image may have multiple purposes within a glTF, or it may be shared across multiple glTF tiles in a 3D Tiles tileset.

Textures are created near the start of prepareInLoadThread with calls to ExtensionImageAssetUnreal::getOrCreate. This method expects that multiple threads may call it simultaneously on a single ImageAsset. This happens when the two threads are loading two different tiles that happen to share a single image. It uses a mutex to ensure that only the first thread adds an ExtensionImageAssetUnreal and then proceeds to load the image. Any other threads will instead get the existing ExtensionImageAssetUnreal, which includes a SharedFuture that will resolve when the first thread has finished loading the image.

This system ensures that a) only one thread loads the image, and b) other threads can asynchronously wait for the image to be loaded, without blocking any threads while they're waiting.

The thread that is doing the actual loading will create a new instance of a class derived from FCesiumTextureResource for the ImageAsset.

--- config: class: hideEmptyMembersBox: true --- classDiagram direction TB class FCesiumCreateNewTextureResource { +Pixel Data +Mip Positions } class FCesiumPreCreatedRHITextureResource { +RHI Texture } class FCesiumUseExistingTextureResource { +Previous FTextureResource to Wrap } FTextureResource <|-- FCesiumTextureResource FCesiumTextureResource <|-- FCesiumCreateNewTextureResource FCesiumTextureResource <|-- FCesiumPreCreatedRHITextureResource FCesiumTextureResource <|-- FCesiumUseExistingTextureResource class FTextureResource:::unreal classDef unreal fill:#FFE9CE, color:#543410

For Unreal Render Hardware Interfaces (RHI) that support asynchronous texture upload (GRHISupportsAsyncTextureCreation is set), which is currently only Direct3D 11 and 12, the instance will be of type FCesiumPreCreatedRHITextureResource. The GPU upload will happen immediately under the control of the worker thread with a call to RHIAsyncCreateTexture2D.

For RHIs that don't support async texture upload, the new instance will be of type FCesiumCreateNewTextureResource and a command will be queued to the render thread to do the texture upload with a call to RHICreateTexture. In either case, the CPU-side pixel data, which is now owned by the FCesiumTextureResource, is freed once the GPU upload is complete.

In Unreal Engine, an FTextureResource encapsulates both the GPU texture resource (represented as FRHITexture), but also details such as the sampling mode (nearest, linear, mipmaps), as well as whether or not to treat it as sRGB. This is unfortunate because we would like to have just one copy of each set of pixel data, even if that pixel data happens to be sampled differently when it's used in different contexts. Fortunately, we can create multiple FTextureResource instances that reference a single FRHITexture via reference counting.

For simplicity, we always do this, even when there is no sharing. The initial FCesiumTextureResource that is created can be viewed as a representation of the glTF Image. Then, we create an instance of FCesiumUseExistingTextureResource for each glTF Texture. The FCesiumUseExistingTextureResource wraps the FCesiumCreateNewTextureResource or FCesiumPreCreatedRHITextureResource instance created previously and brings the sampler settings that are appropriate for the context.