cesium-native 0.44.2
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Implementing a new RasterOverlay Type

Raster overlays are implemented by deriving from the RasterOverlay abstract base class, so new ones can be easily added even from outside of Cesium Native. RasterOverlay has just a single pure-virtual method that must be implemented: createTileProvider. This method asynchronously produces an instance of a class derived from RasterOverlayTileProvider.

A RasterOverlayTileProvider has a particular Projection, which is used to select or generate appropriate texture coordinates for this raster overlay, and a rectangle that the raster overlay covers, expressed in the coordinates of that map projection.

In the explanation below, we distinguish between a "geometry tile", which is an instance of Tile from a 3D Tiles or quantized-mesh-1.0 tileset, and a "raster overlay tile" which is an instance of RasterOverlayTile that represents a raster overlay image applied to a geometry tile. While a Tile may have textures, too, a RasterOverlayTile never has geometry.

While it's possible to derive a class from RasterOverlayTileProvider directly and implement the loadTileImage method, there are two shortcuts available that often save a lot of implementation effort.

In the very common scenario where a raster overlay source is organized into a quadtree of tiles, and each tile can be downloaded from a web URL, we can implement createTileProvider to construct an instance of UrlTemplateRasterOverlay with the appropriate templatized URL and then call its createTileProvider:

const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& asyncSystem,
const std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor>& pAssetAccessor,
const std::shared_ptr<CesiumUtility::CreditSystem>& pCreditSystem,
const std::shared_ptr<IPrepareRasterOverlayRendererResources>&
const std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger>& pLogger,
// Create a new raster overlay with a URL template.
.credit = "Copyright (c) Some Amazing Source",
.tilingScheme =
CesiumGeometry::QuadtreeTilingScheme(coverageRectangle, 1, 1),
.minimumLevel = 0,
.maximumLevel = 15,
.tileWidth = 256,
.tileHeight = 256,
.coverageRectangle = coverageRectangle,
// Get that raster overlay's tile provider.
return pUrlTemplate->createTileProvider(
pOwner != nullptr ? pOwner : this);

If we need a little more control, or if the raster overlay images are not downloaded from web URLs, then we can derive a new class from QuadtreeRasterOverlayTileProvider and create and return an instance of it from createTileProvider. This requires implementing the loadQuadtreeTileImage method, which is given a quadtree tile ID (level, x, and y) and must asynchronously return the image for that quadtree tile. QuadtreeRasterOverlayTileProvider itself will automatically figure out an appropriate quadtree level to use for ther raster overlay tile attached to a given geometry tile, and it will make multiple calls to loadQuadtreeTileImage as necessary to get all of the quadtree images that cover it. In the common case that multiple geometry tiles overlap a single raster overlay quadtree tile, a small cache ensures that raster overlay tiles are not requested more than is necessary.

If our raster overlay source is not arranged in a quadtree, however, we're left with the final option, which is deriving from RasterOverlayTileProvider directly. This requires implementing the loadTileImage method. When Cesium Native calls this method, it passes a RasterOverlayTile which captures the requirements for the raster overlay tile that covers this geometry tile:

  • Rectangle: Describes the minimum rectangle that the provided image must cover, expressed in the provider's Projection. The returned image is allowed to be bigger than this, but the extra pixels will be wasted.
  • TargetScreenPixels: The number of pixels on the screen that the rectangle is expected to map to, just before the geometry tile switches to a higher level-of-detail. This is used to control how detailed the image will be.

In a typical implementation, the target screen pixels is divided by the raster overlay's configured maximumScreenSpaceError to determine the target number of pixels in the raster overlay image. Then, pixels are copied into the output image in order to completely fill the rectangle. The output image rectangle is usually larger than the RasterOverlayTile rectangle, and the number of pixels is slightly higher than the target number of pixels in the raster overlay image, because both must be rounded up in order to fully include partial pixels.