cesium-native 0.44.2
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AsyncSystem is Cesium Native's primary mechanism for managing asynchronous, multi-threaded work. Understanding it is essential for using, modifying, and extending Cesium Native.

An example will help to illustrate why we need AsyncSystem at all.

flowchart LR download@{icon: "mingcute:download-3-line" } mesh@{icon: "mingcute:cube-3d-line" } gpu@{icon: "mingcute:computer-line" } download --> mesh mesh --> gpu

Let's say we're trying to load a tile in a 3D Tiles tileset. First, we need to start a network request to download the tile's content. We'll do an HTTP GET for a particular URL, and some time tens to hundreds to even thousands of milliseconds later, the tile content at that URL will be downloaded and ready for us to use.

Once it's downloaded, we need to process that tile content that we just downloaded. That means:

  • Parse the JSON it contains,
  • Decompress the Draco-encoded meshes or the JPEG-encoded images,
  • Process the triangle meshes for use with a physics engine,
  • And lots more!

We want to do as much of this kind of work as we possibly can in a background thread, because CPUs have multiple cores these days and the main thread is usually busy doing other important work.

Unfortunately, there is inevitably at least a little bit of tile loading work that can't be done in a background thread. Game engines, for example, usually have strict rules against creating game objects anywhere other than the main thread. We can't get anything onto the screen without creating game objects, so after the background work is complete, we then need to continue processing this tile in the main thread in order to do the final preparation to render it.

AsyncSystem gives us an elegant way to express this kind of sequential process involving a series of asynchronous steps.

The AsyncSystem Class

An AsyncSystem object manages the other objects we use to schedule work and wait for its completion. During initialization, an application constructs an AsyncSystem object and passes it to Cesium Native, which in turn uses it in all operations that might complete asynchronously. AsyncSystem instances can be safely and efficiently stored and copied by value; this makes it easy to make them available wherever they're needed, including in lambda captures. On the other hand, holding a reference to an AsyncSystem object is very bug-prone in asynchronous code; the lifetime of the reference holder can be quite different from the code that uses it and hard to reason about. It is idiomatic to pass a const reference to an AsyncSystem object as a parameter to a function, but that reference must be copied to a value if it will be used outside of the lifetime of the function. For example, in the following code, the asyncSystem function parameter is copied to a constant value member in the inner lambda:

const AsyncSystem& asyncSystem,
const std::shared_ptr<IAssetAccessor>& pAssetAccessor,
const std::string& url,
const std::vector<IAssetAccessor::THeader>& headers) const noexcept {
return pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, url, headers)
.thenInWorkerThread([asyncSystem, pAssetAccessor, this](
std::shared_ptr<IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
return this->load(asyncSystem, pAssetAccessor, pRequest);


Future<T> represents an asynchronous operation that will eventually complete and produce a value of type T. If you're familiar with a JavaScript Promise, the concept is very much the same. We commonly see Future<T> as the return value of a method that starts an asynchronous operation. For example, we can use IAssetAccessor to asynchronously download the content of a web URL:

std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor> pAssetAccessor =
pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com");

This get function will start the HTTP request, but it will return quickly, without waiting for the request to complete. Initially, the Future is in the Pending state, meaning that the asynchronous operation has not yet completed. Once it does complete, the Future will be in one of these two states:

  • Resolved: The operation has completed successfully and the result value is available.
  • Rejected: The operation failed, and an exception describing the error is available.

If we want to block the current thread and wait for the request to complete, we can call wait:

std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest> pCompletedRequest =

wait blocks until the Future completes. If it is resolved, wait returns its value. If it is rejected, wait throws an exception representing the error.

The std::move is needed because Future<T> is meant to be consumed just once. This allows for best efficiency because the value resulting from the asynchronous operation can be provided to the caller without ever making a copy of it.

wait should never be called in the "main thread" (defined in the next section), because doing so can cause a deadlock. To block the main thread waiting for a Future, call waitInMainThread instead.

In practice, though, we almost never call wait or waitInMainThread. After all, what good is it to start an asynchronous operation if we're just going to block the calling thread waiting for it? Instead, we register a continuation function with the Future.

Continuation Functions

A continuation function is a callback - usually a lambda - that is invoked when the Future resolves. The name comes from the idea that the execution "continues" with that function after the async operation. Continuations are registered with the then... methods on the Future. Different then functions are used to control in what thread the callback is invoked:

  • thenInMainThread: The continuation function is invoked in the "main" thread. Many applications have a clear idea of which thread they consider the main one, but in Cesium Native, "main thread" very specifically means the thread that called waitInMainThread or dispatchMainThreadTasks on the AsyncSystem. This need not be the same as the thread your application considers to be the main one.
  • thenInWorkerThread: The continuation function is invoked in a background worker thread by calling startTask on the ITaskProcessor instance with which the AsyncSystem was constructed.
  • thenInThreadPool: The continuation function is invoked in a specified ThreadPool. This is most commonly used with a ThreadPool containing just a single thread, in order to delegate certain tasks (such as database access) to a dedicated thread. In other cases, thenInWorkerThread is probably a better choice.
  • thenImmediately: The continuation function is invoked immediately in whatever thread happened to resolve the Future. This is only appropriate for work that completes very quickly and is safe to run in any thread.

Continuing with our web request example above, we can register a continuation that receives the completed request and does something with the downloaded data in the main thread:

requestFuture = pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com");
[](std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
const CesiumAsync::IAssetResponse* pResponse =
// handling of an error response ommitted

So far, this all looks like a glorified callback system. The real power of AsyncSystem becomes apparent when we chain continuations together. Here's what that might look like:

pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com")
[](std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
const CesiumAsync::IAssetResponse* pResponse =
// handling of an error response ommitted
ProcessedContent processed =
return processed;
.thenInMainThread([](ProcessedContent&& processed) {

In this example, we call get to start a network request, as before. We immediately call thenInWorkerThread on the returned Future in order to register a continuation for when the request completes. This continuation runs in a background thread and calls processDownloadedContent. We can imagine that it's doing some intensive processing, and we wouldn't want to block the main thread while it's doing it.

The continuation lambda returns an instance of example type ProcessedContent. Because the lambda function we pass to it returns ProcessedContent, the thenInWorkerThread call returns Future<ProcessedContent>. This new Future will resolve when the request completes and then the processDownloadedContent also completes.

We can attach a further continuation to this new Future, which we do in the example by calling thenInMainThread. This second continuation will be invoked in the main thread once the ProcessedContent is asynchronously created. It calls updateApplicationWithProcessedContent, which we can imagine updates the user interface based on the downloaded and processed content.

With just a few lines of code, we've created a process that:

  1. Asynchronously downloads a resource from the internet.
  2. Does some CPU-intensive processing on that resource in a background thread.
  3. Updates the user interface, which can usually only be done in the main thread.

We've done this:

  1. Without ever blocking any threads.
  2. Without writing any complicated thread synchronization code, such as with std::mutex.


The then... family of functions register continuations that are invoked when a Future resolves (completes successfully). What if the Future rejects (completes with an exception) instead?

We can register continuations for the rejection case by calling the catchInMainThread and catchImmediately methods instead.

Cesium Native does not currently have a catchInWorkerThread or catchInThreadPool method.

Unlike the then... family continuations, which receive the value of the successful asynchronous operation, the catch... family continuations receive a std::exception. A common pattern is to turn a catch exception into a valid value that indicates something went wrong:

.catchImmediately([](std::exception&& e) {
return ProcessedContent::createFailed(e.what());
.thenInMainThread([](ProcessedContent&& processed) {
if (processed.isFailed()) {
} else {

In this example, we call startOperationThatMightFail, and it returns a Future<ProcessedContent>. We then call catchImmediately on it in order to register a continuation that will be invoked if the operation fails with an exception. Notice that this continuation returns a ProcessedContent too, in this case created from the failure error message. This is a common pattern - a catch continuation turning the error into a result value that encapsulates the error.

The catchImmediately returns a new Future, just like a then... method does. The value type T of the Future<T> will be the same as the original Future that we called catchImmediately on, and it is for this reason that the continuation function given to catch... must return a value of the same type that startOperationThatMightFail would have produced on success. The only other option is to throw an exception, at which point execution will continue at the continuation provided to the next catch... in the chain.

Note that a catch... continuation can handle an exception or rejected Future that reaches it from any prior point in the Future chain. When a catch... continuation is invoked, it is not necessarily the Future to which it is directly attached that experienced the error. When a Future rejects, execution resumes at the next catch... continuation in the chain, skipping all then... continuations along the way.

As the name implies, catch... continuations are very similar to exception handlers in normal synchronous code. They're generally only used to handle truly exceptional situations, and are best avoided for normal control flow.

Future Unwrapping

In our examples above, both then... and catch... continuations always returned a value of some type T. A continuation may instead return a Future<T>! When this happens, the AsyncSystem "unwraps" the returned Future. That means that the Future returned by the then... or catch... will not itself resolve or reject until the Future returned by the continuation resolves or rejects. An example will make this clearer.

Imagine that we're downloading a web page from the internet, as we were in previous examples. In this case, though, the web page references some other internet resource, such as an image. We want to download that too, once we know what it is, and aren't done until both the original web page and the image are downloaded. We can do this by taking advantage of Future unwrapping, like so:

pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com")
[pAssetAccessor, asyncSystem](
std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
const CesiumAsync::IAssetResponse* pResponse =
// handling of an error response ommitted
std::string url = findReferencedImageUrl(pResponse->data());
return pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, url);
pImageRequest) {
// Do something with the loaded image

In this example, our first continuation calls findReferenceImageUrl to determine the URL of an image referenced by the page. We then call get to download that image. Notice that we've captured asyncSystem and pAssetAccessor in the lambda in order to make this possible. The get call returns a Future, and we return that Future from our continuation. The returned Future is unwrapped by the AsyncSystem, and as a result, the second continuation, the one passed to thenInMainThread, will not be invoked until this second request Future resolves.

You may have noticed that our second continuation, the one passed to thenInMainThread, only has access to the image's IAssetRequest. What if we also need to use the page IAssetRequest? Or some other data derived from it? While it's possible to do this manually with extra continuations and lambda captures, the thenPassThrough method makes the process simpler.


The thenPassThrough method makes it easy to pass through some extra data to a continuation. This is especially useful in combination with Future unwrapping. It looks like this:

pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com")
[pAssetAccessor, asyncSystem](
std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
const CesiumAsync::IAssetResponse* pResponse =
// handling of an error response ommitted
ProcessedContent processed =
std::string url = findReferencedImageUrl(processed);
return pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, url)
std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>>&& tuple) {
auto& [processed, pImageRequest] = tuple;

Like the example in the previous section, we're finding a referenced image URL and then initiating a second HTTP request to go download it. This time, though, we call thenPassThrough on the Future returned by the get, and pass it the ProcessedContent. As a result, the next continuation in the chain receives both the ProcessedContent and the image IAssetRequest in the form of a std::tuple.

Combining Futures

In the previous examples, we downloaded a web page, found the URL of an image within it, and then downloaded that image, too. But what if the page contains multiple images? That's where the all method on AsyncSystem comes in. Given a std::vector<Future<T>>, the all method of AsyncSystem returns a Future<std::vector<T>>. In other words, it turns a list of Futures into a single Future that resolves to a list of values. We can use it like this:

pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com")
[pAssetAccessor, asyncSystem](
std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
const CesiumAsync::IAssetResponse* pResponse =
// handling of an error response ommitted
ProcessedContent processed =
std::vector<std::string> urls =
for (const std::string& url : urls) {
futures.emplace_back(pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, url));
return asyncSystem.all(std::move(futures))
tuple) {
auto& [processed, imageRequests] = tuple;
for (const std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&
pImageRequest : imageRequests) {

The Future<std::vector<T>> returned by all resolves when all of the Futures it is given resolve. It rejects when any of the Futures it is given reject. To prevent a single rejection from making all of the resolved Futures inaccessible, add a catch... continuation to each Future and pass the return value to all.

Creating Futures

So far, the initial Future<T> instances we have used have been created by others. For example, we've used IAssetAccessor::get to create a Future<T> representing a web resource once the asynchronous download is complete. How do those Future<T> instances actually get created?

The simplest way to create a Future<T> is by calling createResolvedFuture on the AsyncSystem. Given a value, it creates an already-resolved Future<T> to hold that value. This is most useful when combined with Future Unwrapping. Because all return statements in a given continuation must return either a value or a Future<T> (we can't do both within a single continuation), createResolvedFuture is useful when some branches within our continuation are ready to return a value directly, while others need to start a new asynchronous operation. For example:

pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, "https://example.com")
[pAssetAccessor, asyncSystem](
std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>&& pRequest) {
const CesiumAsync::IAssetResponse* pResponse =
// handling of an error response ommitted
ProcessedContent processed =
std::optional<std::string> maybeUrl =
if (!maybeUrl) {
return asyncSystem.createResolvedFuture<
} else {
return pAssetAccessor->get(asyncSystem, *maybeUrl);
pImageRequest) {
if (pImageRequest) {

In this example, if the initial web page doesn't contain a referenced image, we immediately return a nullptr image request using createResolvedFuture. If it does, we call get to download it.

Another way to create a Future<T> is by calling runInMainThread, runInWorkerThread, or runInThreadPool on AsyncSystem. These are similar to the equivalent then... methods in that they take a function - usually a lambda - that is invoked in the appropriate threading context. Unlike the then... methods, which continue after some other asynchronous operation, these methods start a brand new asynchronous operation. Just like the then... methods, though, the runIn... methods return a Future<T>, allowing additional asynchronous work to continue - perhaps in a different thread - after the initial function returns. This makes runInWorkerThread a very convenient way to do some work in the background and retrieve its value when it completes.

The most powerful way to create a Future<T>, though, is to use a Promise<T>.


As previously described, a Future<T> represents a value that will become available sometime in the future. A Promise<T> is how the asynchronous operation actually provides that value when it becomes available. It is most useful when interfacing with libraries that use other patterns for asynchronous work, and allow us to bring their results into the AsyncSystem.

Imagine that we're using a third-party library that does asynchronous work with a simple callback-based API. The library's function called computeSomethingSlowly does some work in the background and then calls the callback that we pass to it:

computeSomethingSlowly("some parameter", [](const SlowValue& value) {

We'd like to be able to use the AsyncSystem to do further work after this completes. Here's how that can be done:

computeSomethingSlowly("some parameter", [promise](const SlowValue& value) {
promise.getFuture().thenInMainThread([](SlowValue&& value) {
// Continue working with the slowly-computed value in the main thread.

The trick is to call createPromise to create a Promise<T>, and then capture it in the callback lambda given to the library's computeSomethingSlowly. When the callback is invoked, we call resolve on the Promise<T>, which resolves the associated Future<T> that was previously obtained with getFuture. We can then chain continuations off that Future<T> in the normal way. Instead of calling resolve on the Promise<T>, we can also call reject.

One problem with this createPromise approach is that it does not behave as well as it should in the face of exceptions. Imagine that we're wrapping all of this functionality up in our own function, like this:

CesiumAsync::Future<SlowValue> myComputeSomethingSlowlyWrapper(
const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& asyncSystem,
const std::string& someParameter) {
computeSomethingSlowly(someParameter, [promise](const SlowValue& value) {
return promise.getFuture();

Now what happens if that third-party library function, computeSomethingSlowly, throws an exception? Our myComputeSomethingSlowlyWrapper doesn't catch it, so the exception will be propagated out of our function and the caller will have to deal with it. This is poor form in a function that returns a Future<T>, because it forces callers to handle two different error mechanisms. The function might throw an exception, or the function might reject the Future<SlowValue> that it returns. Handling both would be a hassle, and it's unfair to ask our users to do so.

We could change myComputeSomethingSlowlyWrapper to catch the possible exception and turn it into a call to reject on the Promise<T>, and that would work fine. But there's an easier way. We can use the createFuture method on AsyncSystem:

CesiumAsync::Future<SlowValue> myComputeSomethingSlowlyWrapper2(
const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& asyncSystem,
const std::string& someParameter) {
return asyncSystem.createFuture<SlowValue>(
[&](const CesiumAsync::Promise<SlowValue>& promise) {
[promise](const SlowValue& value) { promise.resolve(value); });

The createFuture method takes a function as its only parameter, and it immediately invokes that function in the current thread (that's why it's safe to capture everything by reference & in this case). The function receives a parameter of type Promise<T>, which is identical to the one that would be created by createPromise. Just like before, we call the library function that we're wrapping and resolve the Promise<T> when its callback is invoked.

The important difference, however, is that if computeSomethingSlowly throws an exception, createFuture will automatically catch that exception and turn it into a rejection of the Future<T>.


A Future<T> may have at most one continuation. It's not possible to arrange for two continuation functions to be called when a given Future<T> resolves. This policy makes Future<T> more efficient by minimizing bookkeeping. In the majority of cases, this is sufficient. But not always.

In those cases where we do want to be able to attach multiple continuations, we can convert a Future<T> into a SharedFuture<T> by calling the share method on it. The returned SharedFuture<T> instance works a bit like a smart pointer. It's safe to copy, and all copies are logically identical to the original. Just like Future<T>, we can call then... and catch... methods to attach continuations. The difference is that we can do this multiple times, even on a single SharedFuture<T> instance, and all attached continuations will be invoked when the future completes.

It may initially be surprising to learn that calling then... or catch... on a SharedFuture<T> returns a Future<T>, not another SharedFuture<T>. This is again for efficiency. Just because multiple continuations are needed for one point in a continuation chain does not necessarily mean later parts of the chain will also need multiple continuations. If they do, however, it's just a matter of calling share again.

Lambda Captures and Thread Safety

AsyncSystem is a powerful abstraction for writing safe and easy-to-understand multithreaded code. Even if so, AsyncSystem does not completely prevent you from creating data races. In particular, it's essential to use care and good judgment when choosing what to capture in continuation lambdas. Here are some tips:

  • DO NOT capture by reference or pointer, unless you're certain that the object referenced is thread-safe and will still be around when the continuation is invoked. This can be difficult to achieve in practice!
  • DO think in terms of transferring ownership of an object to the promise chain, and transferring ownership back out at the end. This requires use of std::move and a mutable lambda (so that the captured value is not const). It looks like this:
CesiumGltf::Model model = getModelFromSomewhere();
.runInWorkerThread([model = std::move(model)]() mutable {
return std::move(model);
.thenInMainThread([](CesiumGltf::Model&& model) {
  • DO be aware of when and in what thread lambda captures are destroyed. Continuation lambda captures are destroyed immediately after the continuation runs, in whatever thread ran the continuation. If a catch... continuation is skipped because the Future to which it's attached resolved instead of rejecting, the continuation's captures are destroyed in whatever thread did the resolving. Similarly, if a then... continuation is skipped because the Future to which it's attached rejected, the continuation's captures are destroyed in whatever thread did the rejecting.
  • DO NOT capture an IntrusivePointer to a non-thread-safe object (such as one derived from ReferenceCountedNonThreadSafe) except in a continuation that runs in the thread that owns it. For example, in the usual case that an object is owned by the "main thread", a pointer to that object should only be captured in a lambda given to runInMainThread, thenInMainThread, or catchInMainThread. Furthermore, as a corollary to the item above, ensure that these IntrusivePointer-capturing continuations cannot be skipped when the Future is either resolved or rejected, because this could result in the IntrusivePointer being destroyed in the wrong thread. Failure to follow this rule can lead to corruption of the object's reference count, leading to some difficult to debug problems. In Debug builds, assertions will help to detect this sort of problem.

AsyncSystem and ITaskProcessor Implementation

Creating an AsyncSystem

AsyncSystem is implemented using a subclass of the ITaskProcessor interface class via dependency injection. ITaskProcessor specifies a simple interface used to perform some work in a background thread. The simplest possible implementation looks like this:

class SimplestTaskProcessor : public CesiumAsync::ITaskProcessor {
void startTask(std::function<void()> f) override {

This implementation will work, but it isn't very efficient because a brand new thread is created for each task. Most applications will implement this interface using a thread pool, task graph, or similar functionality that their application already contains.

The AsyncSystem could be created as follows:


However, Cesium Native does not contain any calls like this, other than in test code. Except under unusual circumstances, applications should construct a single AsyncSystem object that is copied and is used throughout. Two AsyncSystem objects that are created with this constructor, even if they share the same ITaskProcessor, will have different work queues and different notions of the main thread and, if they are used together, disaster can result.

On the other hand, AsyncSystem instances have copy semantics, so it is easy to make them available wherever they're needed, including in lambda captures. In this example, asyncSystem is captured by value for use in the lambda.

auto someLambda = [asyncSystem]() {
return asyncSystem.createResolvedFuture(4);

You can think of an instance of AsyncSystem as a reference (perhaps a "smart reference") to an underlying implementation which includes an ITaskProcessor and all the supporting data structures for implementing futures, promises, and other AsyncSystem abstractions. When we create an AsyncSystem using its constructor, we're creating a brand new underlying implementation. If we then copy that AsyncSystem (using its copy constructor or assignment operator), we're not really copying that underlying implementation, we're just creating another reference to the same one with its ITaskProcessor object. Only when the last AsyncSystem instance referencing a particular underlying implementation is destroyed is that underlying implementation destroyed.

You can copy and destroy AsyncSystem instances at will, but you must take care that the last instance referencing a given underlying implementation is destroyed only after all of that underlying implementation's Futures are complete. So a common pattern is to create and store an AsyncSystem as a static local in an accessor function:

CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& getAsyncSystem() {
static CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem asyncSystem(
return asyncSystem;