


An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view-projection transformation matrix that transforms model coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the coordinate system for a vertex shader's gl_Position output. The projection matrix places the far plane at infinity. This is useful in algorithms like shadow volumes and GPU ray casting with proxy geometry to ensure that triangles are not clipped by the far plane.

Like all automatic uniforms, czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection does not need to be explicitly declared. However, it can be explicitly declared when a shader is also used by other applications such as a third-party authoring tool.

// GLSL declaration
uniform mat4 czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection;

// Example
vec4 gl_Position = czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection * modelPosition;

// The above is equivalent to, but more efficient than:
gl_Position = czm_infiniteProjection * czm_view * czm_model * modelPosition;