

new DynamicPositionProperty

A dynamic property which stores both Cartesian and Cartographic data and can convert and return the desired type of data for a desired time. Rather than creating instances of this object directly, it's typically created and managed via loading CZML data into a DynamicObjectCollection. Instances of this type are exposed via DynamicObject and it's sub-objects and are responsible for interpreting and interpolating the data for visualization.




Retrieves the value of the object at the supplied time as a Cartesian3.

Name Type Argument Description
time JulianDate The time for which to retrieve the value.
result Cartesian3 <optional>
The object to store the result onto, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result property, or a new instance if result was undefined.


Retrieves the value of the object at the supplied time as a Cartographic.

Name Type Argument Description
time JulianDate The time for which to retrieve the value.
result Cartographic <optional>
The object to store the result onto, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result property, or a new instance if result was undefined.


Processes the provided CZML interval or intervals into this property.

Name Type Argument Description
czmlIntervals Object The CZML data to process.
constrainedInterval TimeInterval <optional>
Constrains the processing so that any times outside of this interval are ignored.

<static> prototype.getValueRangeCartesian

Retrieves all values in the provided time range. Rather than sampling, this method returns the actual data points used in the source data, with the exception of start, stop and currentTime parameters, which will be sampled.

Name Type Argument Description
start JulianDate The first time to retrieve values for.
stop JulianDate The last time to retrieve values for .
currentTime JulianDate <optional>
If provided, causes the algorithm to always sample the provided time, assuming it is between start and stop.
result Array <optional>
The array into which to store the result.
The modified result array or a new instance if one was not provided.