

new DynamicGridMaterial

A utility class for processing CZML grid materials.


cellAlpha :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the grid cells alpha value, when combined with the color alpha.

color :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlColor which determines the grid's color.

columnCount :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the number of vertical columns.

columnThickness :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the width of each vertical line, in pixels.

rowCount :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the number of horizontal rows.

rowThickness :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the width of each horizontal line, in pixels.

<static> prototype.isMaterial

Returns true if the provided CZML interval contains grid material data.


<static> isMaterial

Returns true if the provided CZML interval contains grid material data.

Name Type Description
czmlInterval The CZML interval to check.
Boolean true if the interval contains CZML grid material data, false otherwise.

<static> prototype.getValue

Gets an Grid Material that represents this dynamic material at the provided time.

Name Type Argument Description
time JulianDate The desired time.
context Context The context in which this material exists.
existingMaterial Material <optional>
An existing material to be modified. If the material is undefined or not an Grid Material, a new instance is created.
The modified existingMaterial parameter or a new Grid Material instance if existingMaterial was undefined or not a Grid Material.

<static> prototype.processCzmlIntervals

Provided a CZML interval containing grid material data, processes the interval into a new or existing instance of this class.

Name Type Argument Description
czmlInterval Object The interval to process.
sourceUri String <optional>
The originating url of the CZML being processed.
The modified existingMaterial parameter or a new DynamicGridMaterial instance if existingMaterial was undefined or not a DynamicGridMaterial.