

new TaskProcessor

A wrapper around a web worker that allows scheduling tasks for a given worker, returning results asynchronously via a promise. The Worker is not constructed until a task is scheduled.

Name Type Argument Default Description
workerName String The name of the worker. This is expected to be a script in the Workers folder.
maximumActiveTasks Number <optional>
5 The maximum number of active tasks. Once exceeded, scheduleTask will not queue any more tasks, allowing work to be rescheduled in future frames.


<static> prototype.scheduleTask

Schedule a task to be processed by the web worker asynchronously. If there are currently more tasks active than the maximum set by the constructor, will immediately return undefined. Otherwise, returns a promise that will resolve to the result posted back by the worker when finished.

Name Type Argument Description
parameters * Any input data that will be posted to the worker.
transferableObjects Array <optional>
An array of objects contained in parameters that should be transferred to the worker instead of copied.
Promise Either a promise that will resolve to the result when available, or undefined if there are too many active tasks,
var taskProcessor = new TaskProcessor('myWorkerName');
var promise = taskProcessor.scheduleTask({
    someParameter : true,
    another : 'hello'
if (typeof promise === 'undefined') {
    // too many active tasks - try again later
} else {
    when(promise, function(result) {
        // use the result of the task