

new DynamicClock

Represents CZML document-level clock settings.


clockRange :ClockRange

Determines how the clock should behave when startTime or stopTime is reached.

clockStep :ClockStep

Determines if clock advancement is frame dependent or system clock dependent.

currentTime :JulianDate

The initial time to use when switching to this clock.

multiplier :Number

Determines how much time advances with each tick, negative values allow for advancing backwards. If clockStep is set to ClockStep.TICK_DEPENDENT this is the number of seconds to advance. If clockStep is set to ClockStep.SYSTEM_CLOCK_MULTIPLIER this value is multiplied by the elapsed system time since the last call to tick.

startTime :JulianDate

The start time of the clock to use when looping or clamped.

stopTime :JulianDate

The stop time of the clock to use when looping or clamped.


<static> mergeProperties

Given two DynamicObjects, takes the clock properties from the second and assigns them to the first.

Name Type Description
targetObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject which will have properties merged onto it.
objectToMerge DynamicObject The DynamicObject containing properties to be merged.

<static> processCzmlPacket

Processes a single CZML packet and merges its data into the provided DynamicObject's clock.

Name Type Argument Description
dynamicObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject which will contain the clock data.
packet Object The CZML packet to process.
dynamicObjectCollection DynamicObjectCollection <optional>
The collection into which objects are being loaded.
sourceUri String <optional>
The originating url of the CZML being processed.
Boolean true if any new properties were created while processing the packet, false otherwise.

<static> undefineProperties

Given a DynamicObject, undefines the clock associated with it. This method is not normally called directly, but is part of the array of CZML processing functions that is passed into the CompositeDynamicObjectCollection constructor.

Name Type Description
dynamicObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject to remove the clock from.