


Contains class functions to create a mesh or vertex array from a cartographic extent.



<static> compute

Creates a mesh from a cartographic extent.

Name Type Argument Default Description
description.extent Extent A cartographic extent with north, south, east and west properties in radians.
description.ellipsoid Ellipsoid <optional>
Ellipsoid.WGS84 The ellipsoid on which the extent lies.
description.granularity Number <optional>
0.1 The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
description.surfaceHeight Number <optional>
0.0 The height from the surface of the ellipsoid.
description.relativetoCenter Cartesian3 <optional>
Cartesian3.ZERO The positions will be computed as worldPosition.subtract(relativeToCenter).
description.generateTextureCoordinates Boolean <optional>
false Whether to generate texture coordinates.
  • DeveloperError : description.extent is required and must have north, south, east and west attributes.
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.north must be in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.south must be in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.east must be in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.west must be in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.north must be greater than extent.south.
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.east must be greater than extent.west.
  • DeveloperError : description.context is required.
Object A mesh containing attributes for positions, possibly texture coordinates and indices from the extent for creating a vertex array.
// Create a vertex array for rendering a wireframe extent.
var mesh = ExtentTessellator.compute({
    ellipsoid : Ellipsoid.WGS84,
    extent : new Extent(
    granularity : 0.01,
    surfaceHeight : 10000.0
mesh = MeshFilters.toWireframeInPlace(mesh);
var va = context.createVertexArrayFromMesh({
    mesh             : mesh,
    attributeIndices : MeshFilters.createAttributeIndices(mesh)

<static> computeBuffers

Creates arrays of vertex attributes and indices from a cartographic extent.

Name Type Argument Default Description
description.extent Extent A cartographic extent with north, south, east and west properties in radians.
description.ellipsoid Ellipsoid <optional>
Ellipsoid.WGS84 The ellipsoid on which the extent lies.
description.granularity Number <optional>
0.1 The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
description.surfaceHeight Number <optional>
0.0 The height from the surface of the ellipsoid.
description.relativetoCenter Cartesian3 <optional>
Cartesian3.ZERO The positions will be computed as worldPosition.subtract(relativeToCenter).
description.generateTextureCoordinates Boolean <optional>
false Whether to generate texture coordinates.
description.interleaveTextureCoordinates Boolean <optional>
false If texture coordinates are generated, whether to interleave the positions and texture coordinates in a single buffer.
  • DeveloperError : description.extent is required and must have north, south, east and west attributes.
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.north must be in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.south must be in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.east must be in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.west must be in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.north must be greater than extent.south. *
  • DeveloperError : description.extent.east must be greater than extent.west.
Object An object with flattened arrays for vertex attributes and indices.
// Example 1:
// Create a vertex array for a solid extent, with separate positions and texture coordinates.
var buffers = ExtentTessellator.computeBuffers({
    ellipsoid : ellipsoid,
    extent : extent,
    generateTextureCoordinates : true

var datatype = ComponentDatatype.FLOAT;
var usage = BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW;
var positionBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(datatype.toTypedArray(buffers.positions), usage);
var textureCoordinateBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(datatype.toTypedArray(buffers.textureCoordinates), usage);
attributes = [{
        index : attributeIndices.position,
        vertexBuffer : positionBuffer,
        componentDatatype : datatype,
        componentsPerAttribute : 3
    }, {
        index : attributeIndices.textureCoordinates,
        vertexBuffer : textureCoordinateBuffer,
        componentDatatype : datatype,
        componentsPerAttribute : 2
var indexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(new Uint16Array(buffers.indices), usage, IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT);
var va = context.createVertexArray(attributes, indexBuffer);
// Example 2:
// Create a vertex array for a solid extent, with interleaved positions and texture coordinates.
var buffers = ExtentTessellator.computeBuffers({
    ellipsoid : ellipsoid,
    extent : extent,
    generateTextureCoordinates : true,
    interleaveTextureCoordinates : true

var datatype = ComponentDatatype.FLOAT;
var usage = BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW;
var typedArray = datatype.toTypedArray(buffers.vertices);
var buffer = context.createVertexBuffer(typedArray, usage);
var stride = 5 * datatype.sizeInBytes;
var attributes = [{
        index : attributeIndices.position3D,
        vertexBuffer : buffer,
        componentDatatype : datatype,
        componentsPerAttribute : 3,
        normalize : false,
        offsetInBytes : 0,
        strideInBytes : stride
    }, {
        index : attributeIndices.textureCoordinates,
        vertexBuffer : buffer,
        componentDatatype : datatype,
        componentsPerAttribute : 2,
        normalize : false,
        offsetInBytes : 3 * datatype.sizeInBytes,
        strideInBytes : stride
var indexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(new Uint16Array(buffers.indices), usage, IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT);
var vacontext.createVertexArray(attributes, indexBuffer);

<static> computeVertices

Compute vertices from a cartographic extent. This function is different from ExtentTessellator#compute and ExtentTessellator#computeBuffers in that it assumes that you have already allocated output arrays of the correct size.

Name Type Argument Description
description.extent Extent A cartographic extent with north, south, east and west properties in radians.
description.width Number The number of vertices in the longitude direction.
description.height Number The number of vertices in the latitude direction.
description.granularityX Number The distance, in radians, between each longitude.
description.granularityY Number The distance, in radians, between each latitude.
description.surfaceHeight Number The height from the surface of the ellipsoid.
description.generateTextureCoordinates Boolean Whether to generate texture coordinates.
description.interleaveTextureCoordinates Boolean Whether to interleave the texture coordinates into the vertex array.
description.relativetoCenter Cartesian3 The positions will be computed as worldPosition.subtract(relativeToCenter).
description.radiiSquared Cartesian3 The radii squared of the ellipsoid to use.
description.vertices Array | Float32Array The array to use to store computed vertices.
description.textureCoordinates Array | Float32Array The array to use to store computed texture coordinates, unless interleaved.
description.indices Array | Float32Array <optional>
The array to use to store computed indices. If undefined, indices will be not computed.