

new DynamicLabel

Represents a time-dynamic label, typically used in conjunction with DynamicLabelVisualizer and DynamicObjectCollection to visualize CZML.



eyeOffset :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlCartesian3 which determines the label's eye offset.

fillColor :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlColor which determines the label's fill color.

font :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlString which determines the label's font.

horizontalOrigin :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlHorizontalOrigin which determines the label's horizontal origin.

outlineColor :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlColor which determines the label's outline color.

outlineWidth :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the label's outline width.

pixelOffset :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlCartesian2 which determines the label's pixel offset.

scale :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlNumber which determines the label's scale.

show :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlBoolean which determines the label's visibility.

style :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlLabelStyle which determines the label's style.

text :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlString which determines the label's text.

verticalOrigin :DynamicProperty

A DynamicProperty of type CzmlVerticalOrigin which determines the label's vertical origin.


<static> mergeProperties

Given two DynamicObjects, takes the label properties from the second and assigns them to the first, assuming such a property did not already exist. This method is not normally called directly, but is part of the array of CZML processing functions that is passed into the CompositeDynamicObjectCollection constructor.

Name Type Description
targetObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject which will have properties merged onto it.
objectToMerge DynamicObject The DynamicObject containing properties to be merged.

<static> processCzmlPacket

Processes a single CZML packet and merges its data into the provided DynamicObject's label. If the DynamicObject does not have a label, one is created. This method is not normally called directly, but is part of the array of CZML processing functions that is passed into the DynamicObjectCollection constructor.

Name Type Description
dynamicObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject which will contain the label data.
packet Object The CZML packet to process.
Boolean true if any new properties were created while processing the packet, false otherwise.

<static> undefineProperties

Given a DynamicObject, undefines the label associated with it. This method is not normally called directly, but is part of the array of CZML processing functions that is passed into the CompositeDynamicObjectCollection constructor.

Name Type Description
dynamicObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject to remove the label from.