

new SceneModePickerViewModel

The ViewModel for SceneModePicker.

Name Type Description
transitioner SceneTransitioner The SceneTransitioner instance to use.
DeveloperError : transitioner is required.


Gets or sets whether the button dropDown is currently visible.

morphTo2D :Command

Gets the command to morph to 2D.

morphTo3D :Command

Gets the command to morph to 3D.

morphToColumbusView :Command

Gets the command to morph to Columbus View.

sceneMode :Observable

Gets the current SceneMode

selectedTooltip :Observable

Gets a readonly observable for the currently selected mode's tooltip.

toggleDropDown :Command

Gets the command to toggle dropDown visibility.

tooltip2D :Observable

Gets a writable observable for the 2D tooltip.

tooltip3D :Observable

Gets a writable observable for the 3D tooltip.

tooltipColumbusView :Observable

Gets a writable observable for the Columbus View tooltip.

transitioner :Observable

Gets the SceneTransitioner being used.